The last stage of liver cirrhosis: symptoms, photos of people, life prognosis

The last stage of liver cirrhosis: symptoms, photos of people, life prognosis
The last stage of liver cirrhosis: symptoms, photos of people, life prognosis

Cirrhosis of the liver is a serious disease that requires serious treatment. Of course, this sounds like a sentence. But it is important to know that many of the causes of this difficult disease can be treated and controlled. The most important thing, as in any disease, is to recognize its signs in time, immediately consult a doctor and save he alth and life. Better yet, take all preventive measures so as not to wait until the last stage of liver cirrhosis, in which there is practically no chance of survival.

last stage of liver cirrhosis
last stage of liver cirrhosis

Liver Functions

Why do we need it and what functions does it perform? The liver is an organ that performs a very important function of cleaning the body of toxins, takes an active part in the synthesis of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, contributes to normal digestion and the production of substances necessary for the body. Cirrhosis is a consequence of various chronic liver diseases -the organ increases in size, thickens and becomes scarred, and the contours become rough and bumpy. Liver cells (hepatocytes) can no longer cope with their function. Pathological destruction in the cells of the body becomes irreversible, harmful toxic substances enter the bloodstream, causing intoxication and creating a serious threat to the life of the body. If the right actions are not taken in time, liver failure develops, and, according to statistics, in the 2-4th year of the disease, the last stage of cirrhosis of the liver and death.

Causes of liver cirrhosis

The root cause of liver damage is most often hepatitis viruses, among which hepatitis C is the most dangerous, as it threatens to develop cirrhosis in almost 97% of cases. Fortunately, hepatitis is now well treatable. As well as the frequent and uncontrolled use of alcoholic beverages, which, in fact, poison both the liver and the entire body - up to 50% of cases, cirrhosis develops due to alcohol abuse. Often the disease proceeds almost imperceptibly, asymptomatically - this is especially true for the male body. The medicinal type of the disease occurs due to the effects of certain drugs as a result of long-term use. Heavy medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis, cancer, and some antiseptics with prolonged use have a particularly negative effect on the liver.

Innate form

There is also a congenital form of the disease - as a result of certain genetic pathologies. With problems with the heart and insufficient blood circulation, with prolongedvenous congestion in the liver, it is possible to diagnose manifestations of pathology, its congestive form. Photos of people in the last stage of liver cirrhosis are presented below.

There is also the so-called cryptogenic form of the disease. This type is characterized by the absence of objective causes, that is, according to the results of a comprehensive examination, they do not find the causes that caused the disease. This type of liver cirrhosis is more common in women.

Also, under unfavorable conditions for the body, cirrhosis can lead to:

  • poisoning with poisonous mushrooms or a substitute for alcohol;
  • stones, cysts in the biliary tract;
  • metabolic disorders, diabetes, obesity;
  • worm infestation in the liver;
  • phenomena of chronic heart failure, etc.

How the last stage of liver cirrhosis manifests itself, we will describe below.

in women the last stage
in women the last stage

Early signs of illness

But this terrible disease can be diagnosed at the initial stages by listening to the signals of the body.

Symptoms to watch out for:

  • Periodic pain in the right hypochondrium, aggravated after physical exertion or after heavy, fatty and fried foods, alcoholic beverages, and the pain can only go away on its own, analgesics do not help.
  • Dry mouth in the morning, feeling bitter.
  • Frequent stool disorders, manifestations of flatulence.
  • Weight loss, irritability, fatigue.
  • It happens that the disease shows icteric symptoms already in the earlystages of development.

In rare cases, the disease develops acutely, without noticeable early signs.

Symptoms of pathology

The symptoms of the disease are quite diverse. In what way does it manifest itself? Cirrhosis of the liver is primarily indicated by a dull, but constantly increasing pain in the abdomen, in the right hypochondrium, which subsequently becomes unbearable, and even narcotic drugs are prescribed to the patient as an anesthetic. Also, the symptoms of the disease are indigestion (heaviness in the abdomen, flatulence, nausea and vomiting), rapid saturation with a small portion of food, sometimes symptoms such as skin itching, a slight increase in body temperature, nosebleeds.

cirrhosis stage 4
cirrhosis stage 4

With the further development of the disease, the most characteristic symptoms corresponding to this disease appear:

  • yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes is detected, which indicates an increased content of bilirubin in the blood;
  • variceal bleeding, bruising, bruising, decreased blood clotting;
  • weakness, fatigue, decreased appetite and even its complete loss;
  • ascites in the last stage of liver cirrhosis in men and women (increased volume of fluid in the peritoneal cavity).

