Displacement of the uterus: causes, symptoms, treatment features, rehabilitation

Displacement of the uterus: causes, symptoms, treatment features, rehabilitation
Displacement of the uterus: causes, symptoms, treatment features, rehabilitation

In its normal state, the uterus is a mobile organ, which in its structure is similar to a pear. In a nulliparous woman, its size usually reaches 8 centimeters. As a rule, it can move in different directions without any difficulty. This movement is provided by the work of the abdominal muscles and ligaments that attach the uterus to the walls of the pelvis. Normally, the uterus is slightly tilted forward. Difficult mobility may indicate the presence of a pathological condition called uterine displacement. It can be either acquired during life or congenital.

displacement of the uterus to the left
displacement of the uterus to the left

Displacement is quite often the result of inflammatory processes. Underweight and overweight women are at risk. Learn more about the consequences and causes of displacement of the uterus to the left or right from the article.


The main reasons why the uterus is shifted to the right or to the left include:

  • weakened pelvic muscles after childbirth;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • past surgeries;
  • physical activity in the period after childbirth;
  • presence of gynecological diseases;
  • overweight;
  • injuries sustained during childbirth;
  • oncological tumors;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • damage to ligaments and muscles.


There are many symptoms that signal a changed location of the uterus. There are cases when this pathology is asymptomatic, and it is found only when a woman complains of infertility.

uterine displacement causes
uterine displacement causes

In general, the displacement of the cervix is accompanied by such obvious symptoms:

  • problem ovulation;
  • increased soreness of the menstrual cycle;
  • cycle breaking;
  • pain with intimacy;
  • decrease in libido;
  • lack of orgasm;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • obstructed venous return;
  • infertility;
  • exacerbation of inflammation of the uterus and its appendages;
  • recurring miscarriages and abortions;
  • migraines;
  • drawing pain in the lower abdomen.

Depending on the side the uterus has shifted to, other symptoms may be added. When the uterus deviates forward, there is pressure on the bladder, as a result of which a woman may have problem urinating. She is worried about frequent urges, cystitis and urinary retention may appear. In almost every case, the symptoms are sufficiently pronounced, making it possible to suspect the onset of the development of pathology in the uterus and apply formedical assistance.


Diagnostic measures are often performed in 3 steps. Moreover, to determine the exact diagnosis, you need to consult a gynecologist, urologist and proctologist. Often, this pathological condition of the main reproductive organ is accompanied by other abnormalities that occur in the urinary system and intestines.

During a gynecological examination, the doctor palpates the abdomen and the uterus itself by inserting fingers into the vagina. If the uterus deviates back, the fingers will rest against the arch from behind. Deviation forward is probed over the bosom. When deviating to the side, its insufficient mobility and gravity in a certain direction are revealed.

displacement of the uterus to the right
displacement of the uterus to the right

Hysterosalpingography and colposcopy are the next stages of the examination. Hysterosalpingography makes it possible to identify the level of patency of the pipes, assess the general condition of its cavity and make sure that there is no development of adhesions. For its implementation, a substance flowing through the tubes is injected into the uterus. The whole process is controlled by X-ray and ultrasound. Colposcopy is used to determine the downward deviation of the uterus. The procedure is carried out with a colposcope, and in this case there is no need to use an anesthetic drug. Thanks to this method, it is also possible to additionally detect various neoplasms, the onset of cancer, dysplasia and pathologies of the cervix.

Traditional methods

This group of methods for diagnosing uterine displacement includes different tests:

  • smear for microflora;
  • which help detect atypicalcells;
  • ultrasound examination;
  • general blood and urine tests.

An ultrasound is also indicated to help determine the position of the uterus. Treatment of displacement of the uterus is carried out in 2 stages. The presence of an inflammatory process is usually noted, as well as the formation of adhesions.

First stage of treatment

At this stage, the main task is to eliminate inflammation, restore blood supply to organs that are not well nourished due to pinched blood vessels. For this, different methods are used. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used for therapy:

  • "Diclofenac";
  • "Nurofen";
  • Ibuprofen.
uterine displacement consequences
uterine displacement consequences

When an infection is attached, the use of antibiotics in courses may be indicated. Physiotherapeutic procedures: use for the treatment of UHF and other methods that help relieve inflammation, resolve adhesions, improve lymphatic metabolism and blood supply, which significantly improves the general condition of the body.

Second stage and stabilization

Next, the final elimination of inflammation is required in order to proceed to the final stage of therapy. Anti-inflammatory treatment is performed by the same means that were used at the previous stage of therapy. It is important to completely cure the inflammatory process, because without this it is impossible to carry out gynecological massage - a key element in the treatment of uterine displacement.

