Gorin Sergey Anatolyevich - a living classic of Russian NLP

Gorin Sergey Anatolyevich - a living classic of Russian NLP
Gorin Sergey Anatolyevich - a living classic of Russian NLP

The name of a psychiatrist, writer, psychotherapist and political strategist, who in practice, along with the methods of suggestion and hypnosis, uses Ericksonian hypnosis, is known in Russia and abroad.

Sergey Gorin created the project of the Russian Model of Ericksonian Hypnosis (RMEG), which combines not only techniques and techniques of hypnotic influence, but also therapy, phonosemantics, and neurolinguistic programming.

gorin sergey
gorin sergey

He is known as the author of a dozen books on psychology and political technologies, is a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia.


Sergei Anatolyevich was born on October 10, 1958 in Kansk, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In 1981, he entered the medical institute of Krasnoyarsk with a specialization in psychoneurology. After graduating from the institute, he worked for 12 years as a psychiatrist, neuropathologist and psychotherapist, where he actively applied hypnosis methods. However, the thirst for new knowledge and great energy led the psychiatrist in 1991to Alexey Sitnikov's seminars. After training, Gorin Sergey received a certificate in Ericksonian hypnosis, but continued to attend various seminars.

sergey gorin
sergey gorin

In 1995, S. Gorin began teaching, giving special courses at the School of Hypnosis in Moscow. At the Pedagogical University of Tomsk and at the Krasnoyarsk State University, he conducted seminars and master classes on psychotherapy and practical psychology. Sergei Anatolyevich developed an original program used by the Institute of Group and Family Psychotherapy in Moscow.

Today Sergey Gorin lives in Noginsk in the Moscow region, where he writes books and conducts NLP trainings.

Development of Ericksonian hypnosis

For the treatment of nervous and internal diseases in the practice of hypnosuggestive therapy, the main methods are used - hypnosis and suggestion, which affect the patient's psyche.

Ericksonian hypnosis differs from conventional hypnosis in its non-directive approach: the use of effective means of suggestion without hypnotic rituals and special settings, using only communication tools.

sergey gorin hypnosis
sergey gorin hypnosis

The term "Ericksonian hypnosis" first appeared thanks to psychiatrists Grinder and Bandler, who, based on the work of Milton Erickson, described the work of a psychiatrist step by step.

Gorin Sergey became interested in this method and since 1991 he began to actively study it at the seminars of leading foreign and domestic specialists in EG (A. P. Sitnikova, N. M. Belenko, M. Erickson, R. Dilts, D. Gordon and others).

Sergey Gorin began to use hypnosis, its methods and tools not only as a practicing psychotherapist, but also to describe in scientific works.

Scientific activity

Gorin Sergey has written more than 50 scientific articles, he is a repeated participant in international scientific and practical conferences (reports "New electoral technologies", 1999, "Provocation in the election campaign", 2004, Moscow). He developed the concept of the Christian Ecumenical Church, is a participant in all-Russian conferences on electoral technologies.

Gorin S. A. - political strategist and business consultant

Since 1996, Sergei Gorin has worked as a political consultant and political technologist in the election campaigns of deputies of various levels, mayors of various cities, the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, helping to technologize the speech and texts of candidates.

In 2000-2001, he prepared and implemented the election strategy of the Lebed party. Studied the methodology of information warfare. In 2004-2005, he promoted a candidate for an elected position, using the scheme of creating a personality cult.

For a long time worked as a business consultant for PR departments in commercial firms and government organizations.

Writing activity

In 1993, Sergey Gorin published the book “Have you tried hypnosis?”, which brought the author fame and the title of a living classic of Russian NLP.

sergey gorin books
sergey gorin books

In addition to writing, the psychotherapist was engaged in translations from English. Four monographs on EricksonHypnosis and NLP was translated by Sergey Gorin. His books are not only about hypnosis, mind manipulation, political technologies and election campaigns, but also about human relations and cooking. In the table below you can see the bibliography of the author.

Year Name Summary
1993 "Have you tried hypnosis?" The author gives successful solutions with the help of hypnotic influence in the field of communication with interlocutors
2004 "NLP: Bulk Techniques" The book tells about the scheme of therapeutic influence, which, under appropriate conditions and conditions, can cause a change in consciousness and behavior
2004 "Nelper in free flight" The material is a continuation of a series of books about hypnosis and NLP, written in collaboration with V. N. Khmelevsky, I. A. Yudin, I. B. Morozovskaya. Yu. A. Chekchurin, O. Yu. Chekchurin and S. V. Palamarchuk
2008 S. Gorin, A. Kotlyachkov, "Weapon is a word" The authors show how a variety of speech techniques and hypnosis can achieve a positive result in various situations
2008 S. Ogurtsov, S. Gorin, "Seduction" The book describes psychotechnologies based on the works of G. Madison and R. Jeffries. They serve to seduceopposite sex
2011 "Election slop" The author outlined practical recommendations for promoting political ideas
2012 "Seminar with Sergey Gorin (NLP trainer: brand, myth, rituals)" Material about the use of NLP in teaching
2013 "Psychotherapeutic cooking" Publishing recipes and cooking tips. Written in a living language and designed for a wide range of readers

Sergei Anatolyevich made a huge contribution to the development of neurolinguistic programming and Ericksonian hypnosis.
