When doctors pronounce the diagnosis of "febrile schizophrenia", at that moment many people experience terrifying emotions. It is not for nothing that horror appears in the eyes of these people, since schizophrenia is one of the most severe mental disorders. But do not despair, because in the modern world there are many methods that can bring this disease into remission, which will allow a person to live a normal life. In this article, you will learn about the features of this diagnosis, as well as how to deal with it.

What is this?
Febrile schizophrenia (or, as it is also called - hypertoxic) is a severe mental disorder that has a distinctive feature: fever up to 40 degrees. This form of the disease is quite rare.
Also doctors used to calla similar form of "lethal schizophrenia", due to the fact that violations of somatic processes occur, which subsequently leads to death. But a fatal outcome is possible only if there was no adequate treatment. If left untreated, death occurs within 1 to 2 weeks.
Mostly pathology manifests itself in adolescence or young age. Such schizophrenia is less common in men than in women.

In order to recognize this kind of disease, it is necessary to follow the entire line of human behavior. Very often, this form of schizophrenia is confused with delirium, which appears against the background of a high temperature due to the flu or another viral disease. Such a fatal mistake can cost a human life. Therefore, below is a list of the most prominent symptoms of febrile schizophrenia:
- Heat temperature. Such a temperature cannot be brought down with antipyretics. In the morning it rises, and in the evening it decreases and has a long manifestation time. Therefore, due to the similarity in symptoms with inflammatory processes, doctors may prescribe antibacterial or anti-inflammatory drugs, which, of course, will not give any effect.
- Catonic stupor or arousal. These states are described in more detail below.
- Skin rashes. This happens due to the fragility of the vessels.
- Fantasy or delusion.
- Dry lips.
- In the language of plaque.
- Feverish glint in the eyes.

Oneiric catatonia
This form of catatonia is very common in febrile schizophrenia. It appears quite suddenly and can last for several hours. Begins with psychomotor agitation. Typical symptoms of this condition would be:
- During arousal, manic traits appear (fun, speech broken).
- Quick change of behavior (facial expressions, motor skills);
- Behavior and feelings do not match. Experiences intense.
- Reality quickly gives way to fictional situations.
- A person suffering from this disease perceives himself as the main character in his fictional events.
- Increased confusion.
- Quick change of mood and emotions.
- The person is either too excited or in a stupor. Such a stupor manifests itself in the form of maintaining an unnatural posture and this continues for a long time.
After leaving this state, a person retains in his memory all those fantastic experiences that he experienced.

Amentative Arousal
Sometimes it happens that oneiroid catatonia can develop into amental excitation (catatonic). Such a condition in schizophrenia is a disorder of consciousness and perception of the world in a person. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:
- A person cannot perceive the connection between objects.
- There is disorientation in time, space and even self.
- Incoherent speech. He only pronounces a set of words that have no connection with each other.
- Confusion.
- Movement is mostly limited. A person constantly lies, while bending in every possible way, shudders, rotates and “throws out” his legs and arms.
- Sometimes the movements take on a different character. A man pulls everything that comes his way.
- Facial expressions are constantly changing.
- Constant movement can be replaced by a stupor.
- There is practically no contact.
- A person often refuses to eat, due to which he loses weight.
- Also body temperature reaches 40 degrees.
- Due to the increased temperature, the skin turns yellow and bruises appear.
Catatonic arousal is often accompanied by aggression. People with bipolar disorder usually suffer from these symptoms. Also, for a person with such a disease, such unnatural postures are characteristic:
- hood symptom - a person assumes the fetal position, wrapping his head in a robe or hood;
- proboscis symptom - when a person uses primitive reflexes (grasping and sucking);
- airbag symptom - the person's head is constantly elevated, as if it is leaning on a pillow.
After a person has left such a state, he does not remember anything that happened to him.
Hyperkinetic Arousal
Rarely, but it happens that amethintic excitation is replaced by hyperkinetic. The condition of such a person is very difficult. Febrile schizophrenia with hyperkinetic arousal has the followingsigns:
- Sudden non-purposeful movements.
- Screaming.
- A mindless flight from someone or something.
- Skin is pale.
- Frequent diarrhea.
- Panic fear.
- Possible lethargy or even stupor.
- Fever.
After such an attack, amnesia sets in.