Physiotherapy is designed to improve blood circulation in the uterus,the final removal of inflammation with the help of safe anti-inflammatory drugs. Organ tissues will respond better to treatment by becoming more elastic. Subsequently, the adhesions will dissolve, and the massage will stretch them.

displacement of the cervix
displacement of the cervix

Massage helps to strengthen the fascia and ligaments of the pelvic organs. Also, the uterus will gradually move into a normal physiological position. Ligaments strengthened by massage will firmly fix the uterus in a physiological state.

The duration of treatment performed will depend on the complexity of the displacement of the uterus. However, massage should be carried out at least 15 sessions lasting no more than 10 minutes. With the right approach and quality treatment, the displacement of the uterus can be eliminated, and the woman will be he althy!


As a rule, if the treatment is successful, the woman is discharged after 3 days. But the full recovery period is a month. However, there are restrictions on a number of loads for several more months. Depending on the operation and the accuracy of following the doctor's recommendations, an improvement in the condition can be observed within a week, and if the operation was performed on a large area of the uterus, after 2 weeks. A faster recovery period occurs when a supporting mesh is installed. After the operation, the sick leave is valid for another month, this is very important for those women who lead a sedentary lifestyle, as it is dangerous to stay in a sitting position for a long time after the operation.

displacement of the uterus causes and consequences
displacement of the uterus causes and consequences

Bthe following restrictions apply during the rehabilitation period: you cannot live an intimate life for 2 months until the sutures completely dissolve. You can't lift weights for six months. Swimming is prohibited for 2 months. Also, within 2 months you can not engage in active physical activity. After surgery, the hospital usually prescribes pain medication to help you get through the first phase of recovery. This is usually quite enough, but if inflammation has begun, antibiotics are also prescribed.

Additional measures

If the operation was performed vaginally, it is also recommended during the rehabilitation period:

  1. Follow your diet. It is important that the stool is liquid at first, you can not strain the lower abdomen when going to the toilet.
  2. You can sit only 3-4 weeks after surgery.
  3. You can take a shower only after 5-7 days, and you will need to follow the instructions given by your doctor. You can not visit the sauna, bath, take a bath for 2 months.
  4. In case of bleeding, call an ambulance immediately.
  5. After the operation, the examination is carried out in a week, and then in a month.

Consequences of uterine displacement

The uterus, if there is a displacement, begins to put pressure on the rectum and bladder. It happens that the uterus is shifted to the left or right, usually caused by inflammation in the ovaries or tubes. In this case, the organ is displaced in the direction where the inflammation occurs. The displacement of the uterus to the side leads to the formation of adhesions, the connective tissue that fixes the organs,stretches, weakens. The organs are displaced, adhesions are formed between them. As a result, some mobility of the organs is lost. While going to the toilet, a woman may experience pain or discomfort in the side where the adhesion occurred.

uterine displacement to the left
uterine displacement to the left

If the uterus moves down, sinks, problems begin with the functioning of the bladder and intestines, as the uterus begins to put pressure on these organs. The ligaments are weakened, as a result of which the organs cannot be fixed in the desired position. Further weakening and sagging of the ligaments leads to urinary and fecal incontinence. In this case, surgical intervention is required. As a result of the displacement of the uterus in one direction or another, there may be such consequences:

  1. Development of cystitis, problems with urination.
  2. Constipation, back pain.
  3. Numbness of the limbs, development of varicose veins, sciatic neuralgia.

Displacement Pregnancy

Displacement of the uterus (bend of the uterus) is a diagnosis that gynecologists make in almost every fifth woman. An insignificant displacement of this female organ is not a clinical pathology and occurs in many women who have given birth and who have not given birth. Experts consider only strong deviations from the established norm as a pathology, but it is quite rare. If the displacement of the uterus is not significant and the woman's he alth is in order, then the onset of pregnancy is quite real. However, it must be taken into account that the stronger this deviation, the more difficult it will be for sperm to enter the uterine cavity. That's why,according to the advice of gynecologists, at conception, it is necessary to choose certain postures that will simplify the movement of the seed, for example, knee-elbow. After intercourse, a woman needs to lie down a little in the “birch” position. These methods increase the chance of possible pregnancy.

In case of a critical displacement of the uterus, this pathology must be eliminated, which can subsequently lead to infertility. During the course of pregnancy, this disease can be expressed in the form of frequent urination, back pain. In most cases, at the beginning of the second trimester, the fetus begins to grow rapidly, the uterus increases in size and returns to its proper place in the woman's small pelvis. Only a posteriorly displaced uterus can interfere with an examination or ultrasound.