In the people you can often hear such a thing as cold ovaries. Grandmothers and mothers have been telling girls since childhood that you can’t sit in the cold and get supercooled. After all, otherwise you can chill the appendages. But can this really happen and what is really hidden behind this disease? A cold of the appendages, like any other inflammation, can develop rapidly and end very badly. And to avoid this, you need to recognize the symptoms of cold ovaries in time and cure them immediately.
Some information
Feeling pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort and fatigue? Girlfriends say: "You have a cold of the ovaries"? The symptoms of inflammation really look that way, but in fact there is no such disease as a cold of the ovaries. After all, neither the kidneys, nor the appendages, nor other internal organs can catch a cold. We are talking about inflammation, which may appear due to hypothermia or the penetration of infections. Inflammation of the ovaries can occur in acute and chronic form.
The ovaries are internal glands that produce sex hormones. They are located in the area of smallpelvis. It is in them that follicles are formed and mature - female eggs. Paired organs are located on both sides of the uterus.
By the way, the symptoms of congested ovaries, appendages and fallopian tubes are most often absolutely identical. And the treatment tactics in all cases is the same.
Only one ovary or both can be affected.

This pathology is considered to be a rather serious gynecological defect, which, in the absence of timely and competent treatment, can lead to irreparable consequences. According to statistics, about 20% of women who have experienced this disease have failed to become pregnant in the future or experienced great difficulty in conceiving.
So when the first signs of a problem appear, you should definitely visit a gynecologist. In many ways, the outcome of the disease depends on the timeliness of therapy.
Causes of pathology
In fact, contrary to popular belief, most often cold ovaries are the result of infections: trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, or even tuberculosis. In addition, pathology can be triggered by opportunistic microorganisms, such as E. coli, streptococci, candida, staphylococci.
In addition, not only bacteria can lead to the development of the disease or its exacerbation, but also:
- birth;
- hypothermia;
- surgical abortion;
- incorrectly performed diagnostic or surgical procedures;
- use of the IUD.
Most often, congested ovaries are not a primary pathology, but a consequence of the spread of an infection already present in the body from the cervical canal, uterus or fallopian tubes. Much less often, pathogenic microorganisms enter the reproductive system through the bloodstream.

In pathology, the infection gradually spreads from the uterine cavity to the fallopian tubes. Then the fallopian tubes begin to thicken, lengthen, as a result of which pus is released and adhesions form. If at this stage the disease is not cured, then the ovaries will also be involved in the pathological process. Gradually, the organ is soldered to the fallopian tube. Sometimes the inflammatory process involves other structures in the abdominal cavity.
How to understand that cold ovaries
First of all, it is worth saying that the pathology can proceed in different ways. Doctors distinguish between acute, subacute and chronic forms, each of which has certain characteristics. Depending on the type and symptoms appear in women.
Cold ovaries or not? The answer to this question can be found by paying attention to the signs that appear.
Acute inflammation
How to understand that a woman has cold ovaries? The easiest way to identify pathology is at the acute stage, since the clinical picture during this period is pronounced.
Here are some of the main signs of a cold ovary:
- regular urination accompanied by severe sharp pain;
- continuous pain in the lower abdomen with oneor two sides, can give to the lumbar area;
- sudden increase in body temperature, up to 39 degrees, feeling unwell and chills;
- abnormal bleeding between periods;
- strong, sharp pains at the moment of intimacy;
- in some cases, purulent or serous discharge from the vagina appears.

It is noteworthy that the ovaries themselves in the acute form of the disease increase and cause pain. Girls with this diagnosis require immediate hospitalization and therapy.
Subacute inflammation
This form of the disease is extremely rare. As a rule, it is diagnosed with tuberculosis and mycotic infections.
With subacute inflammation, a woman complains:
- for serous discharge with an unpleasant odor;
- pain during intercourse, which radiate to the area of the sacrum;
- intermenstrual bleeding.
You can suspect the presence of a disease by detecting characteristic symptoms. Cold ovaries? Then you urgently need to see a doctor - he will conduct all the necessary studies and confirm or refute the diagnosis.
Chronic inflammation
With improper or untimely treatment, an acute form of inflammation gradually flows into a chronic pathology, which is characterized by periodic exacerbations. They can be caused by hypothermia, stress, intimacy, infections or colds.
During exacerbations inwomen with cold ovaries show these signs:
- aching, dull pain in the lower abdomen, in the vagina and groin, it is noteworthy that it becomes more intense with a cold, hypothermia or before the next menstruation;
- sexual dysfunction - decreased libido or discomfort during intercourse;
- meager regular allocations;
- menstrual irregularities;
- ovarian dysfunction;
- not getting pregnant even with sexual activity.

