Medical product "Passiflora Edas-911" is a homeopathic medicine used in the treatment of various pathological conditions associated with impaired functionality of the nervous system and blood vessels. Available in the form of granules, which contain several active ingredients, such as Strychnos ignatii (ignatia), Coffea arabica (coffee) and Passiflora incarnata (passiflora).
passionflower edas 911
Pharmacological properties
Multicomponent pharmacological agent "Passiflora Edas-911", manufactured using special technologies, is characterized by a wide range of therapeutic effects on the body. The active substances present in the composition of the drug complement each other, having a positive effect on the autonomic and central nervous system, as well as on the heart and blood vessels. Helps reduce excitability, irritability, anxiety and stabilize sleep.
Indications for prescribing a homeopathic remedy

"Passiflora Edas-911" is prescribed to patients with diagnosed disorders of the nervous and vascular system. As already mentioned, the active substances together and each separately have a beneficial effect on the human body.
- Strychnos ignatii (ignatia). Helps to cope with dizziness, unstable mood, hasty speech, a tendency to sudden outbursts of anger, isolation. Helps to reduce severe irritability and impressionability. Eliminates the feeling of constricting pain in the region of the heart, a feeling of intense fear. It helps to cope with superficial sleep and frequent awakenings, which can occur as a result of mental trauma or recent tragic events.
- Passiflora incarnata (passiflora). Useful for nervous excitement, insomnia, as well as various functional diseases of the nervous system, accompanied by excessive excitability.
- Coffea arabica (coffee). It helps well with extreme agitation, the occurrence of crying over trifles, emotional experiences, increased mental and physical sensitivity and excitability of the nervous system, leading to rapid exhaustion. Normalizes heart rate and sleep. Helps relieve teething problems for young children.
The above symptoms are more typical for diseases of the nervous system, such as neuroses, neurasthenia, sleep disorders of various etiologies. In children, increased excitability may occur due to similar pathological conditions in the work of the central nervous system, as well as during the eruptionteeth.

As stated in the instructions for the use of "Edas-911", this homeopathic remedy is used in the treatment of disorders in the nervous and cardiovascular systems in adults and children. Can be used as part of complex therapy along with other drugs.
Treatment regimens and dosage are determined individually. It completely depends on the type of disease. Before starting the treatment of diseases in the chronic stage, as well as to increase the effectiveness of a homeopathic remedy, it is recommended to cleanse the body. To do this, use the drug "Karsat EDAS-936" or "Karsat EDAS-136", produced in the form of drops or granules. These products activate excretory functions, cleansing the body of toxins and various chemical compounds.
When restless sleep, severe emotional stress and irritability, it is recommended to take 5 Edas-911 granules three times a day.

In pediatrics, it is used as follows:
- up to 2 years - 1 granule;
- 2 to 5 years - 2 pellets;
- 5 to 10 years - 3 pellets;
- 10 years and older - 4 pellets.
Take three times a day, like an adult.
The homeopathic remedy "Passiflora Edas-911" has no side effects on the body.
This question causes medical professionals to constantly argue. Some of them claim that the tool is able to eliminatea variety of anxiety states associated with disorders in the functioning of the structures of the nervous system. Other experts express doubts about the effectiveness of the drug. However, the drug is in low demand and is sometimes prescribed by doctors.
Medicine cost
The price of a homeopathic remedy in different pharmacy chains ranges from 140-170 rubles. for one package. It depends on the region.
Analogues of a homeopathic remedy
There are several drugs with similar therapeutic properties.
- "Calm down". The composition contains various substances, including zincum isovalerianicum, cimicifuga racemosa, zincum valerianicum, strychnos ignatia, cimicifuga and ignatia. This is a homeopathic remedy that is prescribed for increased nervous excitability, neurosis of various origins, accompanied by cardiovascular disorders. Helps to cope with excessive irritability.
- "Nervoheel". A homeopathic remedy that has a hypnotic and sedative effect. It also alleviates the condition with a depressive disorder, relieves convulsions. The preparation contains Ignatia bitter, cuttlefish extract, phosphoric acid, potassium bromide, scabies nosode and valerian-zinc s alt.
- "Nevrosed". Another homeopathic remedy, which includes phosphoricum acidum, sepia officinalis, potassium bromatum, strychnos ignatia and zincum isovalerianicum. This remedy is often prescribed for nervous excitement during the onset of menopause, with poor falling asleep,irritability, depressive and anxiety disorders.

The medicine "Passiflora Edas-911" cannot be called a popular remedy, since many do not even know about its existence. However, the people who took it left positive reviews. In the comments, they note the effectiveness of the drug and its low cost. Patients say that this medicine calms well, stops a strong heartbeat and normalizes sleep. For many people who suffered from vegetative-vascular dystonia, their he alth improved significantly, the frequency of panic attacks and asthma attacks that occur against the background of vasoconstriction decreased.
There are both positive and negative reviews about Passiflora Edas-911. However, before taking it, it is better to consult with your doctor.