An allergic condition, expressed in the most acute manifestations, is Quincke's edema. The reasons for its occurrence may be different. This condition is characterized by severe swelling of the skin and mucous membranes. Less commonly, it can manifest itself in the joints, meninges and internal organs. Usually this symptom is observed in people who are prone to allergies.

Features of symptom development
Why do we say that Quincke's edema, the causes of which lie in allergies, is a symptom? Everything is simple. It is caused precisely by a painful reaction of the body to any allergen. To understand how to help the patient, one should consider the mechanisms for the development of symptoms. Quincke's edema causes the following categories:
- Vegetable and domestic factors in the form of pollen, dust, fluff and so on.
- Certain foods.
- Pharmaceutical factor - an allergy to any drug or substance included in it.
- Chemical factor - hair dyes, household chemicals, cosmetics, building materials and so on.
Allergic reactions are divided into two varieties - immediate and delayed. Quincke's edema, the causes of which we examined, is precisely the immediate reaction of the body to an irritant (allergen). Moreover, this is an extremely dangerous form of manifestation of the disease. An allergen, entering the body, causes it to produce a huge amount of histamine, which is normally inactive. It begins to quickly activate, be released, passing into a pathological state. At the same time, swelling begins to appear immediately, followed by thickening of the blood, which leads to this symptomatology.
It is worth knowing that allergy sufferers who have diseases of the endocrine system, other internal organs, viral and parasitic forms of infections are at risk. Their medical history includes angioedema very often. Now it is worth considering the various types of these symptoms that can appear even in people who are not prone to allergies.
Types of angioedema
The first type is allergic, which is caused by allergens of one kind or another. It always manifests itself as a special specific response from the body. Most often, it manifests itself due to food allergies.
Non-allergic or angioedema occurs in those who have a congenital tendency.

Allergen, entering the body, activates proteins that are designed to eliminate the irritant of the protectivemechanism for humoral regulation. Any violation in the work of complement leads to the fact that an extensive allergic reaction occurs and develops.
In a non-allergic form, swelling concerns the skin, mucous membranes, stomach and intestines. The most aggravated forms of this symptom appear when a person experiences temperature changes, trauma or stressful situations.
But a third of cases cannot be explained even by world-famous experts. For such situations, food and drug allergies, insect bites, blood flow diseases, autoimmune diseases are likely.
It is also worth noting the different types of Quincke's edema, which characterize and share the processes in the body. These are acute (up to 1.5 months), chronic (from six weeks), acquired, hereditary, limited, and a form accompanied by urticaria.
Symptoms of an allergic reaction
This response of the body to the allergen is manifested by severe swelling of the skin, in which the integument becomes very pale. Most often there is swelling of the face, feet, back surfaces of the hands. Pain is absent. Puffiness of the skin is very dense, when pressed, it does not form the usual fossa for normal skin. Urticaria may appear with characteristic itching and red spots.
But the main danger lies in the swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which can simply close. A person dies of asphyxia, that is, simply suffocates. Swelling of the larynx, pharynx, trachea is extremely dangerous and manifests itself in shortness of breath, anxiety,barking cough, hoarse voice, blue skin, followed by blanching. The last stage is loss of consciousness from lack of oxygen. It is easy to determine such edema by swelling of the palate, narrowing of the pharynx.
Swelling of the internal organs manifests itself in severe pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, vomiting, tingling of the tongue and palate. In such cases, external puffiness may not be observed. Edema of the meninges is manifested by lethargy, lethargy, inability to touch the chin to the chest when the head is tilted, nausea, convulsions. Edema with different localization is manifested by lethargy or excitability, joint pain, fever.
How to quickly remove angioedema

Firstly, regardless of the patient's condition, it is necessary to call a doctor, since the disease can develop for more than one hour. Second, isolate the victim from the allergen. If bitten by an insect, remove the sting, if the problem is caused by drugs, food, drink - do not let them use. Reassure the patient, as emotional stress leads to a rapid deterioration in the condition. Fresh air is needed. Remove the tie, belt, corset from the victim, loosen the collar. It is necessary to open the window. For maximum relief of swelling, apply a cold compress to the affected area.
If the patient was bitten by an insect or had an injection, it is necessary to apply a tourniquet to reduce the intake of the allergen into the body. It is necessary to remove the allergen from the human body with the help of drinking - water at room temperature in large quantities will do. It is also necessary to give the patientsorbent, antihistamine, drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose. If severe asphyxia with inability to breathe is observed, tracheal intubation should be done. Further treatment is up to the doctors.