One of the types of rashes that can appear on human skin is roseola rash. In children, it is usually accompanied by roseola disease - it most often overtakes people at a tender age, but sometimes it also happens in adults. In addition, adults can find such a rash in themselves with pink lichen, typhoid fever, typhus, or syphilis. In rare cases, rashes accompany scarlet fever or mononucleosis, which are also traditionally considered children's.
Appearance of roseola rash
Roseolous rash is a pale pink or red specks of round or irregular shape with clear or blurry edges. Their diameter ranges from one to five millimeters, they are flat - they do not rise above the skin. They have a smooth surface. If you press on the spot or stretch the skin, the redness disappears.

Roseo-papular rash: description
Bin some cases, a rash that in all respects fits the definition of roseolous is still different from it. The spots have a convex shape. And then it is advisable to talk about a roseolous-papular rash, that is, papules are also present on the skin. A papule is a fragment of a rash that rises above the skin. All other characteristics (color, size, shape) correspond to the usual roseolous rash.
This mixed rash indicates much more serious ailments: infectious mononucleosis or typhoid.
Roseola in an adult
As noted above, this disease is considered a childhood disease. In adults, it occurs in extremely rare cases and, as a rule, affects people with serious autoimmune disorders. If a person is relatively he althy, then the herpes virus of the sixth and seventh groups, which is the cause of roseola, will only cause chronic fatigue syndrome. And even then those who are over 60.

But if, nevertheless, roseola overtook an adult, then its manifestations will be:
- High temperature (often critical).
- Pain and body aches.
- Enlarged submandibular lymph nodes.
- Roseous rash that appears about the third day after the onset of the disease.
No special treatment provided. Unless you have to take antipyretic drugs. And the fever and rash usually go away on their own after a few days.
Pityriasis rosea rash
Much more often adults get sickpink deprive Zhibera. At risk are people from twenty to forty years old who are prone to allergies and have a weakened immune system (for example, after ARVI or another illness). As for the reason, here scientists do not yet have a consensus. Some believe that the causative agent is streptococcus, while others blame one of the varieties of herpes for everything.

With pink lichen, a roseolous rash also appears. The very first spot, as a rule, pops up on the skin of the chest. It is a plaque of bright pink color, which is called the mother. Sometimes there may be several such spots, and about seven days after they appear, they have "babies" - small pink spots with a smooth surface, not connecting with each other, scattered throughout the body. This "breeding" usually lasts three weeks. When dying, the spot may peel off and turn yellow in the middle, but the edges remain smooth. After 21 days of illness, the rash begins to disappear. The spots fade and disappear.
In addition to rashes, Zhibera's lichen is accompanied by mild malaise, slight itching, sometimes in the midst of the disease, the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes increase, the temperature may rise, but not too much.

Specific treatment in this case is also not provided. The patient is usually prescribed a diet, avoiding synthetic clothing, using body cosmetics, washing with a hard washcloth, etc. In especially difficult cases (if there is severe itching), they may prescribeantihistamines or topical corticosteroid ointments.
Is there a roseola rash with typhoid fever
A disease as serious as typhoid fever is also usually accompanied by the presence of small pink or reddish spots on the skin with a smooth surface. Itching is absent. The appearance of rashes is due to the fact that the permeability of blood vessels is disturbed, and the skin is saturated with blood.
As a rule, with typhoid fever, a roseolous rash appears on the abdomen, in its upper part, and also on the chest. It can be detected approximately on the eighth or ninth day of illness, when the illness reaches its peak. In the same period, a person's temperature rises sharply, lethargy and apathy overtake him, his consciousness becomes clouded.

Sometimes there is a roseolous-petechial rash - roseola plus petechiae (blood points) in their center. This symptom is very disturbing. It indicates that the course of the disease is unfavorable.
In standard cases, the rash disappears on the third or fifth day, and the patient begins to recover.
Roseola for typhus
Roseo-petechial rash is a typical symptom of another formidable disease - typhus. Especially if it proceeds in a severe form. Eruptions appear approximately on the fourth or sixth day of illness. They are localized in the upper part of the body (as a rule, in addition to the face), on the folds of the arms, on the sides. They can sometimes be found on the stomach, back, or legs.
After two or three daysthe rash goes away, leaving behind pigmented patches on the skin.

Syphilis Rash
A separate type of rash is syphilitic roseola. She, as you might have guessed, affects the skin with syphilis. Has three stages.
First, chancres appear - small sores with hard bases in the center. They are localized on those parts of the body through which the infection occurred: the genitals, the area around the anus, the mouth.
After twenty to fifty days, the chancres disappear, and they are replaced by typical roseolous rashes. The traditional place of "deployment" is the torso, arms and legs. New spots appear at a fairly high speed - 10-15 pieces per day, and so on for about nine days. Arranged randomly.
At the final stage, syphilitic roseolas darken, become yellow-brown or brown, covered with a crust, under which purulent foci and dead soft tissues can be found. Later, the crusts fall off.
And yet, most of all, roseola rash is characteristic of a disease that most often affects children at a very early age. The reason is the same as in adults - one of the types of herpes.
The disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature to the highest levels, while bringing it down is not easy. And three days later, a pink rash appears on the body. After about the same amount of time, the rash will disappear, and the disease will disappear.
Other symptoms of roseola include swollen lymph nodes andsometimes the liver and spleen. Also in the blood, leukocytes increase or, conversely, decrease. The child may become lethargic and irritable.
The disease itself does not need special treatment, but its symptoms often have to be removed: give the baby an antipyretic, make compresses on the lymph nodes. Sometimes doctors prescribe an antiviral agent and without fail recommend boosting immunity.
It is believed that it is best to recover from this disease in childhood, since it rarely causes complications, and adults endure it much harder.

Similarities to other diseases
Sometimes rashes are confused with other types of rashes, which complicates the diagnosis of the disease.
- Roseolous rash, the photo of which is presented in this article, for example, looks like spots that occur with allergies. But allergic rashes can appear on any part of the skin. And roseolous ones have their “favorite” places: stomach, chest. The face is rarely affected. Plus, they don't itch.
- You can also confuse roseola with rubella. But with the latter, spots appear at the very beginning of the disease, and not after a few days.
- Sometimes especially restless parents mistake common prickly heat for roseola, which is usually deployed only in those places where there is increased sweating: in the folds of the skin on the limbs, on the neck.
This rash has three typical features that distinguish it from other types of rashes: it almost neverappears on the face, occurs a few days after the onset of the disease and is not accompanied by itching.
Prevention of roseola
Although doctors do not see anything dangerous in this disease and urge parents not to panic (they say, the sooner the child gets sick, the better), but, of course, moms and dads would like him to bypass their child altogether.
As the main preventive measure can be called long-term breastfeeding, which strengthens the baby's immunity. In addition, the more the child breathes fresh air, the better his nutrition, the more hardened he is, the less likely he is to pick up roseola. If the baby's body is weakened, it is better to limit his contact with strangers. Anyone can become infected with the herpes virus, but not everyone will develop a disease. May it be so for you and your children!