Inflammatory process in the ear causes a lot of discomfort. The pain syndrome, signaling the development of otitis media, overcomes children to a greater extent, but adults are no exception. It is quite possible to fight the disease at home if the drops in the ears are correctly selected. In case of inflammation, they must be part of complex therapy.
Causes of ear inflammation
The inflammatory process that takes place in the auricle and is caused by the ingress of bacteria into it is called otitis media. The disease belongs, perhaps, more to children, because 80% of patients with characteristic symptoms are babies of different age groups. Drops in the ears with inflammation have a local effect.

There are several forms of otitis: media, internal and external. Most often, otitis media is fixed, in which suppuration of the eardrum occurs. Staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci and Haemophilus influenzae can lead to a similar condition. Bacteria can enter the ear cavity from the nasopharynxfor colds and viral diseases.
You can recognize otitis by the following signs:
- Sharp (shooting) pain in the auricle.
- Temperature increase.
- Pain when trying to open mouth.
- Slight swelling of the shell, redness.
- Discharge of pus (2-3 days after the first signs appear).
Drops in the ears for inflammation and pain should be selected by an otolaryngologist after a preliminary examination of the patient. Delaying a visit to a medical institution is undesirable, because otitis media in an advanced form significantly impairs hearing and leads to the development of hearing loss.
Ear drops (anti-inflammatory): types
In most cases, otitis occurs in a purulent form and requires a special approach to treatment. Drops used for local therapy are divided into several groups:
- Mono-drugs - contain a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
- Combination drugs - several active substances act.
- Antibacterial drops - able to locally fight a bacterial pathogen.
This classification allows you to choose the most effective drops in your ears. In case of inflammation and severe pain syndrome, you should seek medical help. Only a specialist can determine the etiology of the disease and choose an effective therapy. Self-medication can, at best, stop the pain for a while and lead to complications.
What to consider when treating otitis media?
Inflammatory process in the ear almost alwaysmanifests itself in pain. Warm compresses, which alleviate the condition, are forbidden to do at high temperature and purulent discharge from the ear canal. Children and adults are allowed to take painkillers based on paracetamol, ibuprofen. Ear drops (anti-inflammatory) can also eliminate acute pain. In case of illness of a small child, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist or call a local pediatrician at home.

Isolation of a yellowish fluid indicates that the eardrum has ruptured. It is not necessary to put cotton wool in the ear at this time or to clean out the pus from the auditory canal with a cotton swab. With such manipulations, the infection can penetrate deeper and cause complications. You can safely clean the auricle with the help of turundas moistened with hydrogen peroxide.
Before instilling drops in the ears, you should consult with an ENT doctor. The drug is selected depending on the etiology of inflammation in the ear cavity. It is mandatory to prescribe vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose. Antibacterial therapy will be effective only for purulent otitis, its duration is usually 5-7 days.
Drops "Otipaks": description of the tool
Most ENT doctors prefer to prescribe Otipax to patients with signs of otitis media. It contains lidocaine and phenazole, which block the pain syndrome. The combined drug effectively treats any type of otitis media and is approved for use by infants and pregnant women, which confirmsinstruction. Ear drops are produced in small bottles, on which a special soft pipette is put on before use.

In the acute phase of otitis media is not prescribed. In rare cases, an allergic reaction to lidocaine occurs. Despite the absence of an antibacterial component, the drops have proven themselves on the good side and can be used to eliminate ear inflammation. Otipax, the price of which ranges from 180 to 220 rubles, has no systemic effect and is not absorbed into the blood, which practically eliminates contraindications for use and side effects.
When should you not use Otipax drops?
If there is a rupture of the eardrum, the tool is prohibited to use. Do not prescribe drops for intolerance to the active ingredients. During pregnancy and lactation, appointments should only be made by the attending physician.
Drops "Normax": the effect of the drug
"Normax" - antibacterial drops that are used to treat inflammatory processes of bacterial etiology in the ear cavity and on the mucous membrane of the eyes. The active ingredient - norfloxacin - is considered a fairly strong substance and destroys most pathological microorganisms. That is why the drug is prescribed for the treatment of all types of otitis media, as well as for ophthalmic pathologies.

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect is absent in the drug "Normax". Drops are well tolerated almost always, but are prohibited for use by children (under 18 years of age),pregnant and lactating women. Rarely, side effects occur in the form of peeling and itching of the ear canal. Patients prone to allergic reactions may develop Quincke's edema. In this case, you will need the help of doctors.
How to choose ear drops: reviews and recommendations
When faced with unpleasant ear pain, which can sometimes just unsettle, you should immediately visit an otolaryngologist and not self-medicate. Otitis is a rather serious illness and, if the therapeutic approach is not correct, can cause complications or go into a chronic stage.
Drops in the ears with inflammation - an essential component of complex treatment. Pharmacies offer a wide range of these products. It is not recommended to use drops without the help of a specialist and a preliminary examination, because some of them are allowed only while maintaining the integrity of the eardrum, while others will be absolutely ineffective against the bacterial pathogen of otitis media.

You can hear a lot of positive feedback about the drug "Otipax". A significant advantage is its safety for pregnant women and newborns. A positive result of the application is possible only if the remedy was prescribed by a doctor. If a bacterial cause of the inflammatory process is established, therapy with such agents as Normax (drops), Polydex, Otofa, Sofradex will be needed.
Are Polydex drops effective?
Polydex ear drops contain neomycin,polymyxin and dexamethasone. The first two components are antibiotics that inhibit the development of gram-positive and gram-negative microbes, respectively. You can use the medicine only with a whole eardrum and strictly as directed by a specialist.

An antibacterial agent is used in pediatrics and is allowed for babies over 2.5 years old. During pregnancy, it is advisable to replace the drops with safer ones in order to prevent the development of hearing pathologies in the fetus.
Many are already familiar with Polydex, as it is also produced in the form of a nasal spray. The drug is popular among doctors and patients, quickly copes with the task and alleviates the symptoms of the disease. It is still not recommended to use it on your own, so as not to cause irritation of the damaged eardrum and hearing impairment. As an analogue, you can use drops (on the recommendation of a doctor) Otinum, Candibiotic, Otipax.
The price of "Polydexa" differs slightly from the cost of similar drugs and amounts to 230-260 rubles.
Burying ears correctly
The remedy can only have a therapeutic effect if used correctly. Before instilling drops in the ears, you should wash your hands thoroughly. The auricle must also be carefully cleaned of purulent discharge. The liquid bottle is pre-warmed in the hand.

Head should be tilted to the side, sore ear should be on top. The lobe should be slightly pulled down and backin order for the medicine to get into the ear canal. After dripping the required number of drops, you need to lightly press on the tragus and hold your head in this position for 1-2 minutes.