The medical institution named after Mandryk is the central military clinical hospital. This institution occupies one of the leading places in the field of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various types of diseases. The hospital is located on the Arbat, in Bolshevo and Sokolniki.

The history of this hospital goes back to 1919. The military hospital Mandryka was created at the field headquarters in the midst of the Civil War. For fifty patients, most of whom died of typhus, there were only a few doctors. In November of the same year, the military hospital was given a "name" - No. 396. The number of beds increased to two hundred beds. Already about twenty specialists from the organization "Red Cross" helped the sick to their feet. Within two years, the Mandryka Hospital has been expanding rapidly. The work of doctors is streamlined due to the appearance of departments of surgery and gynecology, an X-ray room, laboratories, dressing rooms and operating rooms. A dormitory was built for medical workers, which was located nearby. In 1921 the hospitalis undergoing naming changes. Now it is the Fifth Moscow Hospital of the Red Army Headquarters. A little later, a sanatorium department appears, which is located in Bolshevo. Basically, the institution was intended for the command staff of the Red Army.

Pyotr Mandryk
In 1921, a man appears in the hospital, who gave the name to this institution. Pyotr Vasilyevich Mandryk, who was appointed head of the Department of Surgery, six months later took the position of Assistant Chief Physician. A year later, he replaces him in this post. For twenty years, Pyotr Vasilievich made many efforts to ensure that the center became a high-class hospital. The principle of recovery of patients was that the patient was observed and accompanied from the rehabilitation period to complete recovery. Of great importance was the attitude of the staff not only to human he alth, but also to their work.
After Mandryk, the institution was headed by other chiefs who continued his undertakings and traditions. The number of budget beds is increasing, medical conferences are being held, and a plan for interaction between the dispensary, hospital and rehabilitation center is being approved. Since 1950, for ten years, such a system in working with the patient, which includes three important parts, was the responsibility of the family doctor. The scientific and material base, the clinical capabilities that the hospital had. Mandryka, have risen sharply over several decades.

The collapse of the USSR led to a recession in the country's economy. The Mandryka hospital found itself in the position of an underfunded project. At this time, a great contribution to the preservation of valuable specialists and traditions of the institution was made by Vladimir Borisovich Simonenko, who in 1994 became the head of the hospital. At the beginning of the 21st century, everything changes for the better. The Second Central Military Clinical Hospital (2 CVKG) named after Mandryk rightfully belongs to the place of one of the best medical institutions. Nowadays, its potential is growing, its capabilities are being improved using the latest equipment.
The hospital has three interconnected complexes. Hospital Mandryka (Sokolniki) is the main building. It is located on Bolshaya Deer Street. Hospital Mandryka (Sokolniki) is known for its specialized inpatient departments. The old building, which serves as the site of the foundation of Branch No. 1, is located on the Arbat (Silver Lane). This clinic is staffed by a variety of professionals. Urgent and timely assistance will be provided in a hospital located on this territory. It is designed for 75 people. The hospital has an emergency department, it is possible to call a medical worker at home. In the branch number 2 (Bolshevo district) there is a therapeutic base. Here, those who have suffered a stroke or myocardial infarction are treated and restored. Currently, all departments, which includes the Mandryka hospital, are available not only to the military, but to all citizens. Thanks to competent doctors, the availability of modern equipment,comfortable conditions 2 CVKG is rightfully considered one of the best medical institutions.

Those who served in the army, as well as their loved ones, the Mandryka hospital, by law, provides free medical care. We are talking about military personnel of the RF Ministry of Defense, reserve warrant officers (retired), officers and their families, widows and relatives of those killed in the line of duty. All other categories of persons can be examined or treated in specialized departments for a fee established by agreement. Voluntary medical insurance will also serve as a condition for the provision of medical care.