Ointment "King of the skin". Structure, opinions of doctors. Treatment of psoriasis

Ointment "King of the skin". Structure, opinions of doctors. Treatment of psoriasis
Ointment "King of the skin". Structure, opinions of doctors. Treatment of psoriasis

Many patients do not buy King of Skin ointment just because it is of Chinese origin. Indeed, today most people believe that products from the Middle Kingdom cannot be of high quality. In some cases, this is true, but the medical field is an exception to the rule. Currently, Chinese drugs are superior to European ones in many ways. This is especially true of various creams and ointments for skin diseases. The production of such natural medicines in China is developing quite rapidly.

skin king ointment
skin king ointment

King of Skin Ointment (or "King of Skin") is one of the most popular medical products of Chinese origin, which is intended for topical use. This drug is actively used not only in Asia, but also in European countries.

According to the assurances of experts, such a medication quite effectively relieves itching on the skin, dryness, irritation and various rashes.

Description and packaging of the drug

Chinese ointment "King of the Skin" is available in bright red jars (under a protective film of foil), which are placed in a cardboard box. The cream is white andhomogeneous consistency. This drug has no smell.

Ointment "King of the Skin": composition

The drug in question is of plant origin. That is why it is actively used by those who have a pronounced allergy to synthetic skin products. The high effectiveness of this cream is due to its composition. Consider the main components of the ointment and their properties.


This substance is capable of producing fungicidal, fungistatic, antifungal and antiandrogenic effects. It is particularly active against molds, dermatophytes, staphylococcal eruptions, pathogens of systemic mycoses, yeast-like fungi and gram-positive cocci. The effect of this component is due to the ability to disrupt the biosynthesis of ergosterol, triglycerides and phospholipids necessary for the formation of fungal cell membranes.

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Clobetasol propionate

This ingredient is a glucocorticosteroid. Its mechanism of action is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory processes that have arisen as a result of a decrease in collagen synthesis and vasoconstriction in the skin. This substance is able to have antiallergic and antipruritic effects. It is clobetasol propionate that helps to get rid of such unpleasant symptoms as itching and hyperemia. When using a remedy such as King of the Skin ointment, the active substances of the drug can be absorbed into the systemic circulation. In this regard, its use should be extremely careful. After all, an overdose of glucocorticosteroidquite dangerous.

Neomycin sulfate

This substance produces an antibacterial effect. Thanks to him, the "King of the Skin" ointment is particularly active in relation to gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. In medical practice, such a component is used in the treatment of dermatological diseases that are infectious and inflammatory in nature.


This component has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and tonic effect. It eliminates itching and redness. Sandalwood is an excellent antiseptic. Thanks to him, the Chinese psoriasis ointment "King of the Skin" produces a cooling effect and normalizes the sebaceous glands. Also, this component has a positive effect on the nervous and immune systems.

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Kapoor Kachari

This plant is an effective antiseptic and natural antibiotic. Kapoor kachari produces moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and stimulating effects. Ointment "King of the Skin", the price of which is indicated below, helps to quickly eliminate irritation and heal wounds.

Tulsi, or finely colored basil

This component exhibits antiseptic and antibacterial effects. It has wound healing properties, moisturizes the skin, relieves irritation and heals ulcers. Tulsi is an immunomodulator that regulates the functioning of the nervous system, eliminates nervous tension and stress.


This ingredient contains a huge amount of useful substances (for example,iodine, iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins B3, B2, K and C). It also includes essential oil, which includes phytonutrients and terpenes. They have an antioxidant effect and protect the skin from the negative effects of the environment. Turmeric improves metabolism and neutralizes toxic compounds.


This ingredient has quite strong tonic, antipruritic and antiseptic properties. Thanks to him, the Chinese cream quickly eliminates irritation, inflammation, peeling, and also improves local immunity and neutralizes toxins.

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chinese ointment king skin


The value of this component lies in the presence in it of substances that are very similar in structure to steroid hormones. According to dermatologists, thanks to yastimadhu, the effect of the drug "King of the Skin" is comparable to the effect of glucocorticosteroids. It should also be noted that this substance has a regenerating, softening, anti-allergenic and antihistamine effect.


Talc is the most common mineral that is widely used in dermatology to reduce inflammation, irritation and redness.

Operation principle

How does the King of Skin cream work? Reviews of doctors say that this drug has the following effects on human skin:

  • slows down the division of epidermal cells;
  • softens plaques and scales (psoriatic) and speeds up their removal;
  • produces a bactericidal effect,reduces inflammation;
  • repairs damaged skin;
  • cools, relieves tightness, itching and dryness;
  • improves blood circulation (local);
  • disinfects diseased areas, preventing secondary infection;
  • saturates the skin with nutrients.
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    skin king in drugstore

Indications for use

What is the King of Skin cream for? Reviews of doctors indicate the following indications for use:

  • psoriasis (especially severe);
  • eczema;
  • nail and skin mycoses (dermatophytosis, candidal paronychia, onychomycosis, trichophytosis, folliculitis, versicolor);
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • fungal sepsis;
  • cutaneous leishmaniasis;
  • herpes;
  • acne;
  • mycoses that developed against the background of immunodeficiency.

Contraindications for use

Under no circumstances should the remedy in question be used in the presence of the following conditions:

  • hypersensitivity of the patient to ketoconazole;
  • general intolerance to the components that make up the ointment;
  • teenage acne;
  • acute liver disease;
  • acne rosacea;
  • infections of the skin that are bacterial, viral or fungal in nature (chickenpox, herpes simplex, actinomycosis);
  • perioral dermatitis;
  • pregnancy time;
  • childhood under one year old;
  • breastfeeding period.
  • Chinese ointment for psoriasis king of the skin
    Chinese ointment for psoriasis king of the skin

How to use

Now you know what an effective remedy for psoriasis is produced by China. "King of the Skin" - an ointment that has helped many people get rid of skin diseases.

Before applying, the affected area must be washed with warm water. According to the attached instructions, the drug is applied in a thin layer twice a day.

Wash hands thoroughly after use. In this case, do not allow the ointment to get into the eyes.

Treatment with this medicine is continued until the rashes and plaques completely disappear. Usually it takes 15-25 days. To improve results, dermatologists recommend applying the cream for an additional 5 days after the disappearance of all symptoms.

Side effects

As medical practice shows, the remedy in question almost never contributes to undesirable consequences. Although it should be borne in mind that herbal preparations can have completely different effects on the human body.

Specialists recommend extreme caution when applying the cream to large areas of the skin, as well as during the treatment of children under 12 years of age.

Dermatologists warn that in some cases King of Skin cream may cause:

  • burning;
  • dryness and itching;
  • allergy;
  • stretch marks;
  • pigmentation disorder;
  • reducing the barrier work of the skin;
  • skin atrophy;
  • telangiectasia;
  • pustular psoriasis.
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    ointment king skin composition

Ointment "King of the Skin": price and reviews

How much does a Chinese drug for psoriasis cost? The average price of this medication is 260 rubles per 1 jar. It should also be noted that it is rather problematic to purchase the King of Skin cream in a pharmacy. Therefore, most often people order it online.

As for reviews, most patients and dermatologists agree that this drug is highly effective in the treatment of psoriasis. Many experts believe that the Chinese ointment "King of the Skin" is one of the best to date. According to dermatologists, the herbal ingredients included in the product have a complex effect, help to quickly eliminate inflammation and itching, as well as reduce the number of plaques and psoriatic rashes.
