"Edas 801": description, instructions, reviews

"Edas 801": description, instructions, reviews
"Edas 801": description, instructions, reviews

Adenoids is a common disease among both children and adults, which is an inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. It is believed that adenoids of the 2nd and 3rd degree must be removed. Such a measure allows you to restore nasal breathing, although it does not guarantee that they will not grow back. Many, in order to avoid surgical intervention, try to cure adenoids with the help of laser therapy and homeopathy. Edas 801 thuja oil is considered one of the most effective homeopathic remedies.

Adenoids: characteristics

Tonsils provide nasopharyngeal protection of a person from infections and viruses that enter the body with air. Prevent the development of opportunistic bacteria in the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

Adults have small tonsils, and the body's immune system does not accumulate immune cells in the nasopharynx. The size of the tonsils in children is larger, and often with a cold, flu or sore throat, their inflammation occurs. The disease progresses and does not allow the child to fully breathe. As a result, you have to breathe through your mouth. This state causesdiscomfort, interferes with proper sleep and leads to oxygen starvation of the body, affects intellectual abilities, he alth. It leads to frequent infectious and viral diseases, since the nasopharynx is not naturally cleared of viruses and bacteria. The child's breathing becomes labored.

Specialists divide the clinical picture of the disease into three types:

  • 1st degree. Violation of normal breathing occurs only at night, when the child is in a horizontal position. Sleep problems may occur due to difficulty breathing.
  • 2nd degree. There is constant breathing through the mouth. The child snores at night. Mucus formed at night flows down the baby's throat. Sleep is disturbed. The child does not get enough sleep, is excessively lethargic and lethargic.
  • 3rd degree. Air enters the body only through the mouth. There is complete nasal obstruction. Mucus flowing down the throat causes irritation. At this stage, children often get sick, have hearing problems and headaches.

Classic therapy for the treatment of adenoids practices the use of Protargol, homeopathic thuja oil (for example, Edas 801) and Argolife.

Treatment of adenoids with thuja oil

edas 801
edas 801

Thuja has long been considered the tree of life. She cured such ailments as bronchitis, tracheitis. Helped with a runny nose, stomatitis, otitis or arthritis. The tool increases the overall tone of the body, relieves fatigue, restores strength.

Thuja oil contains resins, tannins, flavonoids, saponins,aromadendrin, toxifolin, pinipicrin, tuine, pinine, pilene.

Thuja oil restores epithelial tissues. It normalizes the chemical processes of the body that take place in the nasopharynx. For therapy, not pure oil is used, since it can burn the mucous membrane, but a special homeopathic oil "Tuya Edas-801".

About thuja oil clinical trials

edas 801 reviews
edas 801 reviews

The first and second degree of adenoid disease allows for effective treatment using thuja oil (for example, "Edas 801"). So you can avoid surgical intervention in the body.

A similar study was conducted by American scientists led by Philip Stammer. The tests took place in New York. Volunteers were treated with a product containing thuja oil. Positive changes were noted in 70% of cases. These are children who for two weeks were instilled with drops in their noses three times a day, two drops in each nasal passage. During the procedure, the patient took a horizontal position, threw back his head so that the drug fell directly on the adenoids, and lay like that for another ten minutes. After the therapeutic course, about 70% of the opponents noted a decrease in lymphoid tissue. There were no fungal, viral and pathogenic bacteria on the adenoids.

Composition, release form

edas 801 oil
edas 801 oil

Thuja Edas 801 oil is a homeopathic remedy, the active ingredient of which is Thuja Occidentalis (thuja ocidentalis) D6 in the amount of 5 g. An additional component is olive oil– 95

The drug is an oily liquid of a greenish-yellow hue. During storage, a slight opalescence is observed, which disappears if the substance is mixed. The solution is packaged in dark glass bottles with a volume of 25 ml. Each bottle, along with instructions, is packed in a cardboard box. The 25 ml bottles are sealed with a polyethylene stopper, while the 15 ml bottles have a dropper stopper and a plastic screw cap.

