Gum pain relief gel: how to choose and how to apply?

Gum pain relief gel: how to choose and how to apply?
Gum pain relief gel: how to choose and how to apply?

Soreness, redness, itching, swelling and bleeding of the gums are the main symptoms of dental disease. They bring severe discomfort, making life difficult for patients. To alleviate these symptoms and eliminate them, there are many different remedies. A significant part of them are produced in the form of gum pain gels that are easy to use. They relieve redness, swelling and pain in a matter of minutes, and have a long-lasting healing effect.

holisal dental gel 15g price
holisal dental gel 15g price

Specificity and advantages of dental ointments and gels

In the understanding of an ignorant person, there is no difference between gels and ointments. However, these forms of medicines have differences in some parameters:

  1. Anesthetic gels for gums have a water base, they are securely attached to the mucous membrane and are perfectly absorbed into it. Therebyactive ingredients act directly on the inflammatory focus, their duration increases.
  2. Ointments are created on a fatty basis, they get into the gum mucosa poorly. They are easily eliminated by saliva, spit or swallowed.

Nevertheless, many externally used drugs are called ointment. Dental ointments and gels perform a number of basic tasks:

  • pain relief;
  • eliminate inflammation;
  • eliminate itching;
  • help fight bleeding;
  • strengthen gums;
  • affect the oral cavity as antiseptics;
  • repair tissues.

Dental gels and ointments due to their properties are used for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and other inflammatory gum diseases.

The benefits of gum pain relief gels are:

  • Easy to use - simply apply to gums;
  • availability - all anti-inflammatory balms, creams, gels, ointments are dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription and can be used independently;
  • safety - ointments and gels are used only externally, which almost eliminates the penetration of their elements into the bloodstream and the effect of active substances on the human body.
cooling gel for gums
cooling gel for gums

Before using ointments and gels, be sure to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth thoroughly and dry it. Apply the drug to the gums with a clean finger and gently rub into the mucous membrane with gentle massaging movements. Half an hour after applicationundesirable to eat and drink. The treatment course is carried out until the inflammation and other symptoms disappear.

Anti-inflammatory gels

Gingival inflammation is one of the main symptoms of gingivitis, periodontitis and other oral pathologies. Thanks to special gels, inflammation can be eliminated.

Dentol Gel

"Dentol 7, 5%" is prescribed for the relief of pain in children from 4 months of age when teething. The drug is used as a temporary fast-acting way to reduce toothache in children, as an anesthetic for minor damage to the inner lining of the oral cavity, dental treatment, and also as part of the complex therapy of aphthous stomatitis.

This baby teething gel is perfect.

gel dentol
gel dentol

"Dentol 10%" is prescribed for children from 6 years old and adults for quick relief of toothache. The gel is also used as an anesthetic for minor injuries of the inner lining of the mouth, sore gums, and as an anesthetic for short dental procedures.


According to the instructions for use for the Parodontocid gel, this dental preparation contains phenyl salicylate, which is converted into salicylic acid in the oral cavity. Its composition also includes essential oils of medicinal plants. It is a complex drug with the following therapeutic effects: analgesic; antimicrobial; anti-inflammatory; proteolytic; regenerating. Anesthetic gel for gums "Parodontocid" eliminates unpleasant odor from the oral cavity and prevents plaque from forming on the enamel. The ointment is allowed to be used as an application and applied to the gums with a cotton swab or a clean finger.

Metrogil Denta

This drug includes metronidazole (antibiotic) and chlorhexidine (antiseptic). Thanks to this active ingredient, through the use of a gel, it is possible to achieve an analgesic effect, eliminate inflammation, reduce gum sensitivity and bleeding.

Metrogyl denta dental gel is used both for therapy and for the prevention of inflammation processes. You need to apply it twice a day, the course lasts up to one and a half weeks. This drug is contraindicated for children under the age of six.

If the instructions are not followed, then after frequent use of the gel, oral dysbacteriosis may appear.

Cholisal dental gel

Price for 15g will be listed below.

The main properties of the gel are anti-inflammatory and analgesic. In addition, the medicine kills microbes, eliminates puffiness, and cools the surface of the gum mucosa. That is why dentists often advise using Cholisal to get rid of various gum pathologies.

Pain-relieving and cooling gel for gums begins to "work" within two minutes after application, its effect lasts up to five to eight hours. Patients under the age of sixteen should not apply more than half a centimeter of the product. Adults are allowed to use the geltwice as much as the pediatric dose. The drug should be gently rubbed into the mucous membrane of the cavity with a clean finger. To achieve an analgesic effect, the gel is applied to the gums a few minutes before meals or after meals.

instructions reviews
instructions reviews

Gel is used in the following situations:

  • with periodontitis and gingivitis;
  • for fungal infections;
  • in inflammation;
  • with stomatitis accompanied by ulcers;
  • as an analgesic for teething in adults and children;
  • for various kinds of damage to the oral cavity;
  • when using prostheses;
  • after or before surgery.

This medicine should not be used while breastfeeding or pregnant.

The price of dental gel "Cholisal" 15 g is 350-400 rubles.


The gel contains two active healing substances: metronidazole and chlorhexidine. Thanks to them, the drug has an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect, destroys numerous harmful microorganisms, is a storehouse of various useful substances and coenzyme Q 10.