During a gynecological examination, cold ovaries are enlarged, and on palpation can cause pain. In addition, chronic inflammation also affects the emotional state of a woman: nervousness, irritability, insomnia occur, work capacity worsens, and fatigue often appears.
The symptoms of ovarian inflammation are rather blurred, and the signs of an acute form can even disguise themselves as many other pathologies: endometriosis, peritonitis, appendicitis, cyst. So diagnosis is difficult in many cases.
To detect a problem, you should contact a gynecologist who will prescribe you a comprehensive examination:
- First of all, the doctor collects all the necessary anamnesis, interviewing the patient about the symptoms and complaints that appear.
- Laboratory tests to detect elevated levels of white blood cells in a smear, as well as blood tests andurine.
- Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.
- Gynecological examination to determine the size and sensitivity of the ovaries.
- Bacteriological studies, PCR, ELISA, RIF. These techniques make it possible to identify the causative agent of the disease and hidden infections.
- Hysterosalpingoscopy. Demonstrates the presence of serious changes in the fallopian tubes that occur with a chronic form of inflammation.
- Laparoscopy. One of the most informative diagnostic methods. In chronic inflammation, laparoscopy can detect infection in the fallopian tubes, violations of their patency, the presence of pathological changes, adhesions.

If a woman has a cold of the ovaries, how to treat? The choice of therapeutic tactics depends on the form of the disease, the type of pathogen and the characteristics of the clinical picture.
Treatment of acute inflammation occurs exclusively in a hospital with the obligatory observance of bed rest. In the first days, the patient is prescribed antibiotics, painkillers, tonic drugs and sulfonamides.
If a woman is diagnosed with a subacute form, in addition to the described medications, the treatment is supplemented by some physiotherapy procedures. In the chronic form of inflammation, all kinds of balneo- and physiotherapy are used.
It is worth saying that the chronic form of the disease is treated much longer and more difficult. In addition, it often causes various complications requiring surgical intervention.
Use of antibiotics
What to do if you have cold ovaries? Of course, the correct answer to this question is one: consult a doctor. The specialist will select the appropriate method of therapy for a woman who has a cold of the ovaries. Treatment and symptoms, of course, are interrelated, but in general, therapy is standard and does not depend on clinical manifestations. The main way to eliminate the disease is to use antibiotics. Their selection depends on the characteristics of the pathogen and its sensitivity to drugs.
It is important that the amount of antibiotics fully ensure their sufficient concentration in the focus of inflammation. That is why women with cold ovaries are most often prescribed drugs with a long half-life. If a severe form of the disease is diagnosed, various combinations of antibiotics are used.
If the inflammation of the ovaries was provoked by microbes, treatment begins with penicillin in combination with aminoglycosides.
If anaerobic microorganisms are present, women are prescribed Metronidazole intravenously or orally.
To prevent intoxication, in addition to antibiotics, antihistamines are prescribed - Diphenhydramine, Tavegil or Suprastin. And for the prevention of dysbacteriosis, you can use the following drugs: "Hilak Forte", "Bifikol", "Linex", "Bifidumbacterin".
This is what basic therapy looks like for a woman who has a cold in her ovaries. Antibiotic treatment lasts a maximumweek. If the therapy was ineffective, other combinations of drugs are selected.
Using candles
If a woman has a cold of the ovaries, treatment in addition to antibiotics should include suppositories. For therapy, candles with an extract of oak bark, walnut or propolis can be used. But it is impossible to get rid of inflammation with the help of candles alone - they can only be used as a supplement.
Most often, gynecologists prescribe several drugs:
- "Hexicon". The main ingredient is chlorhexidine. Candles must be used within a week.
- "Depantol". The main active ingredient is chlorhexidine. Allowed during pregnancy. The course of treatment is 10 days. Two suppositories should be placed per day.
- "Klion-D". Means based on metronidazole. It is forbidden to use during pregnancy, breastfeeding and cardiovascular defects. Treatment should be carried out for 10 days. It is necessary to put candles before going to bed.
- "Polygynax". An antibacterial drug that can not be used during the period of bearing and feeding a child. Candles should be used within 12 days.
- "Klindacin". An antibiotic that is highly effective. You can use these candles for 3 to 5 days.
- "Terzhinan". Used for 10 days.
- "Betadine". The main component is iodine. It is recommended for inflammations of fungal and viral origin. Candles should be used once a day,the course of therapy is selected on an individual basis.

Such suppositories have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria and reduce the severity of the inflammatory process.
Alternative Medicine
After determining the diagnosis and the type of pathogen, the gynecologist prescribes an individual therapeutic course for the woman. But most often, drug therapy is supplemented by physiotherapy and folk remedies.
There are a large number of alternative ways to combat the inflammatory process in the ovaries. They can be used both as a preventive measure and for the treatment of a disease. But it should be understood that therapy for acute and chronic forms of pathology differs significantly. For example, for acute inflammation, cold compresses, baths with the addition of arnica and blue clay are recommended.
Treatment of cold ovaries at home includes taking warm baths with yarrow and chamomile, as well as wrapping the lower back and abdomen. Baths with the addition of wild flowers and therapeutic mud will be no less useful.
For pain relief, you can use a pillow stuffed with herbs. It needs to be warmed up and applied to the stomach several times a day.

In the acute form of the disease, yarrow tea helps. To prepare it, a tablespoon of dry grass should be poured with a glass of boiling water. The remedy should be infused for 5-10 minutes.
Among other things, women withwith cold ovaries, it is recommended to refrain from sexual activity. In addition, due to inflammation, patients usually feel discomfort and pain during intimacy. In addition, women often have a decrease in sexual desire.
Avoid overwork, hypothermia, stressful situations, follow the rules of hygiene and systematically visit a gynecologist, then you will not be afraid of any inflammation.