Methods of treatment of uterine endometritis: drugs and folk remedies

Methods of treatment of uterine endometritis: drugs and folk remedies
Methods of treatment of uterine endometritis: drugs and folk remedies

As a result of difficult childbirth, abortion, miscarriage and various gynecological diseases, women are faced with such a diagnosis as endometritis. Most cases are successfully treated and completely cured.

Brief information about the disease

Endometritis is an inflammatory process that is localized in the uterine cavity, namely in the mucous layer - the endometrium. Distinguish between the acute form of the disease, which is usually caused by infection, and chronic, due to the duration and depth of structural changes in the mucous layer. In acute endometritis, pain occurs during urination, during sex, in a calm state, there may also be a rapid pulse, chills, atypical discharge from the genital tract, fever and other symptoms of intoxication. The disease develops especially rapidly in patients with uterine spirals.

endometritis treatment drugs
endometritis treatment drugs

With chronic endometritis, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, there can be both meager and too plentiful periods, characterized by irregularity. Characteristic forsome patients uterine bleeding and discharge with an unpleasant odor from the genital tract, aching pain in the lower abdomen, pain during sexual contact with a partner. A manual examination by a gynecologist reveals a slight increase in the uterus or induration of the organ.

The disease can cause cysts and polyps to form. In 10%, chronic endometritis causes female infertility, in about 60% - miscarriage. Therefore, at the first symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to start treatment of this gynecological disease in a timely manner.

Treatment of acute endometritis

In case of a disease in the acute phase, observation in a hospital is indicated with full compliance with bed rest, physical and emotional calmness, an easily digestible diet and proper drinking regimen. The exact treatment regimen for acute endometritis depends on the results of the examination of the patient. As a rule, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed. Also shown are physiotherapy procedures, taking vitamin-mineral complexes, sometimes hormonal preparations and drugs that improve microcirculation are needed. Traditional medicine is used in addition to therapy prescribed by a gynecologist.

uterine endometritis treatment
uterine endometritis treatment

Antibiotics in the treatment of endometritis

A qualified specialist in acute illness (especially when it comes to the treatment of postpartum endometritis) will prescribe antibiotics. Such drugs will help to effectively relieve inflammation and reduce discharge. Antibacterial therapymost effective in the early stages of detection and course of pathology. If the endometritis is not too severe, then the patient is prescribed medications, while taking which she can continue to feed the baby naturally. In severe cases, stop breastfeeding and be treated with strong antimicrobials.

Antibiotics for the treatment of endometritis can be prescribed in tablets, in a hospital they also put droppers and do intravenous injections. Topical agents are shown to help reduce itching and burning in the perineum. In addition to broad-spectrum antimicrobials, the gynecologist can separately prescribe antifungal agents to the patient, but antibiotics are required in the treatment of endometritis. Only such drugs can quickly and effectively stop the inflammatory process in the body.

Other drugs for treatment

The main groups of drugs used in the treatment of endometritis are as follows:

  1. Anspasmodics. These drugs eliminate bouts of pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen and in the sacrum. In a hospital setting, the patient is given such drugs twice a day.
  2. Broad-spectrum antibiotics. Antimicrobial drugs are prescribed already in the early stages of the disease. Mostly they are administered intravenously, and when treated at home, tablets are prescribed.
  3. Antifungal drugs. Prescribed only when necessary to eliminate the risk of developing candidiasis during antibiotic treatment.
  4. Antipyretic drugs. Indicated in patients with high fever.
  5. Decongestants. Women with uterine endometritis are prescribed effective and safe medications that relieve swelling of the mucosa. Such drugs reduce the size of the uterus, allow you to remove tissue swelling and inflammation.
postpartum endometritis treatment
postpartum endometritis treatment

Treatment of endometritis with antibiotics and other drugs with a pronounced effect can only be carried out under medical supervision and (preferably) in a hospital.

