"Pantogam": reviews of doctors about the drug

"Pantogam": reviews of doctors about the drug
"Pantogam": reviews of doctors about the drug

This nootropic, which improves brain function by normalizing blood circulation and supplying the body with pantothenic acid, began to be used in Soviet times. For almost fifty years, Pantogam has been helping people improve cognitive abilities, memory, and attention. The drug did not immediately, but rather quickly, also began to be used for the treatment of children and adolescents with mental retardation and mental retardation. The results exceeded all expectations: in some cases, "Pantogam" was a stimulus due to which the child spoke. This article provides information from the instructions and reviews of "Pantogam" for children and adults. Possible side effects, special instructions for use, drug interactions and the opinion of doctors about the drug - all you need to know before you start taking.

Composition and release form

The drug is available in the form:

  • tabletswhite, tasteless and odorless;
  • sweetened syrup for kids;
  • capsules for adults "Pantogam Active".

Each formulation contains a different amount of calcium hopantenate. This is the main active ingredient of the drug. For the first time, the nootropic effect of this substance was discovered in the Soviet years. Since then, the drug has undergone many studies and is still actively used in neurological and psychiatric practice for the treatment of children and adults.

reviews of doctors about pantogam
reviews of doctors about pantogam

Indications for use

Instructions for the use of "Pantogam" for children (reviews confirm the effectiveness of the drug in the diseases listed below) reports that the drug has the following indications for use:

  • mental retardation;
  • speech delay;
  • mental retardation;
  • general underdevelopment of speech;
  • early childhood autism;
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

For babies from two months, you can use the drug in the form of syrup. From five years and older - in tablet form (it is advisable to use a dosage of 250 mg, as a dose of 500 mg is too high for a child).

Instructions for the use of "Pantogam"(reviews confirm the effectiveness of the drug in the following diseases) reports that the drug has the following indications for use in adults:

  • period of withdrawal and hangover;
  • restoration of cognitive functions andmemory after a stroke, head injury, spine;
  • impaired memory, speech, attention for unknown reasons;
  • prevention of extrapyramidal syndromes caused by taking antipsychotics;
  • atherosclerotic changes in cerebral vessels with subsequent circulatory disorders in it;
  • problems with urination and defecation of neurogenic origin.
pantogam reviews
pantogam reviews

Side effects

The drug quite often causes side effects in the first week of taking, this is confirmed by numerous reviews. The instruction to "Pantogam" reports that the following negative reactions may occur:

  • from the side of the digestive tract: diarrhea, nausea, pain in the epigastric region, slight toxic effect on the liver, rarely - violation of the outflow of bile, constipation;
  • from the endocrine system - weight loss or gain due to changes in appetite;
  • from the side of the nervous system: increased anxiety, suspiciousness, unreasonable irritability and aggression (especially in the first two weeks of admission), in some patients - drowsiness and excessive sedation;
  • possible development of allergic reactions in case of individual intolerance to calcium hopantenate (rash, pruritus, urticaria, nausea).
pantogam side effects
pantogam side effects

Contraindications for use

In the presence of the following diseases and conditions, taking the drug is prohibited even in small doses:

  • chronic renalfailure at any stage;
  • chronic pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis during exacerbation;
  • psychotic states;
  • state of acute alcoholic delirium;
  • pregnancy; children under two years of age (when taking the tablet form).

Special instructions for admission

Neurologists emphasize that one should not expect miracles from taking Pantogam, a noticeable effect begins only after two to three weeks of therapy. During this time, the body adapts to doses of calcium hopantenate, which often leads to side effects.

Doctors note that "Pantogam" usually goes well with many psychotropic drugs - neuroleptics, tranquilizers, antidepressants. It is strictly forbidden to independently prescribe such a course of treatment for yourself, since some drugs can enhance or completely nullify the effect of "Pantogam". Only an experienced psychiatrist or neuropathologist can draw up a solid course based on Pantogam and other psychotropic drugs in such a way that it benefits the patient.

combination of pantogam with other drugs
combination of pantogam with other drugs

Advice from neurologists: how to make the reception more effective

Reviews on the use of "Pantogam" are often negative due to many side effects and lack of therapeutic effect. Here is a list of simple tips from neurologists and psychiatrists, following which you can get the maximum therapeutic effect from taking the drug:

