Intervertebral osteochondrosis is a pathology associated with dystrophic changes in the discs, as a result of which they lose their depreciation properties, their elasticity decreases and, as a result, there are problems with the mobility of the spinal column. This disease is classified in the field of neuropathology, orthopedics and rheumatology.
Causes of the disease
The disease develops against the background of metabolic disturbances in the area of the disks. They provide the ability of the spine to withstand significant loads. Discs reduce the traumatic impact on the spine from running, falling, jumping and injuries.
Most often, osteochondrosis of the intervertebral discs occurs due to poor posture. This pathology is often associated with age-related changes. This happens against the background of the loss of fluid in them, as a result of which the discs cannot perform their direct functions - they narrow, dry out and lose their mobility.
Also, microcracks and breaks may appear in them. Through such gaps in the disc membrane, the nucleus pulposus can be squeezed out, after which the discs rupture and bulge.
The main causes of intervertebral osteochondrosis also include:
- poor physical fitness;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- bruises and injuries;
- flat feet;
- malnutrition;
- obesity;
- abrupt refusal to play sports;
- smoking;
- hypothermia;
- uncomfortable shoes, including high heels;
- moving to another climate zone;
- hormonal disorders;
- genetic predisposition.

Stages of the disease
Intervertebral osteochondrosis has three stages:
- First stage - characterized by severe pain in the affected area.
- Second - there is a long-term instability, which is accompanied by periodic bouts of pain.
- Third - the damaged segment is stabilized, a bone outgrowth is formed, pain sensations are gradually reduced.
Each stage of the disease has different symptoms and different treatments.
Intervertebral cervical osteochondrosis
There are four main types of osteochondrosis, depending on the localization of the pathological process.
The cervical region is the most mobile part of the spinal column, consisting of 7 vertebrae. The most characteristic symptoms of pathology include:
- pain in the neck and back of the head;
- crunch inneck turn time;
- numbness or tingling in the legs and arms;
- dizziness and headache;
- general fatigue and weakness.
Also, against the background of problems in this area, there may be a deterioration in hearing and vision, pulling pains in the area of the heart muscle may disturb.
The danger of intervertebral osteochondrosis of the cervical region is that even with the slightest compression or displacement of the discs, blood vessels are compressed here and nerves are displaced. And this leads to the fact that migraine begins, vegetovascular dystonia, hypertension. There are problems with coordination of movement. The advanced stage of the disease is dangerous with a very high risk of spinal stroke.

Thoracic problems
This type of disease is quite rare. It is characterized by pain in the chest and between the shoulder blades. The pain may be aggravated by taking a deep breath or exhaling. Additional symptoms include: disorders in the digestive tract, brittle nails, peeling of the skin.
This disease is characterized by sharp pains or dorsago, which often occur if a person is in the same position for a long time. There are also mild pains or dorsalgia. Such pain can last for two or three weeks. There is a feeling of lack of air. Dorsalgia is most common at night or after walking.
Intervertebral osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is most often found in people working at a computer or in drivers. Also, the disease can appear on the background of scoliosis. This type of pathology is dangerous because it can cause the appearance of intercostal neuralgia, the development of ailments in the gastrointestinal tract. Against the background of the disease, a hernia may appear and heart problems begin.
Intervertebral osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
This type of disease is the most common. After all, it is this part that accounts for most of the load, both when running and walking, sitting and playing sports. There are 5 vertebrae in this area.
The main symptom of this type of pathology is pain in the lumbar region. It can appear not only after physical exertion, but even after sneezing or coughing. If a person is in one position for a long time, then he cannot straighten up. Sensitivity in the buttocks, legs and feet disappears. Sweating may be disturbed, the skin becomes dry.
When osteochondrosis worsens, severe pain disturbs not only in the lower back, but also in the legs.
Intervertebral osteochondrosis of the lumbar can lead to a protrusion of the disc, then protrusion occurs, as a result, the fibrous ring breaks and a hernia occurs. Pathology can cause the development of lumbar sciatica, inflammation of the sciatic nerve can occur. In women against the background of osteochondrosis, problems with the uterus and appendages may appear, and in men with potency. The disease can also cause cauda equina syndrome. The most severe form of pathology can cause paralysis of the legs, buttocks and paresis.
Lumbar osteochondrosis of the intervertebral discs most often appears in the following cases:
- if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle;
- hard physical work or heavy lifting;
- back injury;
- flat feet;
- rheumatoid arthritis;
- genetic defects of the spinal column;
- metabolic problems;
- endocrine and cardiovascular diseases.
Ordinary physiological aging of the body can also become the cause of the appearance of the disease. At risk are people who work as loaders, builders and waiters. The disease can also develop in office workers, programmers and drivers, that is, in those who are constantly sitting.

