21 Clinical Hospital (Ufa) is a multidisciplinary medical institution that annually provides highly qualified assistance to more than 40 thousand patients, which performs more than 18 thousand operations a year and has the ability to simultaneously admit 1075 people in the hospital. The structure of the hospital includes 21 clinical, 12 paraclinical departments and a polyclinic, whose doctors see about 1,000 people per shift. City Hospital 21 (Ufa) is one of the largest medical institutions in the city.

The medical institution provides both emergency and planned assistance to the population: in the first option - around the clock, in the second - as soon as an appointment is made. What is the schedule for admitting patients in an institution like 21 hospitals (Ufa)? The reception, which is located on the ground floor, has all the necessary information about specialists and opening hours, and it is here that the appointment is made. You can make an appointment for a scheduled appointment daily from 8:00 to 15:40, except for holidays and weekends. The polyclinic accepts from 8:00 to 22:00, and the emergency room andreception - around the clock.

21 hospital, Ufa: departments
In its structure, the medical institution has three services, a polyclinic, a head trauma center and a regional vascular center. Each division is a separate narrow-profile structural unit with staff and equipment:
- The structure of the surgical service of 21 hospitals includes 10 specialized departments and operating rooms.
- The therapeutic service has 9 treatment departments, 2 anesthesia and intensive care departments, intensive care and intensive care department, nursing care department.
- The paraclinical service includes 12 departments and laboratories.
- The polyclinic accepts the population in 9 departments in 7 specializations.
- Regional Vascular Center.
- Head Trauma Center Level 1.
The Department of Neurosurgery has a capacity of 80 beds, is provided with equipment and medical material, and the staff is dominated by neurosurgeons of the highest category. Every day, planned and emergency care is provided to patients with diseases and injuries of the peripheral and central nervous system, minimally invasive operations are performed for trigeminal neuralgia and spinal pathologies. The department works under the leadership of Academician Afanasyev V. V.

Ufa, 21 hospital: gynecological department
Thanks to highly qualified staff, the women's departmentis one of the best and provides all types of medical care to more than four thousand women in the city and the Republic of Bashkortostan annually. The department treats women with inflammatory processes, complications associated with the pathology of pregnancy, oncology and with a diagnosis of infertility. In addition, surgical treatment of the appendages and uterus is carried out by laparoscopic or laparotomic operations.
Maxillofacial Surgery
Every year, the department treats more than 1,500 patients referred here from district medical institutions, as well as those delivered by ambulance teams on an emergency basis. Doctors perform daily operations to eliminate various types of pathologies of the maxillofacial region, remove benign neoplasms, and treat purulent-inflammatory diseases.

Purulent surgery
The department specializes in traditional and invasive operations on the abdominal organs, mammary glands, endocrine organs in patients with purulent processes of different localization. More than 30% of patients admitted for treatment suffer from diabetes mellitus. The department's doctors perform unique surgeries for diabetic foot syndrome while maintaining the supporting function of the limb.
Vascular plastic surgery
Emergency surgery is performed here for acute thrombosis and thrombophlebitis of veins and arteries, for hand injuries with circulatory disorders, for traumatic amputation of limbs. The department also carries outelective aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries.
Doctors of the department specialize in the treatment of diseases of the perineum, rectum and colon. Operations are carried out in an emergency and planned manner using modern equipment and sparing methods. Treatment of hemorrhoids, pararectal fistulas, anal fissures, benign and malignant colon formations, inflammatory processes - all this is possible in Ufa. 21 hospitals use modern methods of treatment and surgery, such as radiosurgical and ultrasonic scalpels, transanal microsurgery, laparoscopy, endoscopic techniques.
Otorhinolaryngology Department

