Medicine does not stand still. Despite this, no medicine has yet been found that can save a person from the immunodeficiency virus. AIDS is considered one of the most dangerous pathologies. Currently, the only chance for salvation is the timely detection of the pathogen.
Identification of the pathogen at an early stage allows you to take all measures to maintain the body. Below is information on the correct name for HIV blood tests, how to prepare for them, which can affect the final result.

Laboratory tests are mandatory in the following cases:
- A person was sexually assaulted.
- Sudden and significant weight loss for no apparent reason. The loss of a large number of kilograms, as a rule, indicates a pathology. HIV is far from the last place in the list of possible diseases.
- For a whileThe man had a medical procedure a while ago, but he is afraid that the instruments were not properly sterilized.
- Promiscuous without using a condom.
- Regular sexual partner infected.
- Presence of sexually transmitted diseases.
- During pregnancy.
- As part of the annual check-ups.
- Before admission to the hospital.
In addition, every person can take a blood test for HIV, the name of which depends on the chosen method, if he has suspicions that he may be infected. For example, if he is worried about various kinds of alarming symptoms.

It is important to understand that there is no one universally accepted study. Each laboratory uses different methods. Therefore, those interested in what the blood test for HIV is called should first find out how the biological material will be studied.
General study of the biomaterial is not specific. But its results can give an unambiguous answer whether further diagnostics are needed.
The following indicators are clinically significant:
- Leukocytes. These cells are directly involved in the formation of the immune response. In HIV-infected people, the number of leukocytes is significantly abnormal.
- Platelets and hemoglobin. These blood test indicators for HIV are significantly reduced.
- SOE. This indicator in the presence of a virus in the body increases significantly.
If unsatisfactory results are obtained, more specific tests are ordered.

Quick test
Not only blood, but also urine and saliva can be used as biological material. At the same time, the study can be carried out both in the laboratory and at home.
What is the name of the blood test for HIV? Rapid testing for the immunodeficiency virus. The result can be obtained within an hour. Special test strips can be purchased at a pharmacy. But their results are not 100% accurate.
Doctors do not recommend taking biomaterial for a rapid test earlier than 3 months after the alleged infection.
What is the name of the blood test for HIV in this case? The abbreviation ELISA stands for: enzyme immunoassay. It is carried out to detect antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus.
The biological material is venous blood. The number of antibodies detected is an informative indicator, thanks to which you can find out the severity of the disease.
The disadvantage of the ELISA method is that an increase in the concentration of protein compounds occurs against the background of the course of oncological processes.

This study is by far the most accurate and informative. What is the name of the blood test for HIV in this case? Polymerase chainreaction to the immunodeficiency virus.
This diagnosis is carried out at the DNA level. The error rate in this case is no more than 1%. It is worth noting that the results can be obtained within 3 working days after blood donation.
The information content of the analysis directly depends on how responsibly the patient observes certain rules before taking the biomaterial.
Preparing for the study:
- A blood test for HIV is taken on an empty stomach. The last meal should take place no later than 8 hours before the delivery of the biomaterial. As a rule, the study is scheduled for the morning. On the evening before, it is recommended to eat only easily digestible dishes. Tea, coffee and carbonated drinks are prohibited. It is allowed to drink pure non-carbonated water.
- For 48 hours before donating blood, you must stop drinking any alcohol-containing drinks.
- You must give your doctor information about all medications you take. It is possible that the specialist will temporarily cancel medications, the components of which can affect the result of the study.
- Intense physical activity must be abandoned for 2 days.
- Immediately before the delivery of the biomaterial, one should not smoke and be very worried. It is important to remember that the psycho-emotional state also affects the result.
Information about which blood tests for HIV or its diagnosis should be taken by the patient is provided by the attending physician. He is also deciphering them.
If the patient wishes to go tomedical institution, he can do it anonymously. But in this case, the study will be paid. The cost directly depends on the method of studying biological material. Most modern clinics use the PCR method, as it is characterized by maximum accuracy and information content.

Biomaterial sampling, interpretation of results
The process of taking blood tests for HIV is standard and has no specific features. The biological material is venous blood. 5 ml is enough for research.
The attending physician should deal with the interpretation of the results of a blood test for HIV. Clinical study norms are shown in the table below.
Hemoglobin | Erythrocytes | Platelets | Leukocytes | Lymphocytes | ESR | |
Women | 120-140 | 3, 7-4, 7 | 180-320 | 4-9 | 18-40 | 2-15 |
Men | 130-160 | 4-5, 1 | 180-320 | 4-9 | 18-40 | 1-10 |
Any deviation of these indicators from the norm up or down indicates the development of the pathological process and is the basis for additional research.
All other existing analyzes are qualitative. In other words, the result can be positive or negative.
It is important to remember that antibodies to the immunodeficiency virus are not produced immediately. The duration of the incubation period can be 3-6 months. In this regard, research conducted at this time may not be informative. Doctors recommend even after receiving a negative result to donate blood again after another 3 months. In this case, it will be possible to say for sure whether a person is infected or not.
What a positive result could mean:
- There is an immunodeficiency virus in the body. If the study was conducted in a small child, then it is customary to say that he was infected from an infected mother.
- The result is incorrect or false.
It happens that a person is almost sure that he is infected. But the result is negative. What this might indicate:
- Immunodeficiency virus is really absent in the body.
- The disease is at an early stage of development.
- The pathological process is sluggish.
- The result is false or incorrect.
In any case, it is recommended to donate blood for analysis again in a few months.

What can affect the result
No modern laboratory can give an absolute guarantee that the analysis results are reliable. This is due to the fact that there are many factors that can affect the result.
These include the following:
- Equipment in the laboratory for some reason became faulty.
- Transportation of biological materialwas carried out with violations of the norms.
- The human factor. For example, a nurse mixed up the tubes during blood sampling. As a result, the patient received the results of the analysis of another person.
- Infection happened very recently.
- Patient ignored the need for preparation. For example, ate or drank before donating blood.
- There are pathologies in the patient's body, the course of which is associated with impaired metabolic processes.
Women during pregnancy, doctors recommend donating blood for HIV several times. This need is due to the fact that the body undergoes changes during the gestation period that can affect the result.
In isolated cases, in individuals with AIDS, the response of the defense system to antibodies may be absent. This is usually the result of blood transfusions, long-term treatment with strong drugs, organ transplants.

Despite the fact that medicine is developing rapidly, no cure has yet been found for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. In this regard, doctors are constantly reminded of the need to donate blood for analysis annually or when alarming symptoms occur. With the timely detection of the disease, the prognosis is considered more favorable.