Dermatitis: treatment, causes, types, symptoms

Dermatitis: treatment, causes, types, symptoms
Dermatitis: treatment, causes, types, symptoms

Dermatitis is a term that means inflammation of the skin. It is called eczema, which is also a general term for diseases characterized by inflammation of the skin. There are many types of dermatitis caused by infections, allergies, or substances that irritate the skin. The doctor will diagnose which type is present in the body and provide an appropriate treatment strategy. Dermatitis in the ICD-10 is listed under the code L20-L30.

dermatitis in adults
dermatitis in adults


Symptoms that will be present with dermatitis:

  1. Itching is the main symptom of dermatitis. The strength of the itching and the frequency will depend on how much the virus irritates the nerve endings in the skin. If you feel itching with a slight rash, then this is a sign of an allergy. Itching during contact dermatitis often occurs against the background of skin damage, and the intensity depends on the depth and area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion.
  2. Redness of the skin. It is explained by the presence of increased capillary filling. When pressing on the redness, it immediately turns pale for a while.
  3. Rashes. The number of rashes and localization depends on the type of dermatitis. More often rashes affect the skin surrounding the joints, face, scalp.
  4. Thickening of the skin in the affected areas, cracking and self-injury of the skin.
  5. Skin peeling. Due to excessively increased dryness of the skin and insufficiency of secreted sebaceous glands. Peeling is more often observed in chronic dermatitis.

Other symptoms of dermatitis are vague and meaningful only when a specific type is identified.

dermatitis symptoms
dermatitis symptoms

Causes of dermatitis

The main forms of dermatitis appear as a result of a combination of distant and close causes. The distant causes of dermatitis are due to their heredity, and the close ones are provoked at the moment. Remote causes are divided into:

  1. Genetic predisposition. The mechanisms of inheritance are practically not studied. In childhood, due to the presence of allergies in parents. Dermatitis in adults is not so clearly dependent on the presence of the parents.
  2. Acquired predisposition. According to statistics, half of all patients acquired sensitivity to dermatitis without the participation of genetic factors, that is, the parents of these people did not suffer from allergies and dermatitis. It has been proven that this predisposition, acquired during life, is based on the background of inferior immunity.
  3. Physical handicap, mental disorder and adverse living conditions.
  4. Transmission of any infectious diseases, most often in chronicform.

Related causes of dermatitis are divided into:

  1. Having chronic stress.
  2. The entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the blood that adversely affect the skin.
  3. Physical factors such as hypothermia or high body temperature.

How to distinguish dermatitis from psoriasis?

Psoriasis and dermatitis disease primarily differ in symptoms, which determine belonging to a particular disease. Knowing only that they are accompanied by rashes will not be enough. It is difficult to distinguish without knowing the following.

To determine psoriasis or dermatitis, first of all, you need to pay attention to the affected area. Psoriasis is localized, and dermatitis is distributed throughout the body. It is important to pay attention to the condition of the feet. If a lesion is found there, then most likely it is dermatitis. Since the development of these diseases depends on the conditions and food taken, it is also worth noting in which part of the Earth you are. Dermatitis most often affects residents of Asian countries and American countries, and psoriasis - residents of Europe and the CIS countries. It is also worth determining the age group, since psoriasis often affects adults, and dermatitis affects children. By visual signs, dermatitis is distinguished by its bulge.

If you have brittle nails, this may be a sign of the onset of psoriasis. These two diseases are manifested by abundant hair loss, but if you notice signs of baldness, then this may mean the presence of dermatitis.

dermatitis disease
dermatitis disease


Each type of disease has three forms of flow.

Acute - inflammation begins unexpectedly. The patient has 40% epidermal lesions. It is quite difficult to establish the cause of the occurrence. It is divided into three more types:

  1. Erythematous. In this stage, blood enters the affected areas, causing redness and swelling.
  2. Vesicular. At this stage, vesicles appear at the site of the lesion, which then crust or open, and erosive pits or scars form in their place.
  3. Necrotic. The last stage is characterized by cell death, scars and scars are formed.

Subacute - inflammation develops gradually. The first signs of dermatitis appear 7-10 days before the onset of the disease. Provocateurs of a subacute condition can be household chemical agents, allergens, drugs, bacteria and fungi, biologically active components (urea, feces).