Topical drugs

In the event that a sexually transmitted infection has become the cause of the disease, topical medications are also prescribed. Candles help to quickly eliminate discharge and destroy pathogenic microflora right in the source of infection. Such suppositories and ointments are used in the treatment of uterine endometritis:

  1. Preparations with chlorhexidine, the action of which is aimed at combating fungal, viral diseases and pathogenic bacteria. Such suppositories are used in the treatment of endometritis caused by chlamydia and opportunistic bacteria. Candles are placed twice a day, usually done in the morning and before bedtime.
  2. Combined candles. These are universal medicines that are effective against fungi of the genus Candida, some other pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria. To cure the disease, you need to put candles twice a day for 10 days.
  3. Preparations with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. They are prescribed only after confirmation of the presence of adhesions and a strong inflammatory process using ultrasound diagnostics. These drugs break up adhesions and stop inflammation.
  4. Combined capsules for insertion into the vagina. Suppositories containing antifungal and antimicrobial substances do not disturb the normal microflora of the vagina, which distinguishes them from most similar drugs.
  5. Candles containing iodine. Such agents have a depressing effect on pathogenic bacteria and opportunistic microorganisms. In addition, the drugs have antifungal, disinfectant, antiseptic and antiprotozoal effects.
endometritis treatment pregnancy
endometritis treatment pregnancy

Physiotherapy treatments

In the treatment of uterine endometritis, physiotherapy is an important component that contributes to a better effect of drug therapy and a speedy recovery of the patient. Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed to reduce pain, restore the endometrium, activate local immune defenses, and eliminate the inflammatory process. The main methods that are used in the treatment of chronic endometritis (including before IVF) and acute are as follows:

  1. UVI (ultraviolet radiation). UVR of the vagina leads to the death of most of the pathogenic microflora, in addition, the method helps to reduce pain.
  2. Reparative-regenerative methods. Procedures are carried out using an infrared laser, paraffin therapy, iodine-bromine baths, pelotherapy, hydrogen sulfide baths. Thesemethods promote the development of new connective tissue and limit the excretion of fluid, stop tissue swelling.
  3. UHF therapy. By exposing the patient's body to an electromagnetic field, it is possible to reduce the inflammatory process in the uterine cavity.
  4. LOC therapy, UV radiation, air bath treatment, heliotherapy, thalassotherapy and similar methods are used to activate local immunity.
  5. Impact on the body of medium frequency currents, which has a positive effect on tissues. In addition, this method of therapy raises the pain threshold, so that pain decreases on a subjective level.
  6. Therapy with laser exposure. The effect on tissues increases local immunity, promotes rapid healing, and improves microcirculation. In addition, radiation has a certain bactericidal effect.
  7. UZT. Ultrasound of a certain frequency promotes the activation of metabolic processes and causes a number of positive changes in the tissues of the body. The procedure also prevents the formation of adhesions.
  8. Magnetotherapy. This method of alternative medicine is used in the treatment of endometritis to relieve swelling, reduce the inflammatory process, improve microcirculation, and speed up the healing of damaged tissues. In addition, magnetotherapy activates local immunity.
  9. Electrophoresis. Used to relieve pain. During the procedure, the drug is administered orally under the influence of electric current and using zinc, copper, iodine, calcium iodide.

Contraindications for physiotherapy

treatment of chronic endometritis folk
treatment of chronic endometritis folk

Physiotherapy procedures are relatively safe, but there are still some contraindications:

  • acute phase of the disease;
  • pregnancy period;
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • pelvioperitonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum in the pelvic area);
  • presence of a tumor in the affected area;
  • growth of the endometrium outside the uterine cavity.

In other cases, the need for physiotherapy is determined by the attending gynecologist and physiotherapist.

