Have you often encountered such a problem as cracked heels? The causes and treatment (including at home) of this phenomenon are the first points that you need to familiarize yourself with in order to get on the road to recovery. In this publication, we will take a closer look at the symptoms of the problem, identify all its causes and get acquainted with detailed instructions and recommendations for treatment. Here we will discuss all precautions.
Clarifying the circumstances
Cracked heels are a common problem that causes constant pain and discomfort. This painful phenomenon is classified as dermatitis (skin disease). Mostly women suffer from this problem, because they have to walk daily in high heels and platforms, proudly demonstrating their beauty and grace in front of the stronger sex.
Men are no exception either. Workers and hard workers know this like no one else. Cracked heels can occur for a variety of reasons, as we all have to make sacrifices in our daily lives. First of all, this is work, where we leave most of our strength. Then we pay attention to our family or friends - we go somewhere, we meet with someone, we stay somewhere, and so on. Thoughts slip through my head that it's time to relax, lounging in front of the TV at home, but we continue to sacrifice ourselves.

The difficulties we need to overcome are not only painful, but also aesthetic. The majority of people take the position that cracks in the skin of the heels occur exclusively in mature and old age, but this is not at all the case. Cracks in the heels can occur due to existing diseases that accompany this. People with diabetes, anemia and hypovitaminosis are more likely to develop pathology.
The degree of damage to the skin on the heels can reach such a state that we simply cannot put on shoes and go out. Cracked heels develop gradually, so many people do not attach much importance at the initial stage of the development of the problem. Any unnatural behavior of the skin with a visible consequence is already a symptom. First, hard skin forms on the heels, which over time can begin to peel off and form many small notches. Cracks on the heels are barely noticeable at first, but then they can thicken, both in depth and in breadth. Deep cracks can become inflamed, and then completely infected. In such a situation, a person hardly overcomes every step, experiencing sharp and cutting pain inheels.

The main prerequisites for the appearance of cracks on the surface of the heels
Every day you are in constant motion. All your physical mass puts pressure on your heels as you walk. The skin on the heels must withstand all these stresses, so it must be he althy, that is, elastic, soft and thick. For various reasons, these properties can lose their power, as a result of which we suffer from cracked heels. Such a skin disease often appears due to improper shoes and physical overexertion in everyday life. When you walk in the wrong size shoes, the skin cells on your feet often experience discomfort. Each step you take causes them to change their shape - permanently shrinking and stretching. In this case, the cells begin to grow at an increased rate so that the area of the foot increases and the simulation of the correct distribution of the load along its edges takes place.
If the stratum corneum becomes denser, it means that it loses its elasticity, which, when walking, leads to deformation and destruction of epidermal cells. This phenomenon is called hyperkeratosis, which is why deep cracks appear on the heels. Excessive physical activity and overwork also lead to swelling of the legs and circulatory disorders, so the skin on the heels is deformed.
Plots of dry skin are most often formed in the summer, but the problem can remind itself of itself in other seasons. In summer, you wear open shoes, and sometimes you even walk barefoot on the ground and hot sand. ATUnder such conditions, the skin quickly dries out and loses its elasticity. When the skin comes into contact with unfavorable areas of the environment, problems arise - a stratum corneum appears on the heels and the surface of the skin begins to crack. A cracked heel skin can occur due to a lack of vitamins, or their overabundance. In rare cases, a cracked heel can be caused by an abnormal metabolism.
The causes of cracking are also malnutrition. During the winter and spring seasons, the body is most at risk of not getting enough vitamins A, E and F, which are responsible for he althy skin.

The most serious causes of cracked heels are fungal diseases and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In the presence of such pathologies, you can not self-medicate. You should visit a dermatology clinic for specialized treatment.
Why do cracked heels appear? Causes and treatment
So, reasons:
- Open shoes or lack thereof in the warm season.
- Lack or excess of vitamins (A, E, F) in the body.
- Incorrect, tight shoes.
- Fungal diseases, athlete's foot.
- Impaired metabolism.
- Diabetes mellitus, anemia, hypovitaminosis, dermatitis.
- Physical fatigue.
- Disruption of the endocrine system.
- Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
In most cases, cracked heels appear due to malfunctioning of the immune system, metabolismand functional failure of the endocrine system. Therefore, the treatment of cracks should begin with finding and eliminating the causes of their appearance. In order to determine the nature and cause of the complication, you should go to the hospital for an appointment with a dermatologist and undergo a series of diagnostic measures.
What tests should I take? The following laboratory tests are required to start treatment for cracked heels:
- Blood test (diagnosis for anemia).
- Biochemical study of blood (diagnosis for diabetes mellitus).
- Glucose tolerance test (diagnosis of the endocrine system).
- Ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities (diagnosis of arthritis, arthrosis, etc.).
- Microscopy of the tissues of the source of the lesion (study of the affected areas under a microscope).
First aid: what to do?
How to treat cracked heels? If you are sure that the cause is not related to diseases of the endocrine system, internal organs and other previously mentioned pathologies, then home self-medication can help you. There are many tips on how to fix cracked heels at home.
Treatment at home. Types of compresses
Treatment of cracked heels at home is mainly based on compresses. Here is the most effective and popular one:
Honey-cabbage compress (done at night):
- Squeeze the cabbage leaf to release the juice.
- Soak your feet in hot water with baking soda (10-15 grams of soda).
- Pour cabbage leaf with honey, and then sprinkle with flour. Wait until flourcompletely absorbed into the honey.
- Apply the cabbage leaf to the affected area of the skin and fix it all with a bandage.
- After waking up, remove the cabbage leaf and wash your foot. Cleanse rough skin with a pumice stone.
- Moisturize your feet with some cream.

