What drug to increase potency: review and rating of the most effective

What drug to increase potency: review and rating of the most effective
What drug to increase potency: review and rating of the most effective

In the life of spouses or relationships of young people, sexual disorders always bring an imbalance. Increasing male potency is a task that can be completely and quickly solved today. You just need to take the drugs that the andrologist will prescribe after a consultation, and normal sex life will resume. In world statistics, 140 million men have potency disorders.

What is potency

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increase in male potency

Potency - the physiological ability of the penis to be excited (erection) and kept in this state for some time, which is necessary for sexual intercourse. The result is ejaculation.

Impotence is the exact opposite. The medical name is erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence.

The erection process is a neurohumoral reaction, quite complex in stages:

  1. In the structures of the brain of a man, a nerve impulse first appears.
  2. The blood releases hormones thatstimulate a sharp blood supply to the penis, causing it to erect.
  3. The duration of an erection is individual, it depends on age, general background of he alth, emotions.

ED can develop at any link in the neurohumoral chain. The description is detailed in order to understand the principle of action of remedies for sexual weakness.

Reasons for potency reduction

rating of funds for potency
rating of funds for potency

Potency depends on many reasons. They can be combined into several groups:

  • organic;
  • psychogenic;
  • vascular;
  • physical or somatic;
  • neurogenic.

Its reduction is possible at:

  • lack of permanent sexual partner;
  • prolonged abstinence from sex;
  • when sedentary work;
  • obese;
  • alcoholism;
  • vascular problems;
  • hormonal failures;
  • family crisis;
  • lack of sleep and stress.

Somatic factors:

  • back or lower back injury;
  • candidiasis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • STI;
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis and prostate adenoma;
  • urethritis;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • kidney stones.

Classification of ED

The following types of ED are distinguished:

  1. Organic - with it, the conduction of a nerve impulse is disrupted. Sexual desire is present, but it cannot be realized.
  2. Psychogenic - no nerve impulse and no libido.
  3. Mixed (most common) - organic and psychogenicmechanisms are interconnected.

The situation is often complicated by the fact that a man with such complaints does not go to the doctor until the last. Meanwhile, early treatment is more effective.

When to See a Doctor

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what drug to increase potency

The reason may be:

  • no erection at all;
  • her insufficiency - no proper penis response;
  • sexual intercourse is shortened in time and ejaculation does not always occur;
  • early ejaculation.

If even one symptom is present for a long time, it's time to go to the doctor.

Separation of drugs by method of application

Pharmacological remedies for impotence can be of several forms:

  • oral;
  • ointments, creams, gels;
  • ampoules for injections;
  • suppositories (candles);
  • solutions (drops);
  • aerosols (sprays).

Injections act, of course, quickly, but not for long, and they must be injected directly into the penis. It's not always pleasant.

Urethral drugs should be injected into the urethra. This reduces the effectiveness by half, and the action lasts only 1 hour. Other local remedies have the same drawbacks. The most convenient form is oral.

It should be noted that even the safest drug must be prescribed by a doctor. Why? It may not be shown to you, it may mask other alarming symptoms and cause the progression of existing pathologies.

Divisions of drugs for impotence

There are two types of drugs:synthetic and natural. What drug to increase potency? All funds are grouped into several groups:

  1. Adrenergic blockers - the effect is fast and powerful, but there are many contraindications.
  2. Homeopathic - contains natural animal and vegetable ingredients.
  3. Dietary supplements are natural, but not always effective.
  4. Androgens.
  5. Indirect remedies: antispasmodics, drugs to improve microcirculation, immunostimulants, vitamins.

Most commonly used:

  • phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors;
  • nitric oxide synthase activators;
  • alpha-blockers;
  • prostaglandin analogs;
  • androgens;
  • myotropic antispasmodics;
  • adaptogens;
  • vitamins;
  • Dietary supplements.


What drug to increase potency? Phosphodiesterase (PDE) - the action of this group is based on the fact that they increase the blood supply to the penis. The group is incompatible with fatty foods and alcohol. The basis of the active ingredients is sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil, udenafil.

PDE-5 inhibitors provide an erection and readiness for sex for several hours, but an erection appears only with sexual arousal, after an orgasm the penis relaxes.

Inhibitors do not address the root cause of ED. They are contraindicated in hypertension, diabetes, CVD, as well as within six months after stroke and myocardial infarction. They are also incompatible with each other or with other potentiators.

