Overdose of nutmeg: symptoms and what to do

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Overdose of nutmeg: symptoms and what to do
Overdose of nutmeg: symptoms and what to do

Video: Overdose of nutmeg: symptoms and what to do

Video: Overdose of nutmeg: symptoms and what to do
Video: How to Get Tested for HIV - Episode 4 2024, September

Since ancient times, nutmeg has been used as a medicine to calm the nervous system, treat gastrointestinal tract and sexual disorders. Later, it began to be used as a fragrant spice to add flavor to dishes and alcoholic beverages. In addition to the positive impact of this seasoning on the body, there is also a negative. Large doses have been found to cause hallucinations, palpitations and convulsions. In this article, we will look at when an overdose of nutmeg occurs and what measures are taken in this case.

History of Nutmeg

His homeland is the Moluccas, located in Indonesia. Since ancient times, the nut has been used as a medicine to strengthen the stomach, as well as a spice that improves the taste of culinary dishes and drinks. At the end of the 15th century, when the Portuguese discovered the plant, a ruthless struggle for the right to own it continued for a long period of time. Then he gets to the Dutch, who are engaged in his trade,until France and Britain grew these trees outside of his homeland.

walnut plantation
walnut plantation

The British in the 18th century planted nutmeg on the island of Grenada, which today occupies one of the first places in the world in its production. In addition, it is grown in the Caribbean, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, New Guinea, and China. These fruits gained popularity due to their excellent taste and unique composition containing a large amount of protein, amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. It is used in medicine, perfumery and cooking. However, with unlimited use of nutmeg, an overdose is inevitable.

Useful properties of nuts

It has long been known that the use of nutmeg in small amounts, up to 10 g, has a beneficial effect on the human body, which manifests itself in the following:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect on joints and tissues;
  • stimulates brain activity, eliminates fatigue, relieves stress and depression;
  • improves circulation;
  • activates digestion;
  • cleanses the liver and kidneys;
  • contributes to the treatment of skin diseases;
  • has a hypnotic effect;
  • used as an expectorant;
  • treats sexual disorders, menstrual disorders.
Grated nutmeg
Grated nutmeg

It would seem that by eating a magic potion, you can get rid of all ailments. However, experts recommend using itonly in small quantities, otherwise it affects the psyche. How much nutmeg does it take to overdose? The critical amount for the human body is 30 grams.

Drug effect

Eating a large amount of nutmeg acts on the body of an individual like a drug. This effect is given by three substances contained in the spice - these are:

  • Myristicin - disrupts cerebral circulation, intestinal function, affects the liver, reduces immunity.
  • Elemicin is a volatile aromatic substance with a psychoactive effect.
  • Safrole is an oily liquid.

Under the influence of digestive enzymes in the liver, these substances are converted into the components that make up ecstasy and LSD. With blood, they enter the brain, acting on the receptors responsible for visual and auditory perception, and in case of an overdose of nutmeg, they can cause hallucinations. The effect of the compounds that make up the famous spice is similar to how marijuana works, only it is less pronounced.

fruits on the tree
fruits on the tree

It appears about four hours after consumption. A person's coordination of movements is disturbed, mood improves, the perception of space is distorted, vision does not focus, he becomes talkative and liberated. Mild sadness can lead to depression. The peak of intoxication occurs eight hours after taking nuts. Then come detachment and drowsiness.

Overdose symptoms

The effect of an overdose of nutmegwalnut is very similar to alcohol or drugs. In addition to a mental disorder, the following signs appear:

  • tachycardia;
  • heart rhythm disorder;
  • skin rash, possible angioedema;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • liver toxicity;
  • headaches;
  • convulsions.
green walnut
green walnut

For the occurrence of this symptom, it is enough to use 2-3 nuts, it all depends on their size and the individual characteristics of the person. This product is contraindicated for children under the age of seven, pregnant and lactating women, due to the negative effect on the child's brain.

First aid for poisoning

If a person with poisoning is found, an ambulance should be called immediately. Before her arrival with an overdose of nutmeg, what to do? Assistance measures are taken immediately, the further he alth of a person depends on this. To do this, you need:

  • Urgent gastric lavage. The victim should be given plenty of water to drink, to which it is recommended to add a crystal of potassium permanganate so that it acquires a pinkish color. Induce vomiting by pressing the handle of a teaspoon on the root of the tongue.
  • Give Enterosgel, Polysorb or Activated Carbon sorbent to drink.
  • Do not leave the victim alone. He may be hallucinating, so dangerous objects must be removed from view.

Medical assistance

After providing first aid for an overdose of nutmeg, the victim is sent to a medical facility, where he undergoes the followingEvents:

  • The stomach is washed using a special probe.
  • They give a cleansing enema.
  • Prescribe sorbents.
  • Infusion therapy is a treatment based on the introduction of solutions into the vein that normalize the water-electrolyte and acid-base balance.
  • Diuretics - provide increased excretion of fluid and s alts from the body, cleansing it and normalizing acidity.
Blooming walnut tree
Blooming walnut tree

Timely assistance to a poisoned patient will reduce the negative consequences.

Nutmeg: benefits and harms for women

Due to its rich composition of macro- and microelements, vitamins and pleasant taste, nutmeg is often used by women to prepare many culinary delights. To give dishes, drinks and pastries a refined taste, seasonings need very little, on the tip of a knife. The content of a small amount of spices in food has a positive effect on digestion, improves memory, helps to cope with stress, has an antiviral and tonic effect. The addition of walnut powder to hair balms and masks stimulates hair growth, while massage mixtures improve blood circulation, rejuvenate the skin of the face and are used to mask small acne scars. But the fruits of nutmeg are strictly contraindicated for women:

  • At any stage of pregnancy, a miscarriage is possible. Miracistin, penetrating the placenta, adversely affects the mental development of the fetus.
  • During lactation - the child may have mental disorders.
Ripe fruits
Ripe fruits

In addition, spices are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and mental disorders.

The consequences of an overdose

Overdose of nutmeg, how much? As a rule, the use of spices in large quantities exceeding 30 g has a hallucinogenic and psychotropic effect on the body. The effects of an overdose negatively affect functioning:

  • Liver - most often fibrosis develops when the liver is destroyed and replaced by connective tissue. Prolonged exposure to a psychotropic substance can lead to cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Brain - insomnia appears, memory impairment occurs, concentration of attention decreases, and sometimes there are significant changes in mental abilities.
  • Hearts - vessels constrict, blood pressure rises, heart rhythm is disturbed. The result is heart failure.
  • Lungs - there is a depression of the part of the brain that controls the function of breathing. Frequent negative exposure to the substance leads to disruption of their work.
  • Nervous system - repeated overdose of nutmeg causes mental disorders, persistent depression, panic attacks and schizophrenia.
Nutmeg in the form of spices
Nutmeg in the form of spices

Sometimes there are serious disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. The situation is exacerbated in the presence of chronic diseases. With the constant intake of significant doses of nuts, a person gradually degrades.


Officially, nutmeg is not considered a drug and can be purchased legally. However, since ancient times it has been known that it has psychotropic properties. Some are mistaken that a nut used for the production of spices cannot harm he alth in any way, even if its consumption is exceeded. In fact, repeated abuse of nutmeg can lead not only to severe poisoning, but also to death.