Chronic - the phases of remission and exacerbation stably alternate with each other. Long-term ignoring of the symptoms of the disease, the lack of positive control by medical personnel, and self-medication are involved in the formation of the chronic form of the pathology. It is believed that the chronic form of dermatitis is the most severe, since its manifestations can negatively affect the he alth and vital activity of the patient for a long time (especially for children from 0 to 5 years old).

Symptoms of chronic dermatitis in the stage of remission are practically absent, and in the stage of exacerbation, pronounced rashes and itching appear.

Traumatic dermatitis. Provoked by radiation exposure, high temperature or chemical exposure of plants.


remedy for dermatitis
remedy for dermatitis

Dermatitis, depending on its form, is divided into the following types:

  • allergic dermatitis - develops after skin exposure to an allergen;
  • simple dermatitis;
  • contact dermatitis - inflammation of the skin that occurs as a result of direct contact with irritating substances;
  • toxic dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin caused by a reaction to toxins.

Classification of dermatitis

Classification is represented by 11 subtypes of pathology. The basis of each dermatitis and its types is the cause, external manifestation and severity of the impact on the body:

  1. Contact - the most common form of the disease that occurs when in direct contact with the pathogen. Most often, provocateurs of contact dermatitis are synthetic fibers, animal hair, cosmetics and household chemicals, ointments and medicinal sprays, ultraviolet radiation. A manifestation of CD is multiple red rashes in the form of a rash or large itchy spots. When the source of irritation is removed, the patient's condition returns to normal.
  2. Allergic - manifests itself after a certain amount of time. Accompany it with a cough, runny nose or watery eyes (in rare cases, heavy breathing - shortness of breath). The external manifestation of AD is red scaly spots on the cheeks, around the mouth, on the elbows and knees. Also in infantsthe abdomen, buttocks and groin area are affected.
  3. Atopic dermatitis is a severe form of food allergy. Atopic dermatitis is manifested by severe skin lesions in the cheeks, mouth, back, neck, elbows and knees, buttocks, abdomen; the occurrence of dysbacteriosis, a violation of the process of defecation. In addition, the phenomena of atopic dermatitis extend to the patient's respiratory function, manifesting itself as shortness of breath with the subsequent development of functional asthmatic pathology.
  4. Seborrheic - occurs mainly in children. It is manifested by the formation of a dense flaky crust under the scalp on the head. The cause of this pathology is called a violation of metabolic functions with the inclusion of a contact allergy factor.
  5. Oral - a type of irritation that manifests itself exclusively in the form of redness of the skin around the mouth, on the bridge of the nose, upper eyelid. This type of cosmetic defect occurs when using unsuitable (poor quality, expired) cosmetics, toothpaste (powder), cream with herbal ingredients.
  6. Infectious - there is a consequence of a viral infection: scarlet fever, measles, urticaria.
  7. Fungal - is one of the most severe types of dermatitis, since the effect of a fungal infection on the body can lead to death or disability. A manifestation of HD is multiple purulent-gray rashes on the skin and mucous membranes. Treatment of pathology is carried out in a hospital, with the use of antibiotics and bacteriophages.
  8. Ear - manifests itself in the form of constant peelinginner surface of the ears. Occurs against the background of frostbite, dirt and dust getting into the inner area of the ear.
  9. Diaper - appears due to exposure to high humidity on the baby's skin.
  10. Urticaria is one of the varieties of infectious dermatitis, which is manifested by the appearance of red, itchy blisters on the surface of the skin, outwardly resembling burns from contact with the leaves of a plant.
  11. Cercariasis (bather's itch) - appears when the skin is exposed to the larvae of parasite worms. Microorganisms living in water cling to the hairs on the body for a while or get inside through the mouth, auricles, thereby causing a strong inflammatory process. The difference between this form of the disease is not only the external lesion of the skin, but also all the symptoms of a bacterial lesion: high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, indigestion, abdominal pain.