  1. Neveryou should combine the reception of "Pantogam" with alcoholic beverages. Moreover - at the time of treatment it is best to completely abandon the use of alcohol. Ethyl alcohol is the strongest depressant and makes taking Pantogam almost completely useless. This medicine is often prescribed as part of complex therapy for people with alcohol dependence to restore damaged brain cells after drinking binges.
  2. It often becomes necessary to take "Pantogam" in conjunction with tranquilizing drugs, especially in the first weeks. You cannot choose your own medicines, since all tranquilizers and sedatives are very different in terms of the principle of action on the nervous system.
  3. Against the background of taking "Pantogam" you can not sit on a strict diet. The brain will starve without enough carbohydrates, and there will be no sense in taking the medicine. It is necessary to provide yourself with a balanced diet, which contains plenty of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. If a child takes Pantogam, you need to make sure that he eats fully.
reviews about pantogam with ZPR
reviews about pantogam with ZPR

Reviews of neurologists on the treatment of children with RRR

Delayed speech development is a common pathology in children from one to five. Sometimes babies outgrow the problem, sometimes they don't. The success of therapy depends largely on the environment and activities with speech therapists.

Reviews about "Pantogam" for children with delayed speech development confirm that the imitation of articulation becomes better in babies, they begin to be more activememorize and enter new phrases into the dictionary. In some cases, the drug helps the child finally speak in sentences. Reviews of "Pantogam" for children with speech problems are mostly positive, but some parents were unhappy with the effect of the medicine. This is due to a large number of side effects.

Reviews of psychiatrists on the treatment of children with mental retardation

Delayed psycho-speech development in a child is expressed not only in problems with speech, but also in problems with self-service, adequate behavior, learning ability. This is a difficult diagnosis, which over time can result in mental retardation. Reviews of Pantogam syrup for children report that the remedy does not always help with ZPR. In some cases, improvements are noticeable, and sometimes not.

More adult children are given Pantogam pills. Reviews of such therapy are mostly positive: high dosages of the active substance usually make the child more adaptable to life, if side effects do not develop. Alas, sometimes when taking Pantogam, excessive hyperactivity is observed, and in some babies, on the contrary, drowsiness. Therefore, the drug has to be canceled.

reviews of child psychiatrists about pantogam
reviews of child psychiatrists about pantogam

"Pantogam" for children with autism: doctors' reviews

Autism is a complex diagnosis, which, alas, is not subject to therapy. Reviews of Pantogam syrup by psychiatrists confirm that in some cases, with a diagnosis of RDA, the drug helps to push the development of speech.

For older children with autism, prescribepills. If the child does not experience side effects, the therapy bears fruit: the quality of articulation improves, the baby becomes more adapted to society. In parallel with "Pantogam" for the treatment of small autistic people, "Glycine", "Sonapax", "Pikamilon" are often prescribed.

reviews of children's neurologists about pantogam
reviews of children's neurologists about pantogam

Reviews of narcologists about "Pantogam"

The drug is used in the treatment of people recovering from alcoholism and drug addiction. It is especially good during the withdrawal period, which can last several months after the fact of binge drinking. This condition is characterized by a decrease in working capacity, attention, memory, and cognitive functions.

Reviews of "Pantogam" among narcologists are positive: tens of thousands of patients were able to start working and not lose their mental abilities after severe intoxication with psychoactive substances. During the withdrawal period, the dosages are quite high: this is due to the fact that the brain needs nutrition more than ever. The patient quickly recovers and returns to a full life, if he does not reach out again to his addictions.

Reviews of children's and adult psychiatrists about the action of "Pantogam"

The drug is often prescribed not only by a neurologist, but also by a psychiatrist. A clinical psychotherapist can also write a prescription for medication.

Reviews of "Pantogam" psychiatrists are positive. The drug does not cause either physical or psychological dependence. Finerestores attention and cognitive abilities, has a very mild sedative effect. If it were not for the rather high incidence of side effects, Pantogam could be called an ideal nootropic. "Pantogam" usually goes well with many psychotropic drugs - neuroleptics, tranquilizers, antidepressants. It is strictly forbidden to independently prescribe such a course of treatment for yourself, since some drugs can enhance or completely nullify the effect of Pantogam. Only an experienced psychiatrist can formulate a solid course based on medication and other psychotropic drugs in such a way that it benefits the patient.

Reviews of Pantogam analogues are positive. They are more expensive, so most often there is no point in replacing. "Pantocalcin" costs a little less than "Pantogam" - this is the only substitute, similar in structural formula, with a lower price. Alas, it is not always available in pharmacies. "Gopantam" is another popular analogue, the action of which is completely similar to "Pantogam".
