Ultrasound of the heart for women: how they do it, how to prepare, decoding the results

Ultrasound of the heart for women: how they do it, how to prepare, decoding the results
Ultrasound of the heart for women: how they do it, how to prepare, decoding the results

Ultrasound of the heart is a safe way to diagnose abnormal changes in the organ, as well as all sorts of defects and pathologies. Physicians call this examination echocardiography. With the help of ultrasonic waves, you can see the most accurate visual condition of the heart on the computer screen. During the examination, it is possible to study in detail the pathological and anatomical features of the organ, as well as nearby structures, including muscles, valves and blood vessels.

At a Glance

Today, ultrasound of the heart is deservedly considered the most popular way to initially determine the diagnosis of heart defects. The main advantages of this examination method are:

  • authenticity of the information received;
  • contactless, extremely simple verification method;
  • relative cheapness of the procedure.

Usually, ultrasound is used instead of classical radiography and phonocardiography. As a preventive measure, it is advisable to undergo such an examination at least once a year.

Most likely, many girls have no idea how ultrasound is donehearts. For women, this procedure is prescribed most often when the first alarming symptoms appear during pregnancy.

If you are interested in the features of this survey, then you probably need it too. Don't worry, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. After all, the procedure does not harm the body, does not cause pain and makes it possible to accurately assess the condition of the organ. The examination is completely safe even during the childbearing period.

During the procedure, the specialist carefully examines the structure of the heart and blood vessels, and also examines the functioning of the circulatory system.

Signs of heart disease in women

With cardiac defects, the examination can be very difficult. Often, even experienced doctors are not able to determine the diagnosis due to the fact that the disease does not concern the heart, but, for example, the respiratory or nervous system, and maybe even the problem is related to the digestive tract. That is why an examination is often prescribed when pain in the heart appears. In women, this problem is often a symptom of cardiac pathology. So if you're experiencing this symptom, don't delay visiting your cardiologist.

Monitoring is mandatory for women with these symptoms of heart disease:

  • dizziness, weakness, faintness;
  • frequent migraines, nausea accompanied by high blood pressure;
  • cough and shortness of breath;
  • swelling of the body and limbs;
  • chest pain, in the area under the shoulder blade or on the left side;
  • pallor, cyanosis of the skin, cold feet and hands;
  • feeling of a strong heartbeat or sinking heart;
  • appearance of described symptoms after drinking alcohol;
  • heart rhythm disorder;
  • pain in the upper abdomen and in the area of the right hypochondrium, enlarged liver;
  • fever with bluish skin, shortness of breath, chest pain, palpitations;
  • occurrence of noise at the time of auscultation;
  • pathological changes on the cardiogram.
Symptoms of heart disease in women
Symptoms of heart disease in women

Indications for ultrasound

But even if you do not have the described symptoms of heart disease (they sometimes differ in women and men), you may be indicated for an examination if you have these diseases:

  • rheumatism;
  • scleroderma;
  • aneurysms;
  • acquired and congenital malformations;
  • angina;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • hypertension or suspicion of it;
  • past myocardial infarction;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • rhythm failures.
Indications for an ultrasound of the heart
Indications for an ultrasound of the heart

Due to the timely procedure, it is possible to identify and prevent the development of many defects. True, most often it is pain in the heart in women that is a symptom that makes you sound the alarm and consult a doctor.

Indications for examination during pregnancy

During the periodpregnant woman may be recommended an ultrasound of the heart under the following conditions:

  • genetic predisposition to vices;
  • prior miscarriages;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • taking antibiotics or antiepileptic drugs in the first trimester;
  • detection of a large number of antibodies to rubella or the disease itself.
Indications for ultrasound of the heart for pregnant women
Indications for ultrasound of the heart for pregnant women

But even if the expectant mother does not have certain indications for diagnostics, it is best to undergo an ultrasound of the heart to exclude the possibility of developing pathologies. Indeed, during pregnancy, the load on the body, and especially on the heart, increases significantly.

Methods of conducting a survey

Today there are two options for cardiac ultrasound:

  • transesophageal;
  • transthoracic.

The last method involves the diagnosis through the outer surface of the chest, and the other through the esophagus. It is the transesophageal method that allows you to study in more detail the state of cardiac tissues and structures from all necessary angles.

How is the ultrasound of the heart in women? In fact, the procedure is actually no different from a similar examination in men.

Methods for conducting an ultrasound of the heart
Methods for conducting an ultrasound of the heart

During ultrasound, the use of functional tests is not excluded. The patient is offered a certain physical activity, at the moment or immediately after which the ongoing changes in the structures of the heart are analyzed.

In addition, diagnostics canbe supplemented by dopplerography of the heart. This is what is called the determination of the speed of blood circulation in the vessels. In addition to blood flow, such a study makes it possible to study the movement of blood inside the heart cavities and suspect any particular type of pathology.

