What is a whole person? This question can be heard from people who want to become better, fulfill themselves, live happily.
Holistic personality. Description
And one who is firmly confident in himself, knows what he wants, and accepts everything around him as it is, and does not try to resist fate, can call himself such a special person. A person respects the choice of everyone, including his own. It can be said of such a person that she looks at things with a real look and draws appropriate conclusions, even if they contradict external pressure. This is a person whose inner world is in harmony with the outer. Self-confidence and peace of mind accompany him in life.

Material and spiritual flows are in balance with each other. When a personality is whole, it is guided by its inner compass-truth. Man is a part of the Universe, feels unity with the world. It is filled with vital energy. He shows interest in the world, talents are realized and internal resources are activated. The personality is filled with vital energy thanks to energy channels.
Holistic education of the individual occurs due to the fact that a clear awareness comesof everything that is happening. Each lesson brings something necessary for development into a person's life. This person also allows herself to experience any emotions and accepts everything, and even the dark sides of her character, with the confidence that all this will teach her something. Such people know how to enjoy every moment in life, feel inner freedom, as they look at the world from the position of God. And we can say with firm certainty that these personalities lack excitement and experience.

Opportunities for constant development, knowledge of everything new open up for them, and life itself becomes a great adventure. A person radiates into the outside world such energy as joy, warmth and light. He wants to share all this with the surrounding society.
When does formation begin?
The formation of a holistic personality occurs only when a person thinks that something in life does not suit him. It also happens if an inner voice tells him that he is going the wrong way. Perhaps a person does not even suspect that the point is integrity and that you should pay attention to your inner world.

Often, such a person does not take into account all the components of his essence, mainly only appearance, character or physical form. At the same time, she forgets that a person is a combination of mental, energy and physical processes.
Defense mechanisms
First of all, a holistic personality is considered from the position of suchsciences like psychology. Here the person herself is the main object of study in this area. The personality is considered from the social side, its behavior in society, the presence of individual properties and qualities of character. It is formed under certain beliefs and principles, realized by the person himself. A holistic personality psychology implies a certain defensive reaction. There are several such mechanisms in nature, and they work when something threatens a person. Some personality traits can be attributed to a defensive reaction, such as:
- replacement, when the aggression received from someone on a person from it automatically transfers to another person;
- repression - a person forbids herself to perceive those thoughts and feelings from which there were sufferings, forgetting or not knowing that all this remains in the subconscious, which is not good for herself;
- projection - when one imposes his irrational thoughts on another or several people, thus shifting his shortcomings or flaws onto others.
Man personally chooses and adheres to them. Thanks to integrity, he acquires psychological stability at a high level when there is a choice between achieving goals and the proposed values. Not everyone is given the status of a holistic person. It all depends on the characteristics of upbringing, on relationships in the family where a person grew up, on interaction with the environment and on its influence. A whole person is not born. Its formation depends on the interaction and influence of the external environment.
Force modeldevelopment
Personality can develop according to two models: strength and inner harmony models. In the first case, beliefs are rigid, and they are defended in open conflict. Moreover, the person is not going to “give up their positions”. As a result, the personality breaks entirely, which cannot be said about the model of harmony. Where there are not only beliefs, but also morality, spiritual values. A person is ready to sacrifice himself and his life to his beliefs.

The power model can be attributed to a greater extent to a man. It is not easy for him to accept external laws and requirements with control. Although the main thing for him is to agree with them. After this happens, the man monitors all this himself. He came to this.
Internal Harmony Model
A holistic personality, located in the model of inner harmony, is also supported by inner flexibility. That is, when a person safely accepts the environment as it is, and she accepts him.
The presence of harmony within can be described as the absence of conflict between the inner parts of the personality, as well as only a positive worldview. A person realizes and accepts that understanding of others and himself should be in the first place. Moreover, he himself strives to notice only the strengths and positive aspects. Such people do not engage in self-blame. Internal flexibility helps to adapt for some time to the harsh requirements of the external environment, allowing you to use any opportunity to return to its original state. This model is mainly forthe fair sex.
Incomplete personality. Description
If a person does not have goals, constantly contradicts both everyone and himself, does not know how to make decisions or shifts them to others so as not to be responsible for them, then such a person can hardly be called integral. For these people, there is no guideline in life; their companions are self-doubt and low self-esteem. The consequences of all this are the constant change of personal beliefs and disappointment in everything.

Why is this happening? Perhaps education or the surrounding society played a role here, which introduced limits. Or maybe situations that caused pain and influenced a person’s rejection of himself. Then feelings are forbidden to avoid suffering in the future. The connection with the soul is lost, and the mind takes responsibility. Surely many have been in a situation where betrayal, disappointment, stress or intense grief led to a loss of integrity.
But not everyone, being in critical conditions, retain their qualities of a holistic personality and remain unchanged in relation to their life positions. It all depends on the temperament and type of person. A person who does not want to recognize her talents, wants to be successful, but does not take any steps for this, sees only shortcomings in herself and others, feels more self-hatred than love, the definition of "holistic personality" does not fit. A whole person understands his purpose. He follows inner guidance in one way or another.situation.
Tips for Integrity
A person who is not in integrity cannot see his true state, it is difficult for him to do so. To do this, you need to look into the soul, ask yourself about what is needed for the holistic development of the personality to come into his life.

Reconnect with the inner world, open up to the light and all positive energies. You need to strive for this and sincerely want it. When a person establishes contact with his soul, the necessary circumstances, bright people and opportunities come into his life. The main thing is to notice all this and be grateful for everything. Usually a teacher comes into life, a mentor who brings him to the level of awareness.
When everything that comes into life is accepted as something planned by the soul, as some kind of experience or game, then unity with the world is restored. Purification of subtle bodies, work with all internal blocks will help to come to a complete revival of integrity. The higher source of energy will harmonize all aspects with each other with the help of powerful vibrations into a single whole. Also, this state can be reached in a different way.

A person must prove himself in creativity. Taking responsibility for your life, trusting the world, and turning your attention inward will also help restore the integrity of a person. Readiness and desire to feel this state must be present. Don't contradict anything or anyone. Everything should happen easily and naturally. Achieve UnityMeditation and proper breathing will help. After that, the person himself will be able to freely enter the common flow with higher energies. The entrance to the state of integrity has no boundaries, there is a process of unification with the Universe, nature and the right energies.
Only when a person firmly knows and understands that in order to be in harmony with himself and the world he needs to develop, realize himself in the necessary aspects for a further happy and bright life, the formation of a holistic personality takes place. Slowly, his inner potential is revealed, which, perhaps, he himself did not know. Everything goes to the fact that the person finds his "I". In fact, the development of a personality is the formation and filling of spiritual and physical forces, leading it to the realization of understanding its essence and role in nature.