How to treat cracked heels with paraffin wax? Paraffin is used to eliminate dry and dead skin. Therefore, it is also suitable for the treatment of cracked heels. How to use paraffin?
- Reheat (you can use a microwave or water bath).
- Add coconut oil (15-20 ml) to the paraffin to enhance the medicinal effect.
- Apply the resulting warm mixture to the affected area for 5 minutes. Then put on socks.
- Stay in socks until waking up.
- Repeat this operation every day and in a couple of weeks the skin will become smooth, he althy and elastic.
Onion compress
To prepare a compress, one peeled onion is required, which should be crushed to a gruel. The resulting consistency must be applied to the feet and wrapped with compress paper or polyethylene. Put on warm socks on top and until the next morning. After waking up, remove the paper and wash off the consistency with warm water. After all, you should smear the heels with a nourishing healing cream. The procedure can be repeated every three days.
Internal pork fat compress
Before going to bed, apply fat on the heels in several layers. After thorough lubricationwrap your foot in plastic and put on cotton socks. Go to bed in the same position. In the morning, wash off the fat under warm water, apply cream. The procedure must be repeated for two to three weeks. Then take a break for one month and repeat all the above recommendations. You can carry out such a procedure until a positive result is visible.
Compress based on apples and milk
Take one more or two medium apples, cut them into small cubes. Next, boil the apples in milk (250-300 ml) until a gruel forms. After preparing the medicinal grounds, wait for it to cool - 15-20 minutes. After that, you should apply the consistency on the heels in a thick layer and wrap the foot with a gauze bandage (or a linen napkin). After half an hour, remove the compress and rinse under running water. If desired, you can apply a skin cream. The procedure can be repeated every day.

Cracks in the skin of the heels. How to get rid of?
Treatment of cracked heels at home involves the preparation of various ointments, creams and compresses. We are all going to talk about this now. Popular folk recipes:
Egg yolk cracked heel foot cream. The recipe is very simple. You will need only one yolk, 15 ml of vegetable oil and 5 ml of vinegar. All three of these components should be mixed well. And basically done! Before applying the cream, you must first take a foot bath. After which you can useyolk cream. Apply the product to the affected areas and wrap your feet with a plastic bag and put on socks to give the treatment a more convincing effect. It is better to do the procedure before going to bed. In the morning, wash off the remnants of the ointment and clean the heel with a pumice stone. You will need 1-2 days to achieve the desired result
Tetracycline ointment with apple cider vinegar. This remedy for cracked heels also copes well with corns and calluses. First you need to soak your feet in a soda bath, then thoroughly clean your heels with a pumice stone. After these simple procedures, apply ointment. Wrap your feet in a plastic bag and put on socks. The next day, change the bandage by soaking it in apple cider vinegar, then wrap your feet back in the plastic wrap and socks. After each such session, rough skin is well removed. It is often not worth using this method, because it is harmful. Tetracycline ointment with apple cider vinegar is allowed to be applied to the heels no more than 2 times a month. This will be enough for the skin to heal
An onion-based heel crack cream. The recipe does not require mediocrity, you will need 200 ml of sunflower oil, preferably unrefined, one medium-sized onion and beeswax. What do we have to do? The oil is heated in a frying pan and finely chopped onion is added, all this is fried until the onion is ready. After all these steps, you need to add beeswax to the hot oil. All this is thoroughly mixed and sent to the refrigerator. Every time you go out after a shower or bath, apply cream for cracked heels on the onionbasis. Beautiful heels are guaranteed
Cream "Lekar": reviews
Cream "Lekar" is a popular remedy for the treatment of cracked heels, corns and calluses. As they say, how many people, so many opinions. There are many comments in favor of and against the drug. Therefore, everyone decides for himself everything, whether to buy or not, use or throw away.

Cream "Healer" from cracks on the skin of the heels. Benefits Reviews
- Excellent moisturizes and softens rough skin on the heels.
- Heals wounds.
- Quickly and effectively relieves fatigue.
- Heals not only cracked heels, but also calluses and corns.
- Good smell.
Cream "Healer". Reviews of disadvantages
- Small tube.
- Bad smell.
- Doubtfully "natural" composition.
- Long absorbed into the skin.
- High price.
These are the most basic pros and cons of the Doctor cream. As you can see, the smell is acceptable for some, but not for others, so this item is purely individual. The smell of the drug can be both a virtue and a disadvantage for you.

Preventive measures
In order for your heels to be he althy, soft and elastic, follow certain rules for caring for them. They are easy to remember and implement:
- Wear only comfortable shoes. Choose your size carefully, never buy a shoe with the hope that it will break.
- After a hard day's work, when your feet are "aching", take moisturizing baths.
- Purchase a moisturizing foot cream that you can apply before bed every day. So your heels will stay forever young.
- Make a diet rich in vitamins A, E and F.
Which doctor should I contact?
If cracks appear on the surface of the heels, you should consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. In rare cases, an examination by a therapist may be required to identify diseases of the internal organs. After a thorough examination and identification of the primary problems of the complication, it will become known which doctor to undergo further examination. If necessary, you need to visit an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist or nutritionist.