Common form of osteochondrosis
This diagnosis is quite common. The definition of "common form" means that the patient has damaged not one intervertebral disc, but several. Most often, this pathology affects both the lumbar and cervical vertebrae. It can occur in two sections of the spinal column at once. Pain in this case may be volatile or permanent.
Symptomatics in this type of pathology most often occurs in the form of a classic manifestation of a degenerative process. If the disease is in an advanced stage, then there is a huge risk that the inflammatory process will begin on the surrounding tissues, compression of the radicular nerves will occur.
Generalized osteochondrosis is a pathology in which discs at all levels undergo degenerative changes. Most often, such a pathology leads to disability.
In the treatment of osteochondrosis, drug therapy is used, conservative methods: massage, exercise therapy. In extremely severe cases, surgery may be indicated. When diagnosing such a disease, there can be no talk of self-treatment, since unqualified help will only worsen the state of he alth.
Drug therapy
Treatment of intervertebral osteochondrosis is carried out in a complex manner. At the acute stage, drugs are prescribed that will eliminate the inflammatory process and stop pain.
Most prescribed:
- Preparations with an active ingredient, for example, Ibuprofen. They allow you to quickly eliminate the pain syndrome.
- Topical treatment. It can be carried out using ointments with an anti-inflammatory effect: Voltaren, Diclofenac, etc.
- To improve blood circulation and relieve muscle spasm, muscle relaxants are used: Mydocalm, Scootamil-C, Sirdalud, etc.
- Chondroprotectors are prescribed to restore cartilage tissue: "Chondroxide", "Teraflex".
- To improve sensitivity in nerve fibers, B vitamins are used: Neurorubin, Milgama.
Patients with intervertebral osteochondrosis of the lumbar and other departments are required to be prescribed vitamins and minerals to help the body repair damaged tissues.

Other conservative treatments
To speed up the healing process, the patient may be prescribed a massage or wearingorthopedic corset.
Traction can also be shown. Such treatment is carried out on a special horizontal plane, if degenerative processes occur in the lumbar zone. If the problem is in the cervical region, then the procedure is performed on a special chair with a vertical bar.
Physiotherapeutic procedures can take place in water - this is the so-called vertical underwater traction. The patient is placed in water in a special design, a load is attached to the belt on the pelvic region. The composition of the water is also of great importance for this technique, it can be simply fresh, or containing hydrogen sulfide, radon or turpentine.
Along with these methods, balneological treatment, dehydration therapy and ionogalvanization with the use of painkillers and potassium iodide are widely used.
Despite the fact that theoretical questions about acupuncture remain open, yet this technique allows you to effectively deal with pain, therefore it is indicated for osteochondrosis of the intervertebral discs.

Manual Therapy
Manual therapy is a therapeutic effect with the help of hands. But this is not only a massage, but also other manipulations: soft or hard. Most often, they resort to a milder effect so that complications do not arise. The doctor may perform a manipulation called the "leverage technique". In this case, the limb acts as one lever, and the spine acts as the other lever.
The chiropractor can perform the proceduremobilization, which takes place only after a warming massage. The main purpose of the technique is to increase the interarticular gaps by stretching the ligamentous apparatus.

A good positive effect can be achieved with physiotherapy exercises. Exercises should be done regularly as soon as the pain syndrome has been stopped. The load should be increased gradually, in no case overdo it, and at the first manifestations of tension, you should stop exercising.
With osteochondrosis in the lumbar region, you can do simple contractions of the abdominal muscles until slight fatigue sets in. You can kneel and rest your hands on the floor, alternately bending your back and lowering your head during extension.
If problems are in the neck area, it is recommended to make smooth head turns, about ten times. Turns are best done in a sitting position. You can lower and raise your head, stretch your chin. Give yourself a light self-massage by kneading the back of your head with your fingers.

However, it may happen that conservative therapy does not give the expected result and intervertebral osteochondrosis of the spine only progresses. In such cases, surgery may be indicated. Without fail, the operation will be performed if there is a hernia. After the operation, the patient will have to wear a corset for some time.

Prevention measures
To prevent the development of osteochondrosis in the cervicaldepartment of the vertebra, experts recommend constantly monitoring the fixation of the head. You can not stay in one position for more than 40 minutes. You can carry out self-massage of the collar zone. And do head tilts for ten seconds.
But the main recommendation is more movement. Swimming and gymnastics have a good effect, but with minimal static loads.
Especial attention should be paid to nutrition. With osteochondrosis, an increased amount of proteins should be included in the diet, except for mushrooms. It is recommended to cook meat and fish by steaming or in the oven. From animal fats, only butter can be consumed. We will have to reduce the amount of s alt and products with a high content of it: conservation and s alted fish. It is better to eat fractionally, 5-7 times throughout the day. Do not get carried away with flour products, sugar and buns. Reduce or eliminate smoking and drinking from your life.