Therapeutic exercise for osteochondrosis of the spinal column is a set of exercises that helps strengthen the muscles of the back, improves blood circulation, reduces the load on the intervertebral discs, that is, restores the he alth of the spine.
There are generally accepted sets of exercises that are prescribed by the attending doctor. As well as those developed by masters of alternative traditional medicine (a prominent representative is M. Norbekov and his systematic approach to the treatment of diseases of the spine).
Both of these approaches in the segment of physiotherapy exercises - in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions - will be discussed in our article.
What is osteochondrosis? This is a disorder that occurs in the articular cartilage, most often in the intervertebral discs.

The origin of the disease can have one or more causes (injury, overload, vibration, postural disorders, flat feet and others).
Osteochondrosis can manifest itself after 35 years (there are cases whenwhen it happens before or not at all). Everything is individual, it also depends on the genetics and lifestyle of an individual person.
There is a system of preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of this disease.
But if the disease still touched you, then you can correct the situation (support the spinal column or cure the disease altogether) using a number of methods, including physiotherapy exercises for osteochondrosis of the spine.
Causes of disease
Causes come in two main directions: endogenous and exogenous (or internal and external).
The first group includes:
- congenital disorders in the development of the spine;
- hereditary predisposition;
- changes in cartilage structure that sometimes occur with age.
The second group includes the following:
- weakened back muscles;
- uneven distribution of load on the spinal column;
- spinal injury;
- abrupt cessation of physical activity by athletes;
- stoop;
- infectious diseases;
- metabolic disorder;
- overweight;
- sedentary lifestyle or continuous sedentary work;
- smoking and other bad habits;
- stress and nervous strain.
Also, the cause can be a lack of vitamins and trace elements: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc, manganese, vitamin D and so on.
How they appear
If a person's he alth is systematically affectedthe influence of one or more of these causes, then gradually microtrauma occurs in the intervertebral discs, which leads to a loss of elasticity, flattening and reduction of the distance between the vertebrae. As a result, the nerve processes of the spinal cord are clamped, and pain occurs. When the intervertebral disc is destroyed, it does not depreciate, which leads to a loss of flexibility of the spinal column. The pain may appear in several places:
- chest;
- shoulder;
- neck;
- back;
- hand.
This may be accompanied by pain in the heart area, numbness or muscle tension, headache, vomiting, tinnitus, fainting.
Methods of treatment of osteochondrosis

Treatment is carried out using classical and non-traditional approaches. Each of them is aimed at eliminating disorders and pain in the spine.
An unconventional approach also eliminates the cause of the disease, which allows you to maintain a more sustainable effect (in terms of recovery) and even completely heal from the disease.
Traditional or classical methods include:
- Surgical treatment.
- Therapeutic exercise (for osteochondrosis).
- Massage.
- Physiotherapy.
- Drug therapy.
- Manual therapy.
- Reflexology and so on.
Let's consider in more detail the sets of exercises that are included in physiotherapy exercises for the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions.
Exercises for cervicalosteochondrosis

They are gentle, since any sudden movements will cause circulatory disorders in the spine.
At the stage of a severe exacerbation of the disease (perhaps the patient is in bed), the simplest exercises are performed - relaxation and contraction of the muscles of the arms, legs and the entire body for 5 seconds each. Breathing practice is also recommended.
When walking, the neck must be fixed with a special collar. At the same time, you can make neat turns of your head to the left and right.
When the state of he alth already allows you to perform physiotherapy exercises with cervical osteochondrosis of the spine, then the load can be increased. The following set of exercises is shown:
- Lying on your back (with your head on the pillow), gently press the back of the head into the pillow for 5 seconds, then relax.
- Standing or sitting position - when turning the head to the right side with the right hand in the temple area, resist this turn (5 seconds). Perform in each direction 3 times. Then relax.
- Lying on the pillow with two palms simultaneously press on the forehead, as if overcoming the pressure exerted by the neck muscles on this action. Do 3 times.
- From a sitting position on a chair moving the head back and forth (reaching the chins of the chest).
To achieve maximum efficiency, it is recommended to perform this complex every day.
A set of exercises helps preventdevelopment of thoracic osteochondrosis. Therapeutic exercise reduces muscle spasm in the spine, and also increases the range of motion in the intervertebral joints.
List of exercises:
- First raise and lower the left shoulder, then do the same with the right, then simultaneously raise and lower both shoulders.
- Rotation of hands - clockwise and counterclockwise.
- Hands are pressed to the body, the body alternately leans to the left, then to the right. The same, but with hands up.
- Sitting position (recommended on a chair with a back so that its height matches the level of the shoulder blades of the back), bend the body back.
- Standing position, hands pulled back and gathered into the lock - backbend and relaxation.

