Sadomy is the kind of depravity that both the law and the church forbid. Let's take a closer look at what it is.

Sadomy is it?
Since ancient times, this word has denoted any illegal and perverted sexual relationship. In scientific terminology, sadomia is the perversion and distortion of a person's sexual desires. This term includes such things as homosexual intercourse, oral and anal sex, bestiality, masturbation, paraphilia, promiscuity, incest and other perverted forms. That is, everything that is an unnatural form of relationship.
A bit of religion and history
In the Bible, the act of sadomia is exactly what caused God's wrath on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. So says the church in order to save people from carnal sins. But such acts were natural even in ancient times. For example, homosexuality in ancient Greece was not only allowed, but was considered one of the most popular types of entertainment. Philosophers and artists at an older age had a whole "collection" of young boys who pleased them.

In the 6th-11th centuries, the word "sodomy" meant not only perverted, but also extramarital sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. Only since 1215, after the Catholic trial called "Inquisition" over members of the Templar order, it was determined that "sadomy is sodomy, as well as any other sexual relationship that cannot give offspring." The Church strictly forbids any sexual intercourse of this kind, declaring it one of the most terrible carnal sins. Such judgments are periodically found in the Book of Books. But is this prohibition so important if this connection brings pleasure to both partners? The legislation of some countries of the world has already allowed same-sex marriage, despite the fact that the church actively opposes it. So what is sodomy - a sin or just one way to love and be loved?
Modern meaning

Today, sadomia is a term for sexual anal intercourse (homosexuality) and bestiality (sex with animals). But the meaning of this word differs in different countries. So, the German dictionary "Duden" explains this word as the sexual relationship of people with animals, that is, bestiality. In the US, this term refers to oral and anal sexual intercourse, both heterosexual and homosexual.
As for medicine, mainly psychology, sadomia is a serious psychological disease, which doctors around the world are working to treat. Scientists argue that such a disease cannot be congenital. Its manifestation is evidence of mental trauma at an early age. As a rule, such injuries are externalcharacter, which in turn leads to mental disorders. In this case, recovery is almost impossible. It is also possible that a person is simply disappointed in individuals of the opposite sex and is looking for "salvation". In this case, the person is being treated for depression, not for distorted sexual activity.