Modern man should be as active as possible. But for this you need to spend as much time as possible on activities and as little as possible on sleep and rest. However, living in this mode for a long time, you can significantly worsen your he alth. That is why in this article I want to talk about how to get enough sleep in 6 hours.

On the value of sleep
Initially, it should be noted that sleep is he alth. This statement is very often heard from the lips of doctors. And that's right. After all, it is on how much time a person sleeps at night that his activity the next day depends. The fact that lack of sleep significantly weakens the immune system, negatively affects the nervous, cardiovascular systems and provokes neurological problems, doctors have been saying for a long time. At the same time, it is important to remember that for a normal rest, you need to go through all phases of sleep.

About sleep phases
Before telling howsleep for 6 hours, it should be noted: scientists say that sleep can be conditionally divided into fast and slow. In the first case, the brain remains as active as possible, the eyes are characterized by mobility, all systems work at an accelerated pace. In this phase of sleep, a person's limbs may twitch. And that's completely normal. It should be noted that it is in this phase that you can see the most vivid and memorable dreams. The duration of REM sleep is 10-20 minutes. Then comes slow sleep, the duration of which is slightly longer. During the whole night, the phases can change each other about 4-5 times.
- Phase one. This is the initial stage, the so-called light nap, when the brain is actively working. A person can enter this phase in transport, while watching TV.
- Phase two. Falling asleep occurs. In this case, a person can be easily awakened. Bursts of brain activity are observed, all systems begin to work more slowly.
- Phase three, transitional. Sleep in this case is extremely deep.
- Phase four. The very deep sleep that is so important for the human body. It is at this time that human strength is restored, all organs and systems rest, working in the minimum activity mode. The phase lasts approximately 25-30 minutes. Although here it is possible to view dreams. It should also be noted that it is at this time that people experience bouts of sleepwalking.
The longest phase of deep sleep is the first. At this time, the body rests as much as possible. Further, the duration of the phases gradually decreases. Sleep quality is improvedalong with the duration of the deep phase.

He althy sleep rules
People are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to sleep for 6 hours. Of course you can. In this case, the quality of sleep itself plays an important role. And for this you need to know and remember the main rules of a he althy night's rest:
- Go to sleep and wake up at the same time. On weekends, you can extend sleep by a maximum of one hour. Only in this case, the body will be able to adequately feel without being stressed.
- One of the rules for getting enough sleep in 6 hours: during the day you need to give the body physical activity. It may even be the simplest charge. But the body still has to work. It is important to remember that strong physical activity should be carried out no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. A contrast shower is also important.
- In order not to experience stress during sleep, you need to drink enough water throughout the day. The norm is two liters of clean liquid.
- You can easily get enough sleep for 6 hours of sleep at night, if you give the body a rest during the day. So, adults, as well as children, benefit from daytime sleep. To do this, you need to sleep at least 45-50 minutes.
- In the room in which a person sleeps, there should be a minimum of light. It is best to sleep in total darkness. It is also important to ventilate the room before leaving for a night's rest. The temperature in the room should be at the level of 19-22 degrees, no more.
- You need to fall asleep light. That is why doctors recommend that the last meal of the day be no later than two hours.before bedtime. At the same time, it is best to eat plant foods.

Other techniques
Understanding how to sleep for 6 hours and get enough sleep, you need to talk about various techniques that will also help the body to have a good rest in a short time:
- Relaxation technique. In this case, the body relaxes as much as possible, the duration of time required for quality rest is reduced. It's so much better than falling asleep "passing out."
- Doctors say that one hour of sleep before midnight is equal to two hours after. How to get enough sleep in 6 hours and have a good rest during this time? All you have to do is go to bed on the wrong day to wake up.
- You can use the Wayne system when you need to find those periods of time for sleep when you want to sleep very, very much.
As a small conclusion, I would like to say that there are also modern "smart" alarm clocks that determine whether a person has had enough sleep or not. To do this, they simply read the sleep phases of the sleeper.