Thrush has been a concern for many women for a long time. They begin to deny themselves intimate relationships, change their usual way of life. Today, there are a huge number of drugs that help to cope with a similar problem. However, entangled in all these drugs, the woman does not understand which is the best remedy for thrush.

What causes this disease?
Thrush can appear due to changes in hormonal levels, stress, malnutrition and other reasons. In order to get rid of it, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the factors that provoked it. A visit to the gynecologist will help to accurately establish the diagnosis and get recommendations on how to cure thrush. Today, there are many drugs that effectively and, most importantly, quickly fight this disease. You should not resort to intimacy during treatment, it is better not to take oral contraceptives.
The means at hand are used
First, you need to restore the acidity of the environment. For a long time, women have been using baking soda for these purposes. It is dissolved in water and douched. A swab dipped in kefir will help normalize the balance. Decoctions of herbs will perfectly relieve inflammation. In order to relieve irritation of the mucous membrane, you need to insert a gauze swab lubricated with honey into the vagina.

Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties. You just need to drop a couple of drops into the purified vegetable oil. Such douching should be done every evening, and washed with herbal solution in the morning. It is difficult to say which is the best remedy for thrush. Most importantly, follow the basic rules of hygiene. Wash only with water or baby soap. Avoid intimate hygiene products. And do not forget to properly organize your daily routine.
Cream for thrush for women
Creams and ointments are the most effective against thrush. This form of drugs acts locally and very quickly relieves the main symptoms. Let's name the most common of them: the drugs "Fluconazole", "Pimafucin", "Livarol", "Nystatin", "Clotrimazole". But once again it is worth adding that only a doctor can tell which is the best remedy for thrush for you.
Advantages and disadvantages of medicines

Often, creams for thrush disrupt the synthesis of substances. As a result, Candida fungi die or their vital activity is suspended. Often a vaginal cream is used with antifungal drugs. But if illnessrecurs, then you should not use it, as it can resume. Typically, these drugs are injected deep inside and perform this procedure once a day for 14 days. It is better to start treatment before menstruation, and then continue immediately after them.
Consequences of treatment
Usually this therapy is well tolerated. Very rarely there is swelling of the mucosa. However, these drugs should not be used during pregnancy. There are special medicines that are acceptable during this period. These include the preparations "Kanesten", "Monistat". But only a doctor can say which is the best remedy for thrush while carrying a baby. Therefore, first go to a gynecologist who will provide you with qualified assistance.