What is the name of the disease when the eyes look in different directions?

What is the name of the disease when the eyes look in different directions?
What is the name of the disease when the eyes look in different directions?

When the eye muscles do not work well, then the apples, with which rotational movements are carried out, are not located correctly. It turns out that the eyes look in different directions. This disease is called strabismus and can occur at any age. Children's pathology is treated much easier and faster, in adults - longer and more difficult.

Description of strabismus

Squint is when the eyes look in different directions. And this can manifest itself in different ways. For example, in one person, the eyes can converge at the bridge of the nose at the same time, in another, one looks straight ahead, and the second looks to the side. Most often, strabismus appears in childhood, but it can also develop in adults.

Babies sometimes have a false form of the disease. The nose of a newborn is still underdeveloped and is usually quite flat. There are additional skin folds on the bridge of the nose on both sides. They partially block the baby's view. And it seems that the eyes of the child are beveled to the bridge of the nose. Over time, additional folds disappear, the spoutis formed, and the symptoms of the disease disappear.

eyes in different directions
eyes in different directions

Types of diseases

Squint is called when the eyes look in different directions. The disease has two main types. Strabismus can be paralytic when the muscles stop moving. This can occur due to injury, disruption of the nervous system. Most often, only one eye is affected.

The second type of strabismus is called friendly. It manifests itself when a person looks in all directions at once. Such eyes are a deviation from the norm. This type of strabismus occurs most often in childhood. Any progressive eye disease can be the cause.

Squint can have several additional types:

  • mixed - when several forms of deviations are observed;
  • converging - in this case, the eye is constantly approaching the bridge of the nose;
  • divergent - the apple deviates to the temple;
  • vertical - while the eye looks down or up.

Strabismus can be either permanent or intermittent. To determine the type of disease, an ophthalmological examination is carried out, various tests are done.

eyes look in different directions
eyes look in different directions

Causes of occurrence

Why do the eyes look in different directions? Strabismus can be congenital or acquired. In the first case, the cause is heredity. The disease most often begins in the womb or the baby gets a pathology at the genetic level.

Causesacquired strabismus become:

  • falling eyesight;
  • infectious diseases;
  • disruption of the central nervous system;
  • physical or mental injury;
  • tumors;
  • meningitis;
  • flu;
  • stress;
  • strokes;
  • paralysis;
  • measles.

Strabismus can be caused by excessive physical or visual stress. Especially if the work is related to computers or places where you need to strain your eyesight. Strabismus can also be caused by thyroid disease, diabetes, and hypertension. Sometimes the pathology occurs due to cataracts or retinal pathologies.

why are the eyes in different directions
why are the eyes in different directions

Symptoms of disease

Why are the eyes in different directions? This disease is called strabismus. Its symptoms are quite simple: the eyes look in different directions. The exception is children under one year old. During this period, false strabismus may be observed. The reason why the eyes are directed in different directions may be the individual structure of the visual organ. The eyeball deviates all the time. In this case, an examination is required. It is possible that the person is simply looking in the other direction.

Goals of strabismus treatment

There are three main goals in the treatment of strabismus. Therapy is carried out to preserve a person's vision, align the eyeballs or synchronize their work. Spectacles, bandages, and surgery are used to achieve these goals. Acquired strabismus in adults is most often due to a lack oftimely treatment.

Therapeutic treatment

If the eyes are directed in different directions, this does not mean that surgery is immediately required. Therapeutic methods are applied first. If strabismus occurs against the background of a specific disease, then the treatment is directed primarily at it. If you do not start therapy on time, then a person may completely lose his sight.

why do the eyes look in different directions
why do the eyes look in different directions

In any case, eye correction is performed first. Previously, only spectacles or special prism lenses were available. In modern times, soft contact lenses are also used for correction. Laser therapy is very popular. It is not only painless, but also very effective. Diploptic, hardware and orthooptic treatment is used for vision correction.

If amblyopia develops, then penalization is prescribed (temporary closing of a he althy eye). The corresponding eye socket or spectacle lens is sealed. This is done to increase the load on the muscles of the squinting eye.

Amblyopia has been held for a long time. During treatment, the patient must be under constant medical supervision. As the load on the diseased eye increases, vision begins to gradually recover, strabismus disappears.

Special exercises are prescribed for his treatment. The technique of Dr. Bates, an American ophthalmologist, is very effective. His exercises can help even when, it would seem, there is only one way out - surgery.

There are various exercises authored by other professors (Roy, Zhdanov, Shichko, etc.) that help restore normal vision. Many techniques are very effective at the first signs of strabismus. A neglected disease is treated much longer and more difficult.

eyes in different directions disease
eyes in different directions disease


If the therapeutic methods listed above did not help, and the eyes are still directed in different directions, a surgical operation is prescribed. It is done under local anesthesia. But if the operation is scheduled for a child, general anesthesia is used.

Even after the cure and complete restoration of vision, some rules must be observed. With prolonged visual load, a mandatory break is made every 45 minutes. Children should not be allowed to watch TV for a long time, sit at a computer, in front of a tablet. Outdoor walks, eye exercises and a he althy diet are essential.

Improvement and restoration of vision takes a long time. It may take 2 to 3 years. It is very important to start treatment on time. In childhood, therapy helps much faster. Strabismus does not go away on its own. Corrective glasses and ophthalmological supervision are required.