Since 2003, the department has been providing treatment services, both planned and emergency, to patients with ENT pathologies. Every year more than 2,000 patients are treated here, and at least 3,000 surgeries are performed. Doctors practice exclusively sparing methods of treating pathologies of the ear and nose. Recently, endoscopic endonasal rhinosurgery has been used.
Trauma-Orthopedic Department
Modern methods of treatment, introduced in the department in 2001, make it possible to perform rather complex operations for fractures of limbs:
- rod osteosynthesis for fractures of tubular and pelvic bones;
- DBA and UHF for trochanteric fractures.
The use of transpedicular fixators is practiced in the treatment of fractures of the lumbar vertebrae.
Urology Department
The male population (Ufa) uses qualified urological care of the department. 21 hospitals are able to perform about 500 surgeries a year, most of which fall into the category of reconstructive-plastic and complex ones. Doctors successfully use minimally invasive and endourological techniques, microsurgical techniques and transurethral resection.
Allergy Department
At the same time, the department can accept 40 people in the hospital (that's how many beds there are). During the year, 1000 or more patients undergo medical treatment and nebulizer therapy here for bronchial asthma, urticaria, seasonal exacerbations of rhinitis, angioedema and other allergic reactions. Allergologists-immunologists and nurses of the highest category work on the staff of the department.
Gastroenterology Department
The department has been providing qualified medical care since 1982. City Hospital 21 (Ufa) accepts patients for consultation with complaints such as nausea, vomiting, heartburn, frequent belching, constipation, diarrhea, increased or decreased appetite. The doctors of the department determine the causes of such deviations using various diagnostic methods (ultrasound, X-ray, endoscopy, ERCP) and prescribe treatment with the help of medications and physiotherapy procedures. The department has 60 beds for a 24-hour stay in the hospital and 4 for a day hospital.

Paraclinic Service
With line-upparaclinic service has 11 departments:
- Reception and diagnostic department.
- Baklaboratory.
- Chemical-toxicological laboratory.
- Department of Radiology.
- Clinical and diagnostic laboratory for outpatient care.
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Unit: The unit provides oxygen treatment.
- The outpatient hemodialysis unit is designed to provide simultaneous renal replacement therapy to 8 patients.
- The blood transfusion department provides material for the department of the City Clinical Hospital 21.
- Department of Ultrasound and Functional Diagnostics.
- Department of Physiotherapy.
- Endoscopic department.
GBC Polyclinic No. 21
Since 1982, a polyclinic has appeared in the structure of City Clinical Hospital 21. Today it is considered one of the largest multidisciplinary medical institutions among similar ones. It consists of narrow-profile departments (cardiology, neurology, ophthalmology, endocrinology, otolaryngology, trauma-orthopedic), as well as two therapeutic departments, preventive and physiotherapeutic. In the surgical department, you can get advice and treatment from an oncologist, urologist, coloproctologist and surgeon. Women's consultation 21 hospitals (Ufa) is engaged in the management of pregnancy: women are provided with appointments and consultations with an obstetrician-gynecologist and other specialists, issuing an exchange card, instrumental and laboratory examinations.

Regional vascularcenter
RCC No. 2 (Ufa, hospital 21) provides emergency round-the-clock care to patients with cerebral stroke and acute coronary syndrome. Patients with unstable angina pectoris, myocardial infarction come here. Doctors of the center use in practice endovascular methods of treatment, systemic and selective thrombolysis, perform neurosurgical operations and reconstructive interventions. The structure of the center includes seven departments:
- Receiving and diagnostic.
- Department of X-ray Surgery Treatment and Diagnostics.
- Cardiology (60 regular beds and 12 cardio intensive care).
- Neurological (60 regular beds and 12 neuro intensive care).
- Neurosurgical.
- Vascular Therapy Department.
- Intensive Care Unit.
Also, the RSC has a consultative polyclinic where an angiosurgeon, a neurosurgeon, a neurologist, a cardiologist, departments of radiation and functional diagnostics, an organizational and methodological department and operating units receive appointments.
Head Trauma Center
Trauma Center GKB 21 belongs to the first level medical facilities. Its main activity focuses on providing a full range of medical services to victims of road accidents. Patients with isolated and multiple injuries are delivered to the trauma center, which are accompanied by a state of shock and other physical and psychological complications. The structural composition of the center includes the following diagnostic departments:
- blood transfusion unit;
- ultrasound department;
- officetomography and X-ray;
- endoscopy department;
- clinical diagnostic laboratory.
Narrow profile medical departments:
- surgical;
- Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care;
- trauma department;
- neurosurgical department.
Coordinates of the medical institution
How to get there:
Buses on the route 57, 57k, 257 and 258, stop "21 hospital"
Address: Ufa, Lesnoy passage, 3.
Inquiry: 8 (347) 232-32-88.