How to put on lenses? Such a task may seem simple, but it is only at first glance. Certain difficulties associated with this process arise for many beginners. This is primarily due to reflex blinking of the eyelids, which begins when a foreign object touches the eye. Fortunately, it disappears with time. So what do you need to know?
Preparing for the procedure
How to put on lenses? A person will need:
- moisturizing eye drops;
- mirror (it is preferable to use a two-sided model that enlarges the image);
- solution;
- care kit.
It is important that the room is well lit. It is best to wear lenses near a window. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and dry them. Do not use disposable paper towels or napkins for this. If microscopic fragments get into the eyes, it can lead to an inflammatory reaction. It is betterjust use the hand dryer.

How to put on lenses? If a person uses devices with different optical power, it is important not to confuse them. To understand which lens is intended for which eye, the marks on the containers will help (R - for the right, L - for the left). Cells may not have labels, but will differ from each other in color.
How to put on lenses? To begin with, you should carefully examine them. It is necessary to remove one piece from the cell using the tweezers included in the care kit. This fixture can be made entirely of silicone or have silicone tips.

You need to carefully examine both lenses in turn. You should make sure that there are no visible damage or contamination on the plates. Only then can you proceed to the next stage. If damage or contamination is found, the lenses must not be worn in any case, this can be dangerous for the eyes. You should not neglect such recommendations.
Correct Position
The inability to determine the correct position of the lens is a problem that many beginners face. You should place the plate on your index finger, bring it closer to your eyes and make sure that it is not inside out. If the lens is turned inside out, it resembles a plate. The plate, which is in the correct position, looks like a bowl.

Difficulties can arise with very subtleoptical devices. In this case, you can try to insert the lenses and rotate your eyes. If the plates are in the wrong position, they will fall out or cause discomfort. In this case, they should be removed, turned inside out and washed with a solution.
How to put on lenses: step by step instructions
What to do next? How to put on eye contact lenses? The step by step guide below will help you with this task. You need to follow it exactly.

- How to put on eye lenses? It is necessary to slightly pull the lower eyelid down using your free hand.
- Next, carefully place the plate on the eye. The gaze should be directed upwards.
- The eyelid should be lowered, and then make sure that the lens fits snugly over the eye, centered on the iris. There should be no air bubbles between the eye and the plate.
- Next you should blink, make sure there is no discomfort. You can also put moisturizing drops in the eye.
- Manipulation is repeated with the second record, the sequence of actions is preserved.
The very first time
What about a person who has never used devices to improve vision or change eye color? How to put on lenses for the first time? It is best to conduct this experiment under the supervision of a physician. In the absence of such an opportunity, you can seek help from a person who already has experience in this matter.

How to put on lenses for the first time if you have to do it alone? It is important to follow the guidelines below.
- Clean hands are the key to safety. They must be washed with neutral soap, wipe dry and make sure there are no lint from the towel on the fingers. It is strictly forbidden to use hand cream before the procedure.
- Lenses should float freely in the solution. If this does not happen, you must first shake the cells.
- The most difficult thing is not to blink while putting on. An exercise will help in this, which is better to start doing a few days before the first use of the plates. You should open the lower eyelid with the fingers of one hand, and at the same time touch the white of the eye with the other. Of course, touches should be light, and hands should be clean. Doing this will help you get used to the feeling of being touched.
Pull out correctly
What should a person who uses devices to improve vision or change eye color need to know? He must have an idea of how to properly put on and take off the lenses. Even if they are high-quality models, they must be taken out before going to bed.