Any form of schizophrenia is hereditary in the form of a pathogenic gene. Pathology can be hidden and not manifest until the end of life, if there is a favorable living environment for a person. The following are factors that can trigger schizophrenia in men and women:
- Social. These include: stress, poor family relationships, big cities.
- Drug use.
- Miscellaneous brain damage.
The causes of such schizophrenia are not fully understood today, so it would be more accurate to say that this disorder occurs as a result of the interaction of traumatic situations and genetic factors.
It's important to remember that not all symptoms of febrile schizophrenia point to it. For example, manifestations characteristic of this form of the disease can be caused by organic damage to the brain, alcohol and medications. They can also be a manifestation of bipolar personality disorder and signs of depression. Therefore, it is very important to conduct a complete diagnosis of a person.
Diagnose febrileschizophrenia is possible only after all possible research methods. Such as:
- Preliminary psychiatric evaluation. A psychiatrist is required to ask specific questions about a person's life and their close friends and relatives.
- Family history. Since schizophrenia is genetic in nature, in order to make sure the diagnosis is correct, it is necessary to conduct a survey of relatives - did anyone from their family suffer from similar mental disorders, etc.
- General diagnostics. In order to exclude other diagnoses, it is necessary to conduct a general examination (MRI of the brain, etc.).
- Schizophrenia can only be diagnosed if two or more symptoms have been present in the last month.

There are no cases in medical records that a person has gone from schizophrenia. But you can make it so that it does not have any manifestations. Treatment of febrile schizophrenia should be only in a stationary mode. Usually, doctors prescribe antipsychotics (Flyuanksol, Moditen Depot, Fluspirilen, Etaperazine, Risperidone, etc.) for this disease. These drugs have saved many people from what was previously called "lethal schizophrenia." Depending on the severity of the course of the disease, the dose of the drug may be increased to the maximum value.
This treatment lasts for 2 to 4 months. Without fail, the course of therapy must be continuous, since otherwise the person's condition mayget worse.
In rare cases, a different treatment is prescribed if these signs are observed:
- body temperature is also high;
- tachycardia;
- stun;
- decrease in muscle tone.
If the above method does not help, then electroconvulsive therapy is prescribed. Many people associate this method with electric shock torture. Therefore, because of such stereotypes, relatives in every possible way refuse such treatment and even try to sue doctors. In order not to suffer, specialists are forced to resort to other treatments, which often do not help with febrile schizophrenia, which, unfortunately, leads to death.
But ECT is the most effective treatment for many diseases. It is carried out with different frequency of sessions. When a flare occurs, ECT is applied daily. But after the temperature subsides and the mental state improves, such sessions are held less frequently.
Also prescribed the use of vitamins C and B and the use of hormonal and antihistamine medications. To prevent swelling of the brain, experts prescribe diuretics. If a person is exhausted, intravenous injections with vitamin and nutrient solutions are prescribed.
It is strictly forbidden to treat at home, as a fatal outcome will be inevitable. Medical assistance is needed aimed at restoring the functions of metabolism, kidneys, liver, heart and preventing cerebral edema.
If you ignore the symptoms of febrile schizophrenia and do notapply treatment, it can negatively affect both the person himself and those close to him. Some of the consequences of such a disease are given below:
- relationship problem;
- break away from routine;
- alcohol abuse and drug addiction;
- suicidal predisposition.

Such pathologies as schizophrenia and bipolar personality disorder, the symptoms and signs of these serious diseases are very clearly manifested even in the early stages, very often proceed relatively favorably and are easily treatable with psychotropic drugs. You can achieve a stable remission.
Also, febrile schizophrenia has a more favorable prognosis when it develops in a fairly mature age or in traumatic situations. Stable remission can be achieved by those people who successfully work and study, have a good level of intelligence, are socially adapted and active, they are characterized by stress resistance and adaptability to any situation. Therefore, all these factors can predict successful rehabilitation, which may not lead to relapses.
The gradual progression of the disease and delayed treatment can lead to worse prognosis. It is believed that the most important factor that can affect the success of the treatment of febrile schizophrenia is the timely initiation of treatment and the intensity of social rehabilitation activities.
In order to prevent the occurrence of schizophrenia, undergo an annualpsychiatric commission. But also for the prevention of this and other diseases, you need to adhere to the following measures:
- physical and mental activity;
- accepting one's identity;
- reduce alcohol consumption;
- learn to manage stress;
- make sure you can speak out;
- spiritual and creative activity;
- active social participation;
- learning new skills.