NO-synthase activators

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What drug to increase potency, except for PDE-5? Oxide activators show less adverse reactions, do not affect blood pressure and heart disease. Their mechanism of action is that they increase the production of oxide by the vascular endothelium. Due to this, the muscles of the vessels relax, and the blood flow to the penis increases, it becomes erect. Among them are "L-arginine", "Citrulline", etc.

Other remedies

Alpha-blockers dilate blood vessels by reducing spasms, resulting in an erection of the penis. The most famous among them is Yohimbine.

Testosterone preparations can be prescribed for testosterone deficiency after testing, and only under the supervision of a doctor.

Dietary supplements - herbal natural remedies. The list is huge.

E-synthase prostaglandins are inconvenient because they come in injections and must be injected into the penis itself.

Homeopathic remedies are quite safe, but require long-term use.

Popular drugs FED-5

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The most popular drugs FED-5:

  1. "Viagra". France has been producing since 1998. These are the most famous tablets. The active substance is sildenafil. The erection comes quickly, lasts a long time, and the orgasm is brighter. It is taken 1 time per day, 1 tablet an hour before sex, on an empty stomach. The action starts within half an hour and lasts up to 5 hours. It does not affect the quality of sperm. Contraindications: pathologies of the liver and kidneys, hypertension, with anatomical deformities of the penis, stomach ulcers, age up to 18 years. Generics:Suhagra, Maxigra, Lavex, Shivagra.
  2. "Cialis" even surpasses "Viagra" in popularity. The active substance is tadalafil. Tablets treat ED regardless of the stage of the disease, for example, with prostatitis, adenoma. The action begins in half an hour and lasts 8 hours, and in general - 36 hours. Single daily intake. "Cialis" is not combined with nitrates and alpha-blockers. Analogues: "Tadasoft", "Sealex", "Tadaforce", "Tadasip",
  3. "Levitra" gently affects the potency and does not give side effects in case of heart pathologies, which compares favorably with other inhibitors. The active substance is vardenafil. The time of sexual intercourse increases by 30%. It does not depend on food intake. Not compatible with nitrates, nitric oxide activators and antivirals. Can be combined with fatty foods and alcohol. Starts within an hour and lasts 36 hours. Creates the illusion of spontaneous physical contact. The dose is adjusted according to the patient's condition by the doctor. Analogues: "Savitra", "Vardenafil", "Vilitra".
  4. "Zidena" has the active substance udenafil, acts after 60 minutes during the day. Single dose - 100 mg. Not indicated for older people over 70 and minors. Incompatible with nitrates, non-addictive.

SSRI Representatives

"Dapoxetine" is intended for lovers of prolonged sex. Increases the duration of sexual intercourse by 4 times. Has no analogues.

Reviewsthey say that half the dose is enough for the effect. It is strictly contraindicated in cardiac and hepatic pathologies. Caution is required in diabetes, simultaneous use with alcohol, antibiotics. Very rarely may cause slight dizziness and headaches.

NO-synthase activator mechanism

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drugs in a pharmacy to increase potency

What drug to increase potency from the NO-synthase group? NO activators are classified as homeopathic remedies, they not only treat impotence, but also relieve general weakness, increase physical activity and libido.

Impaz tablets contain natural purified antibodies, do not require drinking, dissolve in the mouth. Do not depend on the type of food and alcohol. Compatible with cardiac drugs. May be used to prevent ED.

"Impaz" is applicable to the elderly too. To achieve an erection, 1 tablet is sucked a couple of hours before sex and 1 more tablet an hour before it.

The drug is taken occasionally. With male menopause, the course of treatment is 12 weeks, they take the medicine h / day in the evening. The effect lasts up to 6 months. Tablets stimulate the production of testosterone. No side effects.

Dietary supplements - are considered harmless because they do not give side effects. There are constant debates about them. Some consider them empty, the instructions are much exaggerated about the effectiveness.

Dietary supplements are not researched, but only tested. They do not help everyone, they require a long reception. Many even after long receptions do not notice improvement. Othernotice changes for the worse in body systems.

It is believed that dietary supplements improve spermatogenesis, helping to produce full-fledged sperm. The minimum course is 3 weeks.

Representatives of popular dietary supplements:

  • "Vimax";
  • "Biomanix";
  • "Laveron";
  • "Tongkat Ali";
  • "Alycaps".

Best Chinese Dietary Supplements:

  • "Emperor's Power";
  • "Red Root";
  • "Golden Skate";
  • "Gift of the Himalayas";
  • "Chongcao";
  • "Huijun Dan".

Domestic and other foreign dietary supplements:

  • "Vitegra";
  • "Wuka Wuka";
  • "Peruvian Maca";
  • "Boss Royal".

