Major Depressive Disorder: Symptoms and Treatment

Major Depressive Disorder: Symptoms and Treatment
Major Depressive Disorder: Symptoms and Treatment

If a person is in a depressed state, in which there is a decrease in motor and mental activity, then we are talking about a depressive state. About 5% of the population suffers from this scourge. Women are more susceptible to it. The most common major depressive disorder.

major depressive disorder
major depressive disorder

Depression and its types

Depression can occur at any age, and there are many reasons for this. A person may suffer from one of the following types of disorder:

  • from simple depression;
  • from melancholic depression;
  • anxiety combined with a depressive state in which psychomotor agitation is observed;
  • from asthenic disorder, when there is a painful feeling of loss of feelings;
  • from adynamic depression, in which there is lethargy or stupor;
  • from dysphoric disorder, when anger or aggression towards other people comes from a person;
  • from complex depression.
major depressive disorder mcb 10
major depressive disorder mcb 10

If a person develops major depressive disorder, which differs from depression in its symptoms, then attention should be paid to his behavior. There is a profound change in mental activity, mood variability, as well as anxiety. In such a state, a person requires more attention, care and empathy from others.

How to identify major depressive disorder?

How do you know if a person has major depressive disorder? The symptoms of this condition are different from those of standard depression. There is a slow progression of symptoms, but its form becomes pronounced with time. The main symptoms are depressed mood, irritability, aggression and insomnia. As the disease progresses, obvious forms of another depression can be noticed. A person is not interested in previously favorite activities.

major depressive disorder symptoms
major depressive disorder symptoms

The patient constantly complains about life and his problems, he has no hobbies and hobbies. Major depressive disorder is a condition in which a person quickly gets tired, loses sleep and appetite. He is constantly worried about something, he feels guilty under any circumstances. The patient talks about his worthlessness, uselessness, he may even think about suicide.

Causes of this disorder

Major depressive disorder (MDD) occurs due to an imbalance in the nervous system, likepsychologists say. This imbalance occurs due to psychological trauma, especially if a person is unstable in terms of stress. In addition, the disease is a side effect of the action of certain drugs - antibiotics, analgesics, hormonal drugs.

Major depressive disorder can also occur as a result of certain medical conditions. The symptoms and treatment of this condition varies from person to person.

Do not rule out the age factor. The likelihood of MDD increases with each passing year. All due to the fact that the nervous system of a person at a more mature age is unstable, an imbalance can lead to a major depressive disorder.

major depressive disorder different from depression
major depressive disorder different from depression

Sometimes MDD has pronounced symptoms, especially if the patient is contemplating suicide. Such people cannot understand that some things are very pleasant. They see everything from the wrong side. The sick person cannot feel joy, loses interest in any activity and news.

Who is at risk

Difficult life situations are often, but not the only problem of depressive states. Sometimes disorders arise because of minor problems. But there is a certain risk zone, which includes some categories of citizens.

In large cities, a significant number of people visit psychiatrists or a psychologist for the purpose of psychological relief. Perhaps this is due to the fact that high-quality medical care is provided in megacities, and the people around you, in principle, do not care about your personalProblems. But in rural areas, not everyone dares to seek such help from a doctor, because just shyness and the thought of condemnation interfere. But stressful situations, numerous problems, a large population are the reasons for the increased risk of developing depressive disorders.

Sigmund Freud always said that adult problems have children's roots. That is, if a child is deprived of attention, solves his own problems, does not seek help from relatives and others, then the likelihood of developing a major depressive disorder in adulthood increases. And all because of the pessimistic attitude towards the world and people, instilled in childhood. This is a kind of life scenario.

major depressive disorder, MDD
major depressive disorder, MDD

Also, the risk group includes citizens experiencing problems with finances and work, housing and family. That is, almost no one spares a major depressive disorder. ICD 10 or the international classification of diseases shows that this disease belongs to the type of affective disorders. Treatment is selected only individually.

Who diagnoses the disease

If the above signs of this disease are present in an adult and a child, it is necessary to seek the help of a specialist. The following specialists can help and advise on this topic:

  • psychiatrist or psychoneurologist (neurologist);
  • psychotherapist.

Diagnosis and essence of treatment

You can and even need to see a doctor if you have a major depressive disorder. No treatment requiredthe patient's stay in the hospital. In the modern pharmacological field, there is a huge variety of different drugs designed to deal with a neurological or mental illness. The success of the treatment depends half on the desire of the patient. The moral support of close people, parents, children is also important.

major depressive disorder symptoms and treatment
major depressive disorder symptoms and treatment

Timely diagnosis will help facilitate the healing process. The sooner the root of the problem is identified, the easier it is to solve. First of all, the specialist collects anamnestic information about the person. The doctor pays direct attention to the peculiarities of life, the list of past diseases, hereditary predisposition and much more. Therefore, it is important to talk frankly with the doctor, not to hide anything, because the effectiveness of the selected treatment largely depends on him.

Treatment measures

Treatment of a depressive disorder is carried out in several stages. First you need to get rid of the burden that is the result of depression. Tranquilizers help relieve anxiety. The attending physician prescribes such drugs for several days, they should not be taken longer, there will be no benefit. Sleeping pills help with insomnia. In addition, an additional positive effect is possible from herbal decoctions, which have antidepressant properties.

The main assistants in the fight against depressive disorders are antidepressants. They are taken according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. It is the doctor who will tell you what is bestwill tell you what dose is acceptable and for how long. Antidepressants usually take much longer than other medications. Do not count on an instant effect. Treatment can take from 4 months to 1 year. If major depressive disorder recurs, the duration of the course is increased.

major depressive disorder treatment
major depressive disorder treatment

In the treatment of such a disease, it is necessary to apply a versatile psychotherapeutic approach. With the help of psychotherapy, you can reduce the manifestations of depression, find its primary cause.

Psychological approach

Depression can be called a borderline state, and if a person crosses the border, then it is already impossible to return to a normal state. Therefore, it is desirable to monitor a patient with major depressive disorder in a hospital setting. Of course, he will be under the supervision of a psychotherapist who prescribes a course of sedatives that relieve nervous excitement, anxiety or apathy. Then the patient needs to go through an adaptive period.

Working with a psychologist is an integral part of the entire treatment process. He conducts trainings on unloading the nervous system, uses body relaxation techniques, conducts individual consultations, trains memory, mind, attention. With a clear improvement in the patient's condition, days off outside the hospital are allowed. After the patient returns, the psychologist analyzes the adaptive possibilities. Thus, the person gradually returns to normal life.

It is important not todrink alcohol, because even a small glass of wine can provoke a disease and return it with a triple force, which will only complicate the treatment.

Patient attitude

It is difficult for anyone to judge human desires, but what could be more important than the desire to live, to feel normal every day, to enjoy life. It is on these desires that the effectiveness of treatment depends. It is important for a sick person to hear approving comments from others. He must feel significant, important and necessary. If you are a sick person, then do not be shy about your desires, turn to people for help. Early diagnosis and treatment guarantees rapid healing.

major depressive disorder is
major depressive disorder is

After all, life is beautiful in all its manifestations, and, as you know, it is necessary to fight for it.

A few secrets

  • You are in a state of depression, you want to get rid of it, but there is no positive result?
  • Everything around is not happy, but you want to feel happy every day?
  • Don't you remember the last time you slept like a baby and got enough sleep?

You may not believe it, but you can get rid of all these problems yourself. It is enough to overcome one problem every day and achieve your goal. Do not be afraid of communication, because it is difficult to overcome a depressed state alone, the help and support of loved ones is important.
