The Bekhterev Institute is a medical institution that has been engaged in clinical and research activities for many years. This state institution specializes in the field of psychotherapy, neurology, psychiatry, narcology, psychodiagnostics, geriatric psychiatry and neurosurgery. The staff of this medical institution are mainly highly qualified specialists - candidates of sciences and doctors.
History of the Institute
Psycho-Neurological Institute. Bekhterev was created by an academician, an outstanding Russian psychiatrist, the founder of the pathopsychological direction and reflexology in Russia - Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev. It was he who organized it in 1907 as a research and higher educational institution. The Bekhterev Institute for many years was the only institution in Russia that successfully combined clinical and pedagogical activities. Vladimir Mikhailovich rightlybelieved that for the future practical and scientific work of absolutely any doctor, it is required to receive not only medical, but also legal and philosophical education.
The first stage in the life of the Institute

In 1911, the Bekhterev Institute in St. Petersburg, for the first time in Russian medical practice, organized and conducted the so-called refresher courses for specialists in the field of neuropathology and psychiatry. Lectures on the latest discoveries and advances affecting these industries were given by leading clinicians for a full six weeks. Twenty-five doctors received the appropriate training at these first in the history of Russian medicine advanced training courses. In addition, training programs of this type have been prepared for doctors of other speci alties. Unfortunately, the war that began in 1914 did not allow Vladimir Mikhailovich to carry out this project.
The second stage in the life of the Institute
In 1919, the Bekhterev Institute was reorganized. The presented educational faculties, according to the relevant order, were transformed into such higher educational institutions as, for example, the St. Petersburg Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy, and became the base for several departments of the university's psychological faculty. It was the Bekhterev Institute in the former USSR that became the first institution whose activities were aimed at the development of psychotherapy and the revival of clinical psychology in Russia. Since 1993, this medical institution has been the basis of the WorldOrganizations of He althcare in the field of scientific research, training of professional personnel and organization of psycho-neurological care. In 2001, as a tribute to the historical tradition, the Training Center was recreated at the Institute, which still implements the educational activities of the Institute and is the leading one in the country.

Natalia Bekhtereva and Brain Institute
Speaking of Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev and his main brainchild, it is impossible not to mention Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva, the granddaughter of a famous academician. She followed in his footsteps and graduated from the Leningrad Medical Institute in 1947. Natalya Petrovna was very interested in the works of Bekhterev and subsequently wrote far more than one book herself. In 1992, she was appointed head of the scientific group for the neurophysiology of consciousness, creativity and thinking at the Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the latter, by the way, at that time was called the Bekhtereva Institute. In addition, Natalya Petrovna worked for a long time at the Research University of Experimental Medicine. If we talk about the main contribution that the granddaughter of a famous academician left in the field of medicine, then this is a scientific school in the field of physiology of the human brain. It was she who at one time was created by Natalya Bekhtereva. The Brain Institute, the site of her latest work, has helped in many ways and helped lay the foundations for future basic research.
Bekhterev Institute today

Currently, the Training Center organizes training in five mainspeci alties. These are neurology, psychiatry, psychotherapy, clinical psychology and psychiatry-narcology. At the same time, all the necessary conditions have been created for future specialists to receive continuous professional education through the simultaneous implementation of basic and various additional educational programs. Also, everyone is given the opportunity to master several curricula at once. In addition, personal training is available. The Institute provides students with the opportunity to participate in the work and attend various regional and international scientific and practical conferences, schools and seminars.
Professional programs of the Institute
The main professional educational programs implemented by the Institute today are postgraduate studies, residency and internships. In addition, the administration of this institution plans to launch a master's program soon.

In the role of additional professional programs are programs of thematic improvement, advanced training and professional retraining. To the development of all of them are allowed persons who are only receiving or already possessing higher professional education. In addition, absolutely all programs combine clinical and theoretical training, supervision training and special skills.
Features of education
If we talk about the peculiarities of studying at the Bekhterev Institute, then first of all it should be said that there is a very largeattention during the training of specialists is paid to educational work. The latter is aimed at expanding erudition, at the formation of a high spiritual level, adherence to the traditions of this professional institution, as well as familiarization with national cultural values. For graduate students, residents and interns, there are special lecture programs held at the Institute's museum, as well as a mandatory visit to a guided tour seminar within the walls of the Russian Museum.

At the end of the learning process, each trainee receives an official document approved by the Ministry of He alth and the Ministry of Education. It should be especially noted that at present the educational activities of this Institute are carried out not only on a commercial basis, but also on a budgetary basis.
Reference information
This educational institution is located at number three on Bekhtereva Street. The Institute (the address has not changed for a very long time) occupies a large three-story building. Today, the administration of a higher educational institution, a consultative department, a laboratory for psychodiagnostics and clinical psychology, a department for community psychiatry and child psychiatry, a physiotherapy department, and a department for geriatric psychiatry are located here. In addition, there is a training center, a neurosis clinic, a diagnostic research center and much more at this address.