In Belarus, tourists are always welcomed with special warmth and joy, who, it must be said, come here very, very willingly. And this is not surprising. In every corner of this country, travelers can see not only monuments of history and culture, but also bewitching landscapes of the surrounding nature.
City of Soligorsk
Of course, the main flow of tourists goes to the capital of Belarus - Minsk. Soligorsk is a small town in the south of the Minsk region, it is also quite popular. Tourists are not even stopped by the fact that this settlement will be only sixty years old this year, so there is no need to talk about some ancient historical values. The distance from Minsk to Soligorsk is 137 kilometers. The city was founded in 1958. It was at this time that huge reserves of potash s alts were discovered in this area. At first, a processing plant was built, and then the city of Soligorsk was erected. Initially, the residents of this settlement were employees of the enterprise.

Salihorsk is also called the Belarusian mining capital. The city is connected by bus to almost all major cities in the country. You can also get to Soligorsk by train or train. Trains pass through the city every day in the direction of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
The climate here is temperate continental. In Soligorsk, summers are not hot, but quite humid, winters are cold, but mild. Despite the poor history, there are places that tourists should definitely see. First of all, Soligorsk is famous for its mines and artificial s alt mountains. Anyone can visit them.
Sanatorium "Green Forest" in Soligorsk
This wellness center is located on the territory of the Soligorsk district in the Minsk region. It is surrounded by dense pine forest. The city of Soligorsk is only nine kilometers away. The capital of Belarus is 130 km away. Sanatorium "Green Forest" in Soligorsk is a branch of the Republican Speleotherapy Hospital. It was founded in 2013. According to the results of certification, this he alth-improving complex was assigned the first category. The territory of the sanatorium "Green Forest" is about 11 hectares. It is completely fenced and guarded. The territory is monitored around the clock by video surveillance cameras.
How to get there
He alth-improving complex "Green Forest" is located at the address: Republic of Belarus, 223730, Minsk region, Soligorsk district, village Listopadovichi. By public transport, you can get to the rehabilitation center from Minsk to Soligorsk from the Central bus station. From hereBuses and minibuses depart daily. Departure time must be known in advance. In addition, private fixed-route taxis leave every hour from Bobruiskaya Street (stop opposite the railway station square).

By personal transport to the he alth-improving complex "Green Forest" from Minsk, you need to go along the P23 highway in the direction of Mikashevichi to the intersection with the P55 highway. Passing the village of Radkovo, you should turn to the village of Starodvortsy to the road junction. After driving about ten kilometers, turn left at the sign to the village of Listopadovichi. After a kilometer there will be a sign for a he alth center. Detailed information on how to get to the Zeleny Bor sanatorium in Soligorsk can be found on the official website.
The rehabilitation center is located on the territory of Soligorsk district in a pine forest. Five dormitory buildings, an educational and recreational complex were built on its territory. In the administrative building there is a dining room, a library, an assembly hall, a music lounge.
The Zeleny Bor sanatorium in Soligorsk accepts children aged six to eighteen for treatment. The center has a comprehensive school, so children can come here all year round. Speleotherapy is provided for children aged ten to eighteen. It is carried out at a depth of 420 meters in a specially equipped underground compartment. Smaller children - up to ten years old - receive speleotherapy in the halorooms in the treatment block.
The territory of the sanatorium is fully landscaped. Benches are placed everywhere, brick buildings are painted in different colors.

Sanatorium "Zeleny Bor" (Soligorsk) is located twelve kilometers from the city railway station. Nearby there is a cafe, post office, currency exchange office, grocery store.
Housing stock
There are five residential two-story buildings on the territory of the rehabilitation and he alth complex. At the same time "Green Forest" can take up to two hundred children. In total, there are 240 beds in the housing stock of the he alth resort.
The rooms are well renovated, have all the necessary furniture, a fan. Shower, toilet, TV, refrigerator - on the floor.
The cost of the ticket includes accommodation and meals according to a customized menu, as well as the use of part of the infrastructure of the sanatorium and some recreational activities.
The dining room of the Zeleny Bor sanatorium is located on the first floor of the administrative building. Diet food is offered. Children take food in two shifts. The menu is developed in accordance with the norms of average daily nutrition per patient, which are valid in all state he althcare facilities in the Republic of Belarus. Food is prepared for vacationers in the catering area using modern technological equipment. Highly qualified chefs work in the kitchen.
Food in the sanatorium "Zeleny Bor" (Soligorsk), judging by the reviews, is quite good. Every day, fresh fruits and juices, vegetables, sour-milk products, bottled drinking water are necessarily present in the diet of children. AtIf a child has a food allergy, the prohibited product is replaced on an individual basis.
Free infrastructure
The cost of a ticket to the Zeleny Bor rehabilitation center includes a visit to the library, where about three thousand books are presented, a 24-meter swimming pool, a cinema hall, a gym. Children can play for free in the children's room or on the playground, accompanied by a teacher, watch TV. Every day, fun entertainment events are organized on the dance floor, including competitions or discos. Children can play table tennis if they wish.