The appearance of dermatitis at the initial stage also depends on its type.

dermatitis causes
dermatitis causes


Creams intended for the treatment of dermatitis are divided into:

Non-hormonal creams. Used at the initial stage of the development of the disease

The following non-hormonal creams for dermatitis are distinguished:

  1. "Eplan" - a cream used for various skin lesions. The action is expressed in the removal of swelling and itching at the site of the lesion. A democratic price in the region of 150 rubles always finds a buyer.
  2. "Bepanthen" - a remedy for dermatitis, designed to treat drynessskin, which protects the lesions from the penetration of other, more dangerous microbes.
  3. "Exoderil" - an antifungal cream than to smear dermatitis. Assigned at the stage when the type of pathogen is not clear.

Hormonal creams. Use as a last resort, if there is no effect from treatment with non-hormonal creams. This is due to the fact that they have many side effects on the body, up to kidney failure

The following hormonal creams are distinguished:

  1. "Celestoderm" - a cream, the effectiveness of which has been proven in the treatment of any type of dermatitis.
  2. "Advantan" is a hormonal cream used for various skin inflammations. Effective in the treatment of all types of dermatitis.
what does dermatitis look like in the early stages
what does dermatitis look like in the early stages

Folk methods

Dermatitis in adults and children of any type is difficult to treat. The duration of therapy with regular use of medications reaches 4 months, which the body may not like. Having studied the side effects of the so-called dermatitis ointments, patients begin to look for gentle options for dealing with dermatitis from traditional medicine. Since in this disease inflammation is localized directly on the skin itself, any substance can get to it. And knowing that some herbs have pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, it will always be useful to try.


The following plants are most often used in the treatment of dermatitis:

  1. Celandine. Regularapplying celandine juice to the skin will reduce the activity of dermatitis in a week. If your skin is sensitive and you are afraid of damaging it, then this juice is best diluted with water.
  2. Series. A decoction is prepared from a string, insisting in boiling water. It is applied to the skin, and then covered with gauze. Repeat this procedure 3 times a day.
  3. Periwinkle. A decoction of periwinkle is prepared, first insisting in boiling water, and then languishing on low gas. This decoction can be added in portions to liquid soap or to a bath before washing.
  4. Japanese Sophora. The crushed fruits of the tree are infused in boiling water, and then consumed.
  5. Cornflower flowers. A decoction of cornflower flowers is an effective remedy for skin inflammation. Taken orally after meals.


The following remedies are used to treat dermatitis at home:

  1. Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic known for its antimicrobial properties. Used both separately and added to cosmetic skin care products.
  2. Chatterbox is a folk remedy that consists of pharmaceutical preparations. Also sold under a different name in finished form. But the price of a self-made talker is an order of magnitude lower than a pharmacy one. For preparation, they take tablets of levomycetin and aspirin and add them to calendula tincture.
  3. Birch tar. When applied, an improvement in blood supply is observed, which leads to the stimulation of a rapid recovery. More often used in the form of compresses on the affected area of the skin.
non-hormonal cream for dermatitis
non-hormonal cream for dermatitis

Diet for dermatitis

The diet consists of the following foods:

  1. All kinds of porridge cooked on water. It is recommended to alternate cereals daily. It is better to use cereals with more fiber.
  2. Various vegetables, including steamed.
  3. Low-fat meats that are boiled in water.
  4. Fruit that does not cause allergies in the patient, with a large amount of vitamin B.
  5. Cow or goat milk or other fermented milk products with lots of probiotics.
  6. Some varieties of fish that are high in omega-3 fats.
  7. Teas of different varieties that are rich in antioxidants.
  8. Freshly squeezed natural fruit or vegetable juices.
  9. Filtered or purchased purified water in an amount of about two liters.
  10. Sunflower or olive oil.

The diet excludes foods that contain solid fibers, as well as spicy or hot foods, which will harm the already damaged mucosa. Also exclude from the diet smoked meats and pickles, fast food, foods that contain a lot of sugar and simple carbohydrates, and fatty foods. Since the liver suffers with dermatitis, you should give it a rest by reducing the amount of fat.

Daily composition of the diet menu for dermatitis:

  1. Breakfast consists of low-fat cottage cheese and tea.
  2. Snack: eating an apple or pear.
  3. Lunch consists of vegetable soup and chicken fillet.
  4. Snack: drinking a glass of kefir or milk.
  5. Dinner consists of vegetable stew and lean fish.

We wish you good he alth!
