The explanation of back pain by the presence of osteochondrosis of the spine is so familiar,

that patients, having heard a similar diagnosis from a doctor, immediately calm down. Few people consider this disease dangerous: it is now diagnosed even in preschoolers. And they begin to treat the disease only when the pain becomes unbearable.
How can you notice osteochondrosis and what is it?
At present, unfortunately, degenerative changes in the spinal discs can indeed be found even in preschoolers, not to mention older people.
Symptoms of the disease are as follows:
- back, neck and chest pain;
- numbness of limbs;
- disruption of the fingers and hand;
- radiating pain in various areas of the abdomen.
What, in addition to the above signs, will help identify osteochondrosis of the spine? Photo, or rather, a snapshot (radiography), which most recently was one ofthe basic methods of detecting the disease, apparently, are no longer enough. Currently, computed tomography and studies using a magnetic nuclear complex have been added to it.
During the deformation of the discs of the spine, pain occurs not only directly in it, but also radiates to the muscles and organs. Depending on the areas in which the disc integrity is impaired, the following types of disease are distinguished: osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar. The latter accounts for 70% of all diseases.
Why osteochondrosis appears

The factors influencing the occurrence of osteochondrosis of the spine are as follows:
- complications after infections;
- hereditary predisposition;
- injuries;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- disorders of metabolic processes in the body;
- uncomfortable position in which you have to be systematically.
It's paradoxical, but in athletes, osteochondrosis - an occupational disease - occurs from excessive motor activity.
Also, changes in the spinal discs can cause hypothermia.
The danger of the pathology under consideration lies in the fact that the destruction of the vertebral discs, which at the initial stage is manifested only by pain, in advanced cases can cause paresis or paralysis.
Prevention and treatment of disease
Treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine is selected in each case individually. Therapy depends on localization, symptomsand the stage of the disease. That is why experts offer to undergo a full examination.
It is possible to stop the process of pathology development and remove the painful effect only in a complex way - in the case when the patient understands the seriousness of his own condition and trusts the doctor, following his instructions.

Therapy for osteochondrosis of the spine includes taking medications that relieve pain and help relieve the inflammatory process, as well as the appointment of physiotherapy procedures and various types of massages. Very well helps to get rid of the disease acupuncture and manual therapy. In advanced cases, one has to resort to surgical intervention.
Quickly get rid of complications and restore muscle mobility will help physical therapy, which includes classes in the gym and swimming. Without mastering a special set of exercises for osteochondrosis of the spine, it is almost impossible to get rid of its consequences. But! All auxiliary procedures can be performed only after the removal of the acute condition.
In order to prevent the recurrence of the disease, the mode of work and rest should be normalized.