The safest drugs

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fast acting potency remedies

So, the following remedies have no side effects:

  1. "Burning Mukuna" begins to act from the first day of admission. Normalizes blood circulation in the pelvis and penis. It liberates a man, gives him confidence and increases endurance. Contains L-arginine, which stimulates testosterone levels. There are no contraindications and side effects.
  2. "Male strength" - consists of plant aphrodisiacs. Contains ginseng. Makes intimacy bright, awakens libido. Suitable for all ages. The active ingredient is ginger root. Not addictive.
  3. "Vimax" isdietary supplement. Recommended for ED, age-related decrease in libido, and low sperm count. The second active substance is gingkobiloba, which stabilizes blood circulation in the groin. Take with food.
  4. EroForce is effective for ED (helps to reduce the sensitivity of the head), hormonal disorders, early ejaculation. Contains ginseng and dwarf palm fruit extract. It is used to treat prostatitis, increases the production of testosterone and sperm. The course of treatment is a month. It is not addictive, does not have the usual cons.
  5. "Vuka-Vuka" - dietary supplement, helps to balance testosterone. Used to increase potency and libido, prevents premature ejaculation. Contains an extract of several medicinal African plants, restores the functioning of the reproductive system. To get stimulating changes, drink 5 tablets at once 2 hours before sexual intercourse.
  6. "Lovelace" - helps with advanced impotence to enhance libido. Works with the problems of MPS in general, treats prostatitis, providing an anti-inflammatory effect. Tones blood vessels, relieves fatigue. Contains Chinese Cordyceps and Magnesium. Not indicated for cardiac pathologies.
  7. "Magic Staff forte" prolongs sexual intercourse several times, acts comprehensively on the MPS and the whole body. Contains sika deer antler extract.
  8. "Erectogenon" - increases libido, erection, reduces the rate of fire. Strengthens the MPS, immunity, calms the central nervous system. Consists of ginseng, selenium and vitamins. The treatment is effective, the symptoms of the pathology do not return. A course of treatment -month. No contraindications.
  9. Yarsagumba Forte improves pelvic blood flow, restores hormonal imbalance. Contains the stimulating substance yarsagumba. Acts gently and without addiction. The course of treatment is a month.
  10. "Testogenon" - tablets that stimulate the production of testosterone, strengthen erection and libido. They help with problems with MPS, with inflammation, stress. The product contains L-arginine and vitamins, the course of admission is a month. There are no contraindications and addiction.
  11. VivaSex is a domestic dietary supplement. Prolongs sexual intercourse and increases potency, libido and endurance. The composition includes the goji berry (common wolfberry), which has long been considered the "berry of love." Contains amino acids, flavonoids and trace elements. It is taken half an hour before sex, the effect lasts for a day. No contraindications.
  12. "Golden Skate" - pills that give endurance during intercourse. Strengthen libido, body tone and immunity. Reception is carried out 2 hours before the start of sex. Relieve depression and fear of sexual intercourse. The product contains ginseng, has no contraindications. The course of treatment is a month.
  13. El macho is a drug that has the same indications. Normalizes metabolism, stimulates the synthesis of testosterone, normalizes sexual intercourse. Contains marine fish extract, northern moss, zinc and vitamins. Strengthens erection and increases libido. Dose - only 5 drops per day. Take up to 2 weeks.

Resources for the elderly

Age-related causes of impotence in men are physiology. There is a hormonal restructuring of the whole organism. Especially thisaffects the heart and blood vessels. The best remedy for impotence in the elderly are Impaza tablets. They are cost effective and work effectively. The tool can be used in the presence of even chronic diseases.

Other drugs are best selected taking into account contraindications. Impotence pills are applicable only in the presence of libido. It is better to choose medicines together with a doctor who will take into account all age-related changes in a particular patient.

Means that quickly increase potency

Fast-acting potency products are usually of synthetic origin. What does it give? Synthetic potent ingredients, such as sildenafil, have a quick effect. It appears within half an hour and lasts from 4 hours to 4 days. There is no effect on the composition of sperm. The funds have quality certificates and documents with evidence of safety. Efficacy has been clinically proven. Perhaps a single application to achieve the effect. These funds are used for advanced impotence.

But there are 2 minuses: a lot of contraindications and side effects. For example, these drugs are not indicated for the elderly, with diseases of the heart and liver. Side effects: tachycardia, dizziness, blurred vision, myocardial infarction and strokes.

The fastest means for potency:

  • "Levitra";
  • "Cialis";
  • "Viagra";
  • "Zidena";
  • generics: "Dynamiko", "Maxigra", "Sildenafil", "Jevitra" and others.