Gum gel with propolis, due to the sticky base, stays on the gums much longer than other preparations, has a long-lasting soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. Dentists prescribe it to eliminate pain and itching, reduce sensitivity, strengthen the gums and eliminate bleeding, as well as a prophylactic.

According to instructions and reviews, gum gelAsepta is well tolerated.

The drug can be used three times a day for two weeks. With more frequent use, the following side effects may appear: nausea; disruption of the gastrointestinal tract; dizziness; vomiting.

The Asepta line of preparations, in addition to gels, also includes rinses, balm, vitamin complex and toothpastes. Using them allows you to keep your mouth he althy and cure gum inflammation.

baby teething gel
baby teething gel


Troxevasin anti-inflammatory gel is an angioprotector that mainly affects veins and capillaries. It is based on troxerutin, which strengthens the vascular walls, improving their elasticity. Thanks to its use, gum bleeding is effectively and permanently reduced. Also, the drug helps to eliminate swelling and inflammation of damaged surfaces.

"Troxevasin" is advised to apply in a circular motion to the gums, no more than twice a day. The remedy is contraindicated in case of intolerance to the main component, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and in the early stages of bearing a child.

Elgifluor and Elugel

Both drugs contain a strong antiseptic chlorhexidine digluconate, which fights various types of infections and fungi. Indications for the use of these funds are:

  • gingival inflammation and bleeding;
  • gingivitis;
  • inflammation prevention;
  • periodontal disease;
  • injuries;
  • periodontitis;
  • stomatitis.

Boththe drug is used no more than three times a day until the inflammation has passed. "Elugel" should be smeared on the gums, and "Elgifluor" is used for brushing teeth.

What other good gum gels are there?


The gel contains dialezate from the blood of calves, due to which the agent has a pronounced therapeutic effect. "Solcoseryl" produces the following effect on the affected and inflamed tissues:

  • increases the synthesis of collagen and the production of fibroblasts, which are the basis of connective tissue;
  • regenerates damaged tissues;
  • at the cellular level reduces the likelihood of pathological changes;
  • supports the transport of oxygen and nutrients to cells;
  • normalizes oxygen metabolism.

The gel has the ability to create a protective layer over the damaged surface, and therefore it is often used to eliminate weeping wounds on the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums.

gel for gums with propolis
gel for gums with propolis

The use of "Solcoseryl" makes it possible:

  • block discomfort for 3-5 hours;
  • protect gums from chemical and mechanical influences for at least three hours;
  • speed up the healing process of wounds.

The gel is applied thinly to clean gums and then sprayed with water.


To fight periodontal disease, experts advise using a modern effective drug - bioactive cryogel. This fine powderincludes modified starch and active ingredients:

  • dioxidine, which is an antimicrobial element;
  • antioxidant L – heals, restores, nourishes tissues;
  • sorbent with polyphepanom.

Do not use cryogel alone. With the help of this remedy, inflammation is treated only by a dentist. The specialist places the drug in the periodontal pocket, where the gel acts like a sponge, absorbing toxins and bacteria, reducing the likelihood of festering, draining the pockets and stopping the blood.

The medicine does not need to be taken out, because in just a couple of days it will resolve itself, while completely neutralizing all the harmful substances absorbed into it.

periodontocide gel instructions for use
periodontocide gel instructions for use


Gel "Retragel" is often used by dentists for the purpose of gingival retraction. During this procedure, the volume of the marginal gingiva is reduced. Thanks to retraction, mechanical trauma to the marginal gums during treatment is prevented, bleeding stops. Previously, special threads were used for this procedure, but modern medicine has advanced drugs in its arsenal: liquids, gels, etc.

Since "Retragel" successfully stops the blood, it is often used to prepare the gums for the installation of permanent dentures. Also, the drug disinfects the oral cavity, which is especially necessary during treatment, as gum infection is prevented.

Advantages and disadvantages of local treatment

Unconditional advantages of localdrugs in dentistry are:

  • direct effect on disease;
  • quick efficiency;
  • Missing mainstream or minor entry;
  • promoting the restoration of gum tissues.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • inability to use when feeding a child and pregnancy;
  • limited use by patients who suffer from serious pathologies of the stomach, liver, kidneys and intestines;
  • individual sensitivity to composition.

Fortifying and prophylactic preparations

In the form of firming, toning gums and producing a preventive effect, any dental gels, balms or ointments can be used, of course, after prior agreement with the dentist. But for prevention, preparations with a natural composition are most often preferred. Products based on natural ingredients, most often recommended by experts, are:

good gum gels
good gum gels
  1. "Forest Balsam". An excellent balanced composition of extracts of medicinal plants: oak bark, sage, celandine, yarrow and nettle. An excellent addition to constant oral hygiene, it strengthens the gum tissue and does not cause local dysbacteriosis. Has no restrictions and contraindications.
  2. "Apident Active". Effective after the treatment of periodontal disease, gingivitis and stomatitis as a prevention of a possible relapse. This drug combines propolis, bee venom extract and plant extracts. There is onethe disadvantage is the impossibility of using by allergy sufferers.

It must be remembered that the main sources of gum pathologies are malnutrition, poor oral hygiene, hormonal disruptions, and inattention to one's he alth. You need to avoid such moments and go to the dentist regularly - in this case, the gums will be beautiful and he althy, they will not cause any trouble.