Within walking distance from the sanatorium is the Soligorsk reservoir, where you can fish. Adults can use the outdoor parking and ironing room free of charge.
Paid infrastructure
You have to pay for Internet connection on the territory of the sanatorium "Zeleny Bor" (Salihorsk). A payphone is available for an additional fee. Sauna and excursions are also paid.
Leisure and education
Cultural and leisure work in the rehabilitation center is carried out throughout the year. Here, entertainment events are organized for children and holidays are celebrated, children can participate in creative competitions and music concerts. Children also take an active part in the process of making souvenirs for the holidays. Theatrical performances and theatrical games are held with their participation.

Becausechildren come to the Zeleny Bor sanatorium in Soligorsk for treatment all year round; a comprehensive school operates on the territory of the complex, where children are taught according to the program in force in the country. Teachers in their work use not only various ways and methods of teaching, but also use technical means and didactic material, choosing an individual approach to each student.
A complex of physiotherapy is also carried out with children. Cultural and sports events have been specially developed for them. Outdoor enthusiasts can spend time on the playgrounds, playing volleyball, basketball, badminton, football, table tennis.
Requirements for patients
Children are admitted to the Zeleny Bor sanatorium in Soligorsk only after an extract from medical documents on the state of he alth in the prescribed form is provided. Each child must be vaccinated in accordance with their age and taking into account the epidemiological situation in their place of residence. In addition, children should not have any contraindications.
Treatment base
Judging by the reviews, many parents are satisfied with the stay of their children in the sanatorium "Zeleny Bor" (Soligorsk). Living conditions, food - everything is at a fairly high level. But the main factor why parents send their children here is an excellent medical and diagnostic base. The medical equipment here is state of the art. And climatotherapy, used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, is carried out here at the highest level.

The Zeleny Bor sanatorium (Soligorsk) provides light, water, heat and electrotherapy, massages, inhalations, gallotherapy, exercise therapy.
With the help of magnetotherapy, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, scoliosis, gastritis, various injuries, and sciatica are treated. Electrosleep is prescribed for children with bronchial asthma, vegetative-vascular dystonia, nocturnal enuresis, obsessive movement syndrome.
The branch also treats allergic rhinitis, biliary dyskinesia, hypertension, scoliosis, gastritis. Ultrasound therapy, drug electrophoresis are widely used here, especially for bronchitis and bronchial asthma, as well as courses of amplipulse, diadynamic and laser therapy.
Underground branch of the sanatorium
The rehabilitation center in Soligorsk is a children's department, a branch of the Republican Hospital, specializing in speleotherapy. In "Green Forest" there is an opportunity to conduct speleotherapy for children aged 10-18 years. The procedures are carried out in an underground department located at a depth of several hundred meters. The speleological block is a large complex of mine workings.
Children are lowered into the underground department, for which organized groups are formed, accompanied by specially trained medical workers. The group must include educators and one mountain foreman.
According to the current regulations, the time of stay of children in the underground department is also determined. The descent is scheduled for nine in the morning, and the rise is at noon. Underground children are invitedengage in breathing exercises, sports activities and games are organized for them - tennis, badminton, volleyball, as well as intellectual and educational entertainment.
Paid medical services
Pediatricians, ultrasound diagnostic doctors and a physiotherapist work in the rehabilitation center in Soligorsk. The cost of the tour does not include the following paid medical services: therapeutic pearl bath, paraffin-ozocerite application, Charcot shower, phototherapy and ultrasound therapy.
Additional information
When checking in, children need to bring personal hygiene items, a mug, a spoon, a bath towel, a tracksuit, slippers, two pairs of shoes and a thin hat worn under a helmet during the descent into the mine.

During the entire period of the child's stay in the children's sanatorium, he must comply with the established regimen. It is forbidden to leave the territory of the Green Forest. You can only go out of the gate accompanied by parents or employees of the he alth resort. Children may only use mobile phones during designated hours.
Opinions vary about this rehab center. Some believe that it is high time to make a major overhaul in the Zeleny Bor sanatorium, others believe that the living conditions here are quite tolerable. The only factor on which the opinions of almost all parents agree is the good location of the Zeleny Bor rehabilitation center in Soligorsk. Reviews of the resort indicate that it offers enoughtasty and satisfying food. The territory of the rehabilitation center is landscaped. It is convenient that through the covered passage you can get into the procedural block.

The air here is truly wonderful. Judging by the reviews, during their stay in the sanatorium, no one had problems with sleep. Many speak highly of the effect of speleotherapy. Children begin to breathe much easier after two or three procedures underground. The average rating of the resort is four.