Hormonal drugs for the treatment of endometritis

What other treatment for endometritis is prescribed? The cause of inflammation in the uterine cavity can be not only infections and viruses, but, for example, a violation of the processes of development and rejection of the inner layer of the uterus. This process normally occurs regularly: during menstruation, the sloughing epithelium leaves the body, and after they are completed (when the body begins to prepare for a possible pregnancy again), a new one grows. If conception does not occur, then the endometrium is rejected again - the next critical days come.

If there are abnormalities in this process, the doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs, which usually need to be applied for three to six months. As a rule, these are oral contraceptives. Taking these drugs helps to normalize the menstrual cycle. In addition, when planning a pregnancy, the treatment of endometritis is mandatory so that the long-awaitedthe event happened sooner. Against the background of the so-called contraceptive withdrawal syndrome, many women manage to conceive a child almost immediately.

treatment of chronic endometritis before IVF
treatment of chronic endometritis before IVF

Treatment of chronic endometritis

Treatment of endometritis (chronic) requires an integrated approach and is carried out in stages. First you need to eliminate the infectious agents that cause the inflammatory process. Antibiotics and other drugs are then used to treat endometritis. Often prescribed "Doxycycline" or "Sparflokacin". The further course of recovery is based on a combination of hormonal and metabolic therapy aimed at activating metabolic processes and microcirculation, which is necessary for the speedy recovery of damaged tissues.

Folk remedies in the treatment of disease

Treatment of chronic endometritis with folk remedies is possible only in addition to the main therapy prescribed by the doctor, but in no case instead of it. Usually, as part of non-traditional therapy, douching with decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs is carried out. Here are some recipes of folk healers:

  1. Bay leaf. Pour 20 grams of dry raw materials with 0.5 liters of water and boil for five minutes. Let the broth cool down a bit. Pour the liquid into a bucket, sit on it for 10-15 minutes, wrapping yourself in a terry towel. The procedure should be carried out before going to bed for two weeks. It also helps with other diseases of the genitourinary system.
  2. St. John's wort. Twenty grams of raw materials pour 0.5 liters of water and cook over low heat for about ten minutes. Strain the finished broth, take half a tablespoon three times a day.
  3. Blueberries. Pour one hundred grams of dry berries with a liter of water, boil and do not remove from heat for another ten minutes. Cool the decoction and take half a tablespoon three times a day. Such a remedy has an antimicrobial, astringent and slight diuretic effect.
  4. Cat-and-stepmother. Pour fifty grams of raw materials with a liter of boiling water and leave for four hours. Strain the decoction and take a teaspoon four or five times a day. Tannins, which are part of this plant, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.
  5. Orange and lemon. Wash and dry citrus fruits. Then grind with a blender or in a meat grinder. Add ten drops of onion juice and ten grams of sugar to the mass. Place the composition in a glass container, cover with a lid and shake. Take one teaspoon three times a day for three weeks.
acute endometritis treatment
acute endometritis treatment

Treatment of chronic endometritis with folk remedies improves the results of drug therapy and physiotherapy, but it must be discussed with the attending physician.

Evaluation of treatment outcomes

The effectiveness of uterine endometritis therapy in modern medical practice is evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • restoring a regular menstrual cycle;
  • elimination of pathogenic microflora, infection, pathogen;
  • restoration of the structure of the endometrium (estimated by the results of ultrasound);
  • disappearance of signs of disease (bleeding, pain);
  • restoration of reproductive function.

Possible complications and consequences

Endometrium is the functional layer of the uterus that ensures the normal course of pregnancy. Various inflammatory processes localized in this area entail difficulties with conception and problems in bearing a child: the threat of miscarriage, placental insufficiency, heavy postpartum bleeding. Therefore, if a woman has endometriosis, pregnancy management should be carried out with special attention from the observing gynecologist.

The consequences of endometriosis are the formation of adhesions in the uterine cavity (which can provoke difficulties with conception), cysts and polyps, menstrual irregularities, peritonitis. Adhesive disease is especially dangerous, which is accompanied by severe pain and subsequently leads to female infertility.
