Exercise for hemorrhoids. Therapeutic gymnastics, prevention

Exercise for hemorrhoids. Therapeutic gymnastics, prevention
Exercise for hemorrhoids. Therapeutic gymnastics, prevention

Unfortunately, this disease has become more common in recent years. The disease is getting younger.

Complex approach in the treatment of hemorrhoids

Today, more and more often with the first symptoms of hemorrhoids there are young people from 22 to 28 years old, leading a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvis. Provoking factors for the occurrence of this disease are also genetic predisposition, pregnancy and childbirth, excessive power load, regular constipation.

exercises for hemorrhoids
exercises for hemorrhoids

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, a whole range of measures can be used: surgery, lifestyle changes, a special diet, drug treatment, special exercises. Treatment in modern medicine lends itself to any degree of hemorrhoids. But at any stage of the disease, exercise will be useful.

Goals of exercise for hemorrhoids

  • Strengthening the walls of the vessels of the anus, increasing their elasticity.
  • Prevention of blood stasis, normalization of its inflow and outflow.
  • Strengthening the muscles of the intestines, muscles of the buttocks and abdominal cavity.
exercise cat
exercise cat

This is important to consider when doing exercises

  • To get a lasting effect, exercises for hemorrhoids must be performed daily for a long period (at least several months). Dedicate at least 15-20 minutes a day to this.
  • Physical activity during exacerbation of the disease without the consent of the proctologist is contraindicated.
  • Doing exercises for hemorrhoids is prohibited for women in late pregnancy and with a threat of miscarriage.
  • Hurry during exercise can lead to undesirable consequences. Sudden movements and excessive strain can have a negative effect. Movements should be smooth, without jerks.

Kegel exercises

German gynecologist Arnold Kegel developed his own technique for solving urinary problems in women in the postpartum period. Today, these exercises are often recommended for men, as this scheme helps not only with incontinence and hemorrhoids, but also with prostatitis and erectile dysfunction.

kegel exercises for women at home
kegel exercises for women at home

In addition, many doctors recommend Kegel exercises for women. At home, in addition to the prevention of hemorrhoids, ladies can also get an additional benefit: train the muscles of the vagina.

The Kegel Method includes three basic exercises:

  1. Gradual slow contraction of the pelvic muscles for 3-4 seconds, then the same duration of their relaxation.
  2. The fastest possible muscle contraction. Recommendedgradually build up speed.
  3. Tension of the muscles of the perineum, pushing out, as in the act of defecation.

All exercises must be repeated several times a day, gradually increasing the number of repetitions, the duration of muscle retention in a tense state.

The task is facilitated by the fact that such "intimate" gymnastics can be carried out in any place and position of the body. Others will not suspect that you are currently doing Kegel exercises for women "at home".

To get the effect, it is important to try. It is necessary to do these exercises for hemorrhoids daily for a long time. It is advisable, however, to make them part of your lifestyle: this will help to avoid many problems associated with the muscles and vessels of the pelvis in the future.

Therapeutic exercises for hemorrhoids

Therapeutic exercises, along with diet and medication, are an important component of a comprehensive approach. A special exercise will help activate blood flow in the veins of the small pelvis, restore lost muscle tone or maintain it at the desired level.

  • Before doing the exercises, it is necessary to anesthetize the hemorrhoids with anesthetics.
  • Any pain in the rectum is a reason to stop training.
  • Exercises for hemorrhoids should be performed smoothly, without jerks.
  • It is desirable to combine the gymnastic complex with light cardio loads.
  • Part of the exercises, accompanied by raising the pelvis and legs, active twisting (for example, birch, deflection) is forbidden to doduring menses.
exercises to treat hemorrhoids
exercises to treat hemorrhoids

Exercise against hemorrhoids

  1. Scissors. While lying on your back, you need to raise your legs at an angle of 45 degrees. Next, you should separate them to the sides and bring them crosswise. Do 50 reps.
  2. Iron. The starting position is the same. In this exercise, you should hold your legs at an angle of 45 degrees for 30 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
  3. Vertical scissors. Starting position lying on your back, legs up. It is necessary to alternately lower them to the sides. Repeat 50 times.
  4. Cutting scissors. The position is the same. It is necessary to spread both legs to the sides with the maximum available speed. It is enough to do 20-30 times.
  5. Deflection. From a supine position, bend your knees. Then lift your pelvis and squeeze your buttocks. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds, lower yourself. Repeat 50 times.
  6. Walking on the buttocks. Sit at the beginning of the mat, legs extended. Raise your buttocks and, without helping your legs, move forward. Then "step" with the other buttock. Get to the end of the rug and "walk" back.
  7. Cat. To perform the exercise "Cat", you need to get on all fours. First you need to slowly round your back, then bend it as much as possible. Movement should be accompanied by a deep breath and a long exhalation. Repeat 30 times. These simple movements have a beneficial effect on the entire body and even contribute to active weight loss. Many trainers consider the Cat exercise the most beneficial for the body.
  8. Twisting the pelvis. Starting position: knee-elbow. It is necessary to touch the floor with the pelvis, first on one side, then on the other. Repeat 10 times.
  9. Birch. Lying on your back, lift your legs up, then lift your pelvis, supporting it with your hands. Stay in this position. Birch exercise is recommended for various types of varicose veins. It is desirable to perform it towards the end of the workout.
exercises for hemorrhoids
exercises for hemorrhoids

Yoga as prevention of hemorrhoids

This discipline has long been proven effective in the fight against the elimination of congestion in our body, one of which is varicose veins of the small pelvis. It is not safe to start doing yoga on your own. Most asanas require attention from an experienced trainer. Of course, some basic poses can be taken at home even for beginners. But for effective work on the body, for the correct distribution of forces and energy within the body, a teacher is still needed. Everything in yoga is interconnected. For example, the correct location of the pelvis, and consequently, the organs, muscles and blood vessels located in it, depends on the correct setting of the feet.

degree of hemorrhoids
degree of hemorrhoids


Whatever exercises you choose to treat hemorrhoids, any activity will bring more benefits than sitting out the "fifth point". The best effect, perhaps, is achieved by combining general he alth-improving gymnastics and narrowly focused exercises.