- First of all, wash your hands with soap and dry them.
- Next, you need to replace the solution in the container, leave one container open.
- Then you need to carefully pull the upper and lower eyelids, while looking up.
- Next, gently touchwith the middle or index finger to the middle of the plate, pull it off the eye.
- Then you need to hold the hooked lens between your index and thumb, remove it and put it in the cell.
- Be sure to make sure that the plate is located exactly at the bottom of the container. If the lens is not completely immersed in liquid, it will dry out and deteriorate. You can close the cell only after that.
- Manipulations are repeated for the second record.
Pull out for the first time
The above describes how to properly put on and take off contact lenses. When pulling out the plates for the first time, it is easy to get confused and make mistakes. What are some tips to help you meet this challenge?
- It is best to pull the plates out of the eyes over the table. There is a chance that the lens will slip out of the beginner's fingers. In this case, it will be easy to find her, she will not be seriously hurt.
- The table over which the person plans to take out the lenses should definitely be wiped well. This is necessary just in case the plates fall.
- We must not forget about the difference between the lenses for the right and left eyes. It is better to immediately accustom yourself to remove these products in a certain order, for example, first from the right eye. This will automatically return them to the correct cells.
- For the first time, it is advisable to use the help of a person who knows how to remove lenses. He will be able to control this process.
- It is important to remember to change the solution regularly.
If they don't come off
It's great if a person remembers how to put on contact lenses correctly. But what if you can't get them out? A beginner in such a situation can easily become confused.
First of all, you should figure out what exactly is in the way. If the lens cannot be removed due to dry eyes, moisturizing gel or drops will help. It is necessary to drip the product into the eye, and then blink for a few seconds. Next, you need to carefully move the plate to the lower eyelid or on the protein, and then pull it out.
There is also the possibility that the lens is stuck under the eyelid. And in this case, there is absolutely no need to panic. To begin with, the eyelid must be gently massaged with a finger. Then it should be carefully lifted, head thrown back. Seeing the lens, you can remove it.
Inside Out
People who are just starting to wear contact lenses often mistakenly wear them inside out. You should not be afraid that this will negatively affect your eyesight; you cannot damage your eyes in this way. The plate will become mobile, will slip out when blinking, a feeling of discomfort will appear - these are the possible consequences. It is enough to remove the lens and bring it into the correct position.

Is it possible not to shoot at night
Most contact lens manufacturers expect their products to be used exclusively during the daytime. If you wear the records all the time, without taking them out at night, nothing good will come of it. A person sleeping with lenses in their eyes must beready for the fact that in the morning he will have redness, burning. Photophobia may also occur.
It is impossible not to mention the fact that relatively recently began to create contact lenses designed for continuous wear. Products are made from materials that are safe for the eyes, they are allowed to sleep. However, it is better not to use such plates without first consulting a doctor.
What should a person do who, for one reason or another, spent the night in ordinary contact lenses that are not intended for continuous wear. In this case, it is necessary to put moisturizing drops in the eyes, wait a while and only then remove the plates.
What else would be useful to know? How to put on colored lenses? The first time it is also recommended to do this in the presence of a doctor or a person with relevant experience. When putting on and taking off the plates, you should follow the same rules that are relevant when interacting with devices to improve vision.
How to put on colored lenses correctly, do not make a mistake with their position. You also need to make sure that the record looks like a bowl and not like a plate. If a mistake is nevertheless made, a feeling of discomfort will help to quickly understand this.
Microscopic contamination may appear on the lenses, no matter how carefully a person handles them. In this case, you can not put them on, be sure to clean them first. It is very easy to cope with this task, you just need to be careful.
A few dropsliquid for storing lenses must be dripped into your palm. The plate that needs cleaning is placed in this drop. Then you should carefully wipe the wet product with your finger. Next, the lens is rinsed with a clean solution.
There is also a method designed specifically for removing small specks. The plate that needs cleaning should be folded in half. Then you need to carefully pinch it between two fingers, move it with the pads. In this case, the halves should rub against each other. After that, be sure to rinse the product with a solution.
It is strongly not recommended to use ordinary water to store or clean lenses. This will render the fixture unusable.
Helpful tips
The above explains how to put on your lenses correctly. The photos given in the article will help to cope with this task. What else do you need to know for a person who wants to maximize the life of products, avoid mistakes common to beginners?
- Before putting on and taking off, it is strictly forbidden to treat your hands with some kind of disinfectant. You can only use soap to clean them.
- If the lenses create discomfort, cause pain and burning, you must immediately remove them. In no case should you endure inconvenience, they will not disappear by themselves. The plates should be rinsed in the solution and tried again.
- If your eyes are sensitive, remember to use moisturizing drops throughout the day. The right tool will help you chooseophthalmologist.
- If scratches, tears are found on the lenses, they must be replaced immediately. You can not wear such products, it is dangerous for the eyes. If only one record is damaged, it is not necessary to change both.
- Accidentally dropped lens should not be returned without first rinsing in solution. Even if the item has fallen on your hand or clothing.