Acute or chronic kidney disease, which occurs as a result of the negative impact on the kidney of some factors leading to inflammation of one of its structures, is called pyelonephritis. It is unilateral or bilateral. It is caused by pathogenic microflora. The course of the disease is the same in both men and women. About how pyelonephritis of the kidneys is treated, see this article in detail.
Principles of prescribing antibiotic therapy
The basis of the treatment of this pathology are antibiotics. The most important thing is to identify the pathogen and determine its sensitivity to the drug. For this purpose, bakposev is carried out. One of the main disadvantages of this analysis is the waiting time. If the patient's symptoms are pronounced, then the doctor, before the result is ready, prescribes treatment taking into account:
- age of the individual;
- degrees of impaired renal function;
- clinicalpictures;
- probable location of the original source of infection;
- urine and blood test results;
- presence of concomitant pathologies;
- special conditions - the period of breastfeeding or pregnancy. Newborn or premature baby.
If there is no effect within three days, the therapy is adjusted using an antibiotic of a different group.
Mechanism of action of antibacterial agents
Quite often, patients ask how to treat kidney pyelonephritis? Medicines according to the type of effect on microorganisms are divided into:
- Bacteriostatic - stop the growth of pathogenic bacilli. At this time, the body activates the defenses of the immune system in order to cope with the infection faster.
- Bactericidal - directly kill bacteria.

Medicines enter the kidneys after passing through the kidney filter or through the bloodstream. Regardless of the path, the active substance gets to the focus of inflammation. In some cases, the excessive death of microorganisms provokes the entry into the bloodstream of a huge amount of toxic substances, which increases the fever. Antibiotics are unable to recognize pathogenic and beneficial bacteria. Therefore, with a preventive purpose, lacto- and bifidobacteria are added to the therapy. If there is no effect, the medication is stopped, and the doctor selects a different medication. The reason is the lack of sensitivity of the bacteria to the selected drug or the occurrence of purulent complications. Antibacterial therapy isthe path to recovery, since the drugs of this group quickly destroy the causative agent of the disease. Next, we will take a closer look at what antibiotics treat pyelonephritis of the kidneys.
Drugs of this group have been used for many decades: "Ampicillin", "Carbenicillin", "Amoxicillin", "Oxacillin" and others. It is for this reason that most bacteria have developed resistance to them. In other words, microorganisms have learned to synthesize a substance that destroys penicillin antibiotics. Therefore, the pharmaceutical industry produces penicillins in combination with various chemical compounds (tazobactam, clavulanic acid, sulbactam), which create an obstacle and do not allow bacilli to act on them. Among them: "Flemoclav", "Piperacillin + Tazobactam", "Amoxiclav". Such unique combinations effectively fight the following pathogens of pyelonephritis:
- hemophilic bacillus;
- streptococci;
- neisseria;
- enterococci;
- listeria;
- staphylococci.
How to treat kidney pyelonephritis with pills in pregnant and lactating women and what to look for? Penicillin antibiotics are widely used in both expectant and nursing mothers. However, before using them, it is necessary to transfer the baby to artificial feeding, since the drug, penetrating the body of the baby with breast milk, provokes loose stools, rashes and skin itching.
If the kidney function is impaired to remove toxins from the body, then the single dose is reduced. On the penicillin linequite often undesirable reactions develop in the form of a rash, which the doctor must take into account when prescribing them. Take solid dosage forms one hour after a meal and drink plenty of water.
What drugs to treat kidney pyelonephritis from this group? Fluoroquinolones have a direct effect on the pathogen and are successfully used. Among them:
- Moxifloxacin;
- Levofloxacin;
- Sparfloxacin;
- Norfloxacin;
- Ciprofloxacin;
- Ofloxacin.
The antibiotics listed above affect bacteria such as E. coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus. Fluoroquinolones not indicated:
- Women who are expecting a baby, as the risk of joint pathologies in the baby is high.
- During the period of breastfeeding - there is a risk