Pharmacological use

thuja edas 801 oil
thuja edas 801 oil

"Tuya Edas 801" (reviews confirm this) relieves nasal congestion, has a metabolic effect. It is characterized by antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties. Has a vasoconstrictive effect. Activates the body's immune system.

Thuja restores the epithelial tissue of the nasal cavity. Normalizes the functions of the secretory glands of the skin. Helps to cure a prolonged runny nose with mucous and thick green discharge. It is used for hypertrophy and atrophy of the mucous membrane, dryness in the sinuses. It is used for adenoid vegetation, polyps of the nasal passage. It can be used for chronic inflammation of the auricle with serous or purulent manifestations. The homeopathic remedy also helps to get rid of joint pain and warts.

Thuja oil is used to treat adults and children. It works well with other medical and natural preparations.

Indications and contraindications

edas 801 atadenoids
edas 801 atadenoids

Edas 801 oil is recommended for diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. These are acne, warts, various warts, chronic atrophic rhinitis and aphthous stomatitis. This remedy is used for nasal polyps, adenoiditis, otitis media, periodontal disease, arthrosis and arthritis.

There are no contraindications to its use. No side effects were identified. Can be used in combination with other medical products.

No cases of drug overdose have been reported. The drug has no addiction and withdrawal syndrome.

The drug during pregnancy and while breastfeeding is used only as directed by the attending physician or after consultation with him.

"Edas 801" (reviews of many mothers claim that it is completely useless) does not affect consciousness and the ability to drive vehicles. Nor does it affect concentration.

Edas 801 Instructions

edas 801 manual
edas 801 manual

When used externally, a small amount of the product is applied to the problem area two to three times a day. For intranasal use, three to four drops should be injected into each nasal passage two to three times a day.

Otitis is treated by lubricating the skin behind the ear. Also, gauze or cotton turunda, abundantly dipped in oil, is placed in the auricle.

Mouth disease is cured by regular lubrication of the mucous membrane three times a day. The procedure is carried out after eating and rinsing the mouth.

Therapy of adenoids with thuja oil is long. The course lastsfour to six weeks. You can repeat the event in a month. "Edas 801" with adenoids drip two to four drops two to three times a day in each nostril. Before the introduction of the drug, the child's nose is washed with saline or any spray containing sea water. Often the following scheme is used to treat adenoids:

  1. Rinse your nose.
  2. Drip "Protargol" two drops into each nasal opening. He will clean the nose and carry out anti-inflammatory treatment.
  3. After twenty minutes, thuja oil is dripped into the nose - two drops in each pass.

This is how adenoids are treated for a week, then Protargol is replaced with Argolife (an antimicrobial drug with silver) in the same dosage. This therapy should be followed for six weeks. Then they take a break and instill only homeopathic thuja oil three times a day, two drops each.

In some cases, the following scheme is used. For fourteen days, the nose is washed with any spray with sea water and four drops of thuja oil are dripped. After that - a break for two weeks and a repetition of the treatment course.

Price of a homeopathic remedy

"Edas 801" can be bought at every pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. It costs about 130-160 rubles in a package of 25 ml. For a bottle of 15 ml, you will have to pay from 80 to 100 rubles. The medicine can be bought at online pharmacies, although in this case the price of the drug will increase by the cost of delivery to the region or home.

"Edas 801": reviews

thuya edas 801 reviews
thuya edas 801 reviews

Opinions about the drug are both positive andnegative. They say it helps only half the time. Those people who were helped by Edas 801 left positive reviews. It is claimed that the medicine gives a good result in rhinitis, softens well and does not narrow the nasal cavities. Opponents note that they got rid of adenoids, quickly cured a runny nose and removed stomatitis. Indicate the natural composition and harmlessness of the drug.

Negative feedback draws attention to the uselessness of this tool. In some cases, it is noted that he did not improve the condition of adenoids in the slightest, but only worsened it. It is said that sediment forms in the oil, and the 25 ml vial does not come with a dropper cap and you need to buy an additional pipette.
