Diseases of the genitourinary system require a special approach. Refusal of timely therapy can lead to serious complications. High-quality therapy is carried out by specialists of the URO-PRO clinic in Yekaterinburg. Patient reviews confirm this. Before visiting the clinic, it is important to study the basic information about it.
Basic information about the institution
"URO-PRO" in Yekaterinburg is one of the network's representative offices, which provides services in several narrow medical speci alties. Assistance can be provided to patients in the field of urology, proctology, endocrinology, neurology, dermatology. Here you can undergo a diagnosis of the whole organism, get advice from qualified specialists. In Yekaterinburg, the clinic is located along Kuznechnaya Street (house 83) in a place with a well-developed infrastructure. It can be easily reached by public transport. For those who come with their own car, there is free parking.

Clinic URO-PRO” attracts patients from all over the Urals. In this medical institution, complex male urological and proctological diseases are treated at a high level, modern techniques are used to remove unpleasant symptoms without surgical intervention. It successfully combines drug treatment with physiotherapy.
Reviews show that the clinic has a comfortable atmosphere. The specialists of the institution are able to find an individual approach to each patient. If necessary, therapy can take place in conditions of anonymity. Patient-friendly payment options for treatment are provided.
Diseases of the genitourinary system in men require special attention. Statistics show that in most cases, infertility in the stronger sex is associated precisely with the refusal of timely treatment of urological pathologies. The URO-PRO facility (83 Kuznechnaya St.) uses methods to detect diseases of the genitourinary system in men at an early stage. Good results are shown by transrectal ultrasound of the prostate, as well as the scrotum. The combination with a traditional examination (examination, general tests) makes it possible to make an accurate diagnosis and start timely therapy. The cost of a comprehensive urological examination is 1900 rubles.

Good results are shown by SMT therapy at the URO-PRO clinic in Yekaterinburg. Reviews show that this technique is especially effective in chronic inflammatory processes. Only forseveral sessions, the representatives of the stronger sex manage to get rid of pain when urinating.
Erectile dysfunction, infertility, lack of sexual desire - these problems are increasingly faced by young men. Specialists of the clinic "URO-PRO" in Yekaterinburg will help to effectively deal with the problem. The address of the medical facility is listed above.
Unfortunately, many men are ashamed of their indisposition, do not rush to seek qualified help, self-medicate. As a result, the pathology is aggravated, becomes chronic.

In the clinic "URO-PRO" treatment can take place anonymously. Therefore, there is no need to worry that others will find out about a delicate problem. The following methods are effectively used here: ozone therapy, LLOD therapy, thermotherapy, magnetic stimulation chair, etc. All the actions of the attending physician are aimed at the result.
Urology in Yekaterinburg is not the only area in which the specialists of the medical institution "URO-PRO" have succeeded. It also treats delicate proctological diseases at a high level. A lot of good reviews can be heard from patients who have undergone hemorrhoid therapy here. The actions of specialists are aimed, first of all, at the possibility of eliminating unpleasant symptoms in a conservative way. Good results can be achieved thanks to medical sclerosis. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, without anesthesia. Risk of Complicationsis reduced to a minimum. The good news is that this treatment can be carried out at any stage of hemorrhoids.
Unfortunately, in advanced cases, it is impossible to do without surgical intervention. However, even in this case, treatment can be effectively carried out at the URO-PRO clinic in Yekaterinburg. Reviews of experts show that good results can be achieved with latex ligation. Special ligatures are applied to hemorrhoids under local anesthesia. As a result, ischemia develops, the node disappears after a few days.
Removal of polyps, papillomas and warts
Benign growths of the rectal mucosa (polyps, warts, papillomas) can form at any age. Such a pathology indicates that the human papillomavirus is present in the body. As long as the education is too small, it may not make itself felt. However, over time, the patient may experience such unpleasant symptoms as pain during bowel movements, discomfort in the anus. A qualified proctologist in Yekaterinburg will help to cope with the problem. For help, the patient can contact the medical institution "URO-PRO".