How do women do ultrasound of the heart in a contrast way? In combination with this technique, the examination is carried out after the intravenous injection of a special substance into the bloodstream.

What does ultrasound give? Such a procedure makes it possible to get to the smallest vessels, determine their condition, diameter, blood supply, evaluate the effectiveness of tissue metabolism, identify all kinds of neoplasms - all this cannot be done during a routine examination.


How do women do ultrasound of the heart? The procedure is carried out by a specialist using a special apparatus on a medical couch in the supine position. The woman should lie down on her back, however, as with any other examinations.

During the procedure, the specialist uses a special gel to create a high-quality transmission between the heart and the ultrasound transducer. At this moment, you need to relax as much as possible, calm down, refrain from worrying.

How is an ultrasound of the heart done to women? It is worth saying that there is no particular difference between the examination of men and women. If you are the owner of a magnificent bust, the specialist will ask you to slightly raise it in order to examine the area as close to the organ as possible. It is not necessary for a woman to take off her bra on an ultrasound of the heart, since it is visiblethere will be an area slightly below the laundry line.

How is an ultrasound of the heart in women
How is an ultrasound of the heart in women

After completing the examination, the specialist will print out the information received, decipher it and give a conclusion. Usually the decoding of the result is carried out by the same person. The procedure itself can take about 20-40 minutes, depending on the reasons for the appeal and the specifics of the procedure.

Preparation for ultrasound of the heart in women

Depending on the chosen method of examination, there are some peculiarities of preparation. It is best to take the results of the previous ultrasound with you to the procedure to determine the dynamics.

Transthoracic examination does not require any special preparatory manipulations - you only need a positive mood, peace and relaxation. After all, excessive experiences can lead to cardiological changes, for example, increased heart rate. You can eat before the procedure in moderation.

But when preparing for a transesophageal ultrasound, you should completely refuse food a couple of hours before the scheduled event.

Pregnant women often undergo transthoracic ultrasound of the heart. True, each situation is individual, and if there are certain indications, a transesophageal examination may be prescribed. But be that as it may, believe me, you have nothing to worry about, because ultrasound is an absolutely safe procedure, devoid of the risk of injury.

Among other things, before the diagnosis is:

  • give up physical activity;
  • refrain from taking invigorating and sedativedrugs;
  • limit your caffeine intake.

Informativeness of the survey

What does an ultrasound of the heart in women show? At the time of examining the patient with an ultrasound probe, a specialist can consider:

  • state of organ chambers;
  • their parameters;
  • integrity;
  • diameter and general condition of vessels;
  • thickness of the walls of the ventricles and atria;
  • valve status and operation;
  • direction and volume of blood flow;
  • muscle state at the time of contraction and relaxation;
  • the state of the pericardial sac and the presence or absence of fluid in it.
What can be diagnosed with an ultrasound of the heart
What can be diagnosed with an ultrasound of the heart

Thanks to ultrasound diagnostics, many different cardiac pathologies can be detected. There are established norms for the results of examinations of women, which are considered impeccable, but the specialist must also take into account the physique of the girl, her age and other features.


Echocardiography can be used at any age and condition, it has no contraindications and side effects, and is therefore considered completely safe.

According to statistics, in Russia more than a million people die every year from various heart defects. Ultrasound allows you to identify the problem at an early stage, which makes it possible to begin effective treatment and reduce the risk of complications.

True, it is worth considering that some factors can affect the resultsexaminations:

  • large breast size;
  • severe chest deformity;
  • bronchial asthma and an impressive history of smoking.

What can be revealed

Using an ultrasound of the heart, you can detect the following problems:

  • mitral canal prolapse;
  • impaired myocardial development;
  • valve defects;
  • myocardial underdevelopment;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • fluid in the pericardial sac;
  • ischemia;
  • aneurysms;
  • myocarditis;
  • heart attack;
  • thrombosis and various neoplasms.

How the results are deciphered

The norm of ultrasound of the heart in women looks like this:

  • right ventricular volume - 0.9-2.5 cm;
  • thickness of the interventricular septum - 0.6-1.12 cm;
  • diameter of the aortic mouth - 2-3, 7;
  • ZSLZh thickness - 0.6-1.12 cm;
  • LV cavity - 3, 51-5, 7;
  • ZSLZH movement amplitude - 0.9-1.41 cm;
  • MOS - 3.5-7.5 l/min;
  • SI - 2-4, 1 l;
  • ejection fraction - 55-60%;
  • mouth of pulmonary artery - 1, 8-2, 4;
  • her trunk - up to 3 cm;
  • speed of blood circulation in the carotid artery - 22+-5 cm/s;
  • there should be no signs of papillary muscle dysfunction, regurgitation, vegetation;
  • there should be no fluid in the pericardium.
Deciphering the results of ultrasound of the heart
Deciphering the results of ultrasound of the heart

These indicators are standard, but do not forget that the doctor during the decoding must also take into account your age, physique and other individualfeatures.