Stages of liver cirrhosis

There are three main stages in the development of the disease:

Compensatory stage

When there are no pronounced symptoms, but there is a process of necrosis of liver cells, and the rest of the cells have to work in an enhanced mode.

Subcompensatory stage

The first signs are already appearing here: weakness, nausea, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, pain in the right hypochondrium, a decrease in appetite. Venous "nets" appear on the skin; hair may fall out.

The last stage of liver cirrhosis is decompensation

It is characterized by the appearance of complications such as ascites, icteric signs, various kinds of bleeding, atrophy of the muscles of the limbs and upper shoulder girdle.

The symptoms of the last stage of liver cirrhosis are frightening.

liver cirrhosis symptoms
liver cirrhosis symptoms

How does the last stage of the disease manifest itself?

Let's take a closer look at this issue. The liver shrinks and can no longer cope with its functions - liver failure is growing. Further complications develop - ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, cancer. Often, internal bleeding occurs and a hepatic coma develops, which leads to death.

Patients at this stage have characteristic features:

  • pale yellow flabby skin and yellow eyeballs;
  • red and purple vascular "spiders" on the skin of the face and body, the venous network on the abdomen is especially noticeable;
  • emaciated arms and legs, bruises on limbs;
  • greatly enlarged belly with prominent navel;
  • on the palms of the skin of a red tint (erythema) with thickened phalanges and characteristic dull nails ("watch glasses");
  • swollen legs.

Symptoms of the last stage of liver cirrhosis in men and women are not verydiffer.

Other manifestations are possible: speech disorder, uncharacteristic, angular movements of body parts, sudden mood swings, increased excitability is replaced by drowsiness. The patient needs immediate hospitalization.

Treatment at this stage continues, but is already ineffective. All therapeutic procedures are aimed at maintaining the functioning of the patient's body.

cirrhosis of the liver last stage photo of patients
cirrhosis of the liver last stage photo of patients

Let's figure out how many live with cirrhosis of the liver at the last stage.

Forecasts for life

The life expectancy of patients with this diagnosis depends on the underlying cause of the disease, the stage at which it was diagnosed, and complications that may have appeared by the start of treatment. Unfortunately, the statistics are disappointing. The survival rate for cirrhosis of the last degree is as follows: only 10-40% of patients can live only 3 years, and if hepatic coma has developed, almost 100% death. But it is important to understand that statistics are always averaged. The following factors influence the prognosis for life:

  • age and physical condition of the patient;
  • presence of infections;
  • whether there were complications in the form of ascites, bleeding, hepatic coma, cancer;
  • compliance with recommendations received from doctors;
  • much depends on the effectiveness of the treatment or lack thereof;
  • individual drug tolerance;
  • psychological mood of the patient.
photo of patients
photo of patients

Of course, cirrhosis is a serious disease that brings suffering to both the patient and his family. It is very important for relatives to maintain the "fighting" spirit of the patient and optimism, despite the difficult trials. If you do not perform a liver transplant operation (and this is not available to everyone), then within 3 years the patient usually dies. However, it is important to continue the prescribed treatment in the last stage of liver cirrhosis (photo presented). Thus, you can minimize the signs of the disease and prolong life.

Organ transplant

So, the disease cannot be cured. Doctors with prescribed treatment can only support the functioning of the body and try to prolong the life of the patient. There is a chance to beat cirrhosis - this is a liver transplant. However, such an operation is not shown to everyone. Most patients, even with transplantation, have an extremely unfavorable prognosis for life. But refusal of hospitalization, violation of the regimen and failure to follow the appointments recommended by the doctor, significantly reduce life expectancy.

last stage symptoms
last stage symptoms

Prevention measures

What is meant by this? Prevention of cirrhosis is reduced to the elimination of the impact of factors that cause this disease. So, for example, prevention consists in the complete refusal or restriction of alcohol consumption, timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases leading to the development of cirrhosis. Also very important is a he althy nutritious diet and the exclusion of toxic substances from food, maintaining water balance and an active lifestyle. Also, you need to keep an eye onblood pressure and weight.

We looked at how the last stage of liver cirrhosis proceeds and photos of patients.