The medical institution uses modern methods of removing rectal neoplasms. Good results are shown by electrosurgical removal of polyps, papillomas and condylomas using the Fotek apparatus. The intervention is performed by a non-contact method. There are no scars after the procedure. Reviews show that almost immediately after the intervention, you canreturn to your normal lifestyle. The likelihood of complications is minimized.
Anal fissure treatment
If such a delicate problem as anal fissures has arisen, therapy can also be done at the URO-PRO department at 83 Kuznechnaya Street. Unpleasant symptoms are associated with a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the outer part of the anal canal. Statistics show that women are more likely to experience this problem.
At the URO-PRO clinic, magnetic laser therapy will help to effectively cope with unpleasant symptoms. It is possible to treat both acute and chronic anal fissures. The technique accelerates the process of restoration of the damaged mucosa, stimulates the local immunity of the epidermis. Reviews show that unpleasant symptoms become less pronounced after the first procedure.
Removal of neoplasms on the skin
If you need a qualified dermatologist in Yekaterinburg, you can also pay attention to the services of the URO-PRO company. Particularly in demand, according to reviews, are procedures related to the removal of moles, papillomas and other neoplasms on the skin. The procedure is carried out by a non-contact method, which reduces the likelihood of complications, speeds up the rehabilitation process. The work uses the apparatus "Surgitron". For the initial consultation with a doctor, you will have to pay 1000 rubles. The cost of removing the neoplasm will depend on the level of complexity (from 1000 rubles). For a complex intervention using suture material, you will have to pay 4,000 rubles.

Reviews show that after the removal of moles, papillomas and warts in the URO-PRO clinic, there are no scars and scars, the restoration of the epidermis takes place as quickly as possible. Especially delicately, specialists perform interventions on the face.
Acne treatment
Acne is a common dermatological pathology. The first symptoms usually appear during puberty. Due to changes in the hormonal background, sebum begins to stand out more intensively. If the patient does not properly care for the skin, the pores become clogged. A beneficial environment is formed for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

Specialists of the URO-PRO institution in Yekaterinburg will help to cope with the disease. Reviews show that an individual approach is selected for each patient, medicines are selected in accordance with skin type and age. For the first consultation with a dermatologist, you will have to pay 1000 rubles. The cost of further treatment is determined on an individual basis. An integrated approach using medicines and cosmetic procedures makes it possible to achieve a positive result within a few weeks.
Not only acne, but many other pathologies in the body develop due to changes in hormonal levels. High-quality services are provided in the clinic "URO-PRO" in the field of endocrinology. A huge proportion of patients are people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism. Refusal of timely therapy can lead to serious consequences. One of the most dangerous is diabetes.

Reviews show that at the first visit, each patient has the opportunity to undergo a thorough examination. Ultrasound in Yekaterinburg (at URO-PRO) makes it possible to understand in which direction a specialist needs to act. After all, a violation of carbohydrate metabolism can be observed against the background of cirrhosis of the liver, neoplasms in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, hyperfunction of the adrenal glands, etc. You will have to pay 1,700 rubles for an appointment with an endocrinologist with an ultrasound scan in the clinic.
Treatment of menstrual disorders
The absence of menstrual bleeding for several months in a woman of childbearing age is a serious pathology that can lead to infertility if left untreated. In URO-PRO in Yekaterinburg, doctors will do everything so that the patient can feel the joy of motherhood in the future. Initially, a general clinical study is carried out, which makes it possible to identify concomitant pathologies. Then the level of hormones in the blood is studied. Based on the data obtained, therapy is prescribed on an individual basis. For the initial appointment with a gynecologist-endocrinologist, you will have to pay 1,300 rubles.
Dizziness, convulsions, fatigue, pain in the arms and legs - all these symptoms may indicate the presence of neurological disorders in the body. A qualitative examination and subsequent therapy can be done at the URO-PRO facility in Yekaterinburg. Reviews show that the methods used here make it possible to get rid of unpleasantsymptoms as soon as possible.
Cure neurological pathology allows an integrated approach. After undergoing an ultrasound scan in Yekaterinburg and passing the necessary tests, the specialists of the clinic choose several methods of therapy. Medicinal blockades are being set up, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Physiotherapy helps to quickly relieve pain and speed up the recovery process of the body.
URO-PRO in Yekaterinburg is a medical facility you can trust. Numerous positive reviews confirm this. The cost of the services offered cannot be called low, but the prices are quite consistent with the professionalism of the specialists.