First aid for a fall from a height: how to help the victim before the ambulance arrives?

First aid for a fall from a height: how to help the victim before the ambulance arrives?
First aid for a fall from a height: how to help the victim before the ambulance arrives?

Falling from a height can happen for a number of reasons: as a result of failure to follow safety instructions at work, at home at home, or even due to suicidal tendencies. Injuries resulting from such an event, as a rule, are of high severity. First aid for a fall from a height should be provided immediately.

Procedure of actions

  • You need to make sure that other people are not in danger (especially if the incident happened while working at height).
  • Assess the situation, provide necessary assistance before the ambulance arrives.
  • If the victim is conscious, do not allow him to move until the damage is examined.
Spinal injury
Spinal injury

To provide first aid in case of a fall from a height, you need to know the following: in order to ensure airflow in the respiratory tract, bending and curvature of the cervical spine must not be allowed, it muststabilize by holding the "patient's" head between the knees. Patency is restored by pushing the jaw forward or by lifting it. Also, this section of the spine is stabilized by applying a collar to it.

Rolled clothes are placed under the shoulders, back and neck, the position of the head is fixed. If it becomes necessary to intubate, do not bend the victim's head back. First aid for falling from a height involves stopping bleeding. It is important to be aware of the symptoms of cardiac tamponade and tension pneumothorax.

To reduce heat loss, the victim should be covered. Next, he is carefully placed on a hard stretcher (orthopedic board) using a bucket stretcher (it is important to remember to immobilize the head). While waiting for an ambulance, first aid in case of a fall from a height can be provided by using painkillers (only if the caregiver is aware that the victim is not allergic to such drugs). This will help relieve him of acute pain and keep him conscious until the doctors arrive. Heart massage is not recommended, as this technique can cause great injury to the spine.

Fixation of the voice in case of spinal injury
Fixation of the voice in case of spinal injury

After providing assistance, the victim may have the following complaints:

Spine pain (tingling and sensory disturbances, which may be associated with a spinal fracture). This type of injury can have serious consequences and is the most severe. The cervical region may be damaged.spine, lumbar, thoracic, coccyx)

Pelvic pain. Revealing his instability means his fracture

Actions of doctors in an ambulance

  • Supporting the vital functions of important organs (conducting mechanical ventilation, oxygen therapy)
  • Delivery of the victim to the surgical hospital for further diagnosis and treatment of injuries.
First aid for spinal injuries
First aid for spinal injuries


First aid to the victim in case of a fall from a height can be provided independently only if you have the necessary medical skills. Indeed, in such a serious situation, the main thing is not to harm even more by trying to help.