The most common type of osteochondrosis. Therapeutic exercise for the lumbar also requires accuracy, as well as (at first) specialist supervision:
- Lying on the back, arms along the body, legs bent at the knees. It is necessary to raise the pelvis, while the shoulders and feet, firmly pressed to the floor, serve as a support.
- Twisting the body in the supine position. Half-bent legs turn in one direction, and the head and the whole body in the other. And vice versa.
- Side lying position. Bend your legs (left, then right), pressing the thigh of each of them to the stomach.
- Lying on your stomach, then kneel and palms of hands (fours), do arches of the lower back and back.

This set of exercises can be done only after pain and inflammation in the back are eliminated.
Therapeutic exercise for cervical osteochondrosis of the spine, as well as thoracic and lumbar can be performed at any time of the day. Clothing should be chosen in a loose fit so that movements are not constrained or pinched. It is necessary to breathe during exercises evenly and calmly, without delaying inhalation or exhalation. In case of the slightest discomfort in the spinal section of the body, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.
Norbekov exercises

Academician Mirzakarim Norbekov is one of the first masters who offered the world an unconventional approach to the treatment of osteochondrosis (and other diseases of the spine).
This easy set of exercises, which is popular and known to many people, is based on awareness and a positive approach in its implementation. According to Norbekov, the disease must be treated from the inside, and then the consequences should be eliminated. The same is with osteochondrosis of the spine, the cause of which is a failure in the whole body, which leads to this disease. This important organ is a channel that is connected to the central system, and it controls the he alth of the entire human body.
Norbekov's gymnastics normalizes not only the spinal column, but also the general condition of a person, establishing harmony of body, soul and spirit.
General warm-up
Therapeutic exercise for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, andalso thoracic and lumbar (according to the method of M. Norbekov) begins with a general warm-up:
- Ear exercises. Massage of active points that have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, and also set up a positive mood.
- Warm-up of the hands (squeezing and unclenching fingers), elbows and shoulder joints (rotation, lowering and lifting).
Followed by special sets of exercises for the cervical, thoracic and lumbar.

For the cervical region
In addition to the consistent performance of physiotherapy exercises, it is also necessary to imagine this part of the spine - as if from the inside. It also contributes to a more efficient and faster recovery. Here are the exercises:
- Mentally see the cervical region, touch your chest with your chin and turn your head to the left and then to the right. At the same time, muscle tension alternates with relaxation.
- Turning the head up and down, relaxing and tensing the muscles.
- From the normal position of the head, tilt to the left and right, touching the corresponding shoulder with the ear.
- Lower your head so that your chin touches your chest and turn to your left and right shoulders.
- Look in front of you, look away to the right and turn your head, then to the left, turning your head in the same direction.
For the thoracic region
Consists of several exercises:
- Twisting the upper thoracic spine. Put outstretched arms at shoulder level, while clasping the brush with your left handright and turn all the way to the right. Repeat the same with the other hand.
- Put your hands horizontally in front of you and fasten them with a lock, gradually tensing and relaxing your muscles, bringing your shoulder joints closer to each other.
- Take your hands back and close into a lock, through tension and relaxation, bring your shoulder blades closer and further away.
At the same time, try to perform each exercise with maximum faith that healing will occur. And also with a positive mood and a smile.
The complex consists of the following exercises:
- Fix the body (pull in the stomach and tighten the muscles), put the legs slightly bent shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Move like a spring, trying to lift the tailbone up. Repeat the same by moving the body forward and then back.
- Bend forward to arch the spine while evenly distributing body weight.
- Circular hip rotation.
- Make a figure eight with your hips.
- Tilts sequentially to the right and then to the left hip.
- With a raised hand, you must strive to get the chandelier, and then lean forward. Same with the other hand.

Prevention of osteochondrosis
In order for everything to be in order with the he alth of the spine, you must follow a few simple recommendations:
- From childhood, create favorable conditions for the child in the training place (comfortable chair and table) so that the back maintains an even position. With some deviation from the norm, it is necessaryimmediately consult a doctor for timely correction of the spine.
- Engage in he althy physical education from childhood and throughout life, so that the body is protected by a muscular corset.
- Adhere to a proper diet, which necessarily contains foods containing calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other beneficial vitamins.
- Keep a moderate weight.
- Properly distribute the load when carrying heavy objects.
If there is a feeling of pain in the back, neck or sternum, then you need to consult a doctor to determine the cause of the condition. And only after that, perform sets of exercises. Then recovery will be as fast as possible and favorable for the body.