But keep in mind thatthese potency-enhancing drugs work only with additional natural stimulation, such as an erotic movie or pictures, a naked partner.

List of top 10 remedies to improve male potency

The list of the best drugs to increase potency is presented by the strength of power growth, the properties of the drugs are analyzed above:

  1. Vizarasin (sildenafil) is a powerful selective PDE-5 inhibitor.
  2. "Impaza".
  3. "AliCaps" - dietary supplement.
  4. "VukaVuka" - dietary supplement. This tool does not accelerate the processes of stimulation, it simply normalizes them. Absolutely harmless and non-addictive.
  5. Sildenafil is harmless at low doses.
  6. "Levitra" is a representative of PDE-5. The biggest plus of Levitra is the minimal side effects. Can be taken with CVD, DM, lasts 4-6 hours. Does not break reproduction, does not give addiction.
  7. "Tankat" for potency: the instruction says that this remedy is a dietary supplement, it restores erection and improves reproductive abilities. The drug is natural, produced in Malaysia. Increases testosterone production by almost 5 times, increases libido, normalizes blood circulation in the pelvis. Begins to act 1-2 hours after ingestion, the effect lasts a week.
  8. "Viagra" is the most popular remedy for impotence on the market. Initially, the drug was created to treat heart disease, and the subsequent erection after taking it was considered a side effect. The active ingredient in Viagra is sildenafil.increases blood flow in the vessels, relaxing the muscles of the small pelvis, due to which they, together with the cavernous body of the penis, are rapidly filled with blood.
  9. "Yohimbine" is the most effective dietary supplement. It helps with stress and fatigue, makes an erection harder. The active substance is an extract of the bark of the yohimbe tree, which has a tonic and tonic effect on the genital area. Contains ginseng and zinc, which stimulate the gonads. The supplement also increases a man's vitality and prolongs sexual activity; improves sleep and burns fat. For treatment, a course is required, the drug is not a one-time. When prescribing, its contraindications should be taken into account.
  10. "Cialis" is an analogue of "Viagra" based on tadalafil. Acts quickly, effectively, easy to use, non-addictive and safe. Issued without a prescription. Cons - can increase blood pressure and cause anxiety.

Inexpensive pills for potency: which ones to choose?

Yohimbe, Lovelace, Formula Man. Their properties were described above.

Other inexpensive pills for male potency: Tadalafil, Dynamico, Zidena, Levitra, Avanafil, Laveron, Impaza, Sildenafil. They have a period of action of about 36 hours, theyincrease the blood supply to the cavernous body, and most of them belong to the PDE-5 group.

Top 5 most effective drugs for potency

The top 5 most popular drugs are included in the rating of male potency drugs. All participants in the sexual hit parade have their own restrictions on use and side effects, medications are prescribed by a doctor:

  1. "Vizarsin" and "Impaz".
  2. "Sildenafil".
  3. "Levitra".
  4. "Viagra".
  5. "Cialis".

The best dietary supplements for male potency

The most effective dietary supplements include:

  1. "Red Root".
  2. "Alycaps" - contains an extract from tribulus creeping. In China and India, it has been used for sexual decline for a very long time. Bodybuilders use this remedy to restore testosterone levels.
  3. "WukaVuka".
  4. "Tongkat ali platinum".
  5. "Yohimbine".

Can drugs be addictive? Some can and so much that nothing happens in bed without them.


You can throw a lot of money down the drain on drugs in a pharmacy to increase potency, but not get a result. In these cases, many men lose confidence in the ability to normalize their sex life and again do not go to the doctor.

By the way, when the problem is inconsistent, do not immediately grab the pills. Try some strong aphrodisiacs for men first, if they don't help, think about medicines.

And one more thing: in addition to fundsfor potency, make your lifestyle he althy: be active, treat chronic diseases, normalize emotions, eat a balanced diet. That is, make the approach complex.

Anonymous customer reviews

"Viagra" is considered by some to be just a popular brand. The drug was the first on the market, but it is not the best.

Viagra is ranked last in the PDE-5 list. Its biggest disadvantage is considered to be a lot of side effects in the form of nausea, redness of the face, dizziness and pressure rises. Then, according to the strength of action, they call Levitra, Sildenafil, Cialis.

Many men praise dietary supplements very much. They are preferred for safety, lack of side effects and contraindications.

Reviews about the potency drug Recharge say that this is another miracle pill. It is disturbing that it is recommended to everyone. This doesn't happen. The fraud is also indicated by the fact that the entire standard set is available, starting with a super discount and 3 packs for free, ending with the absence of any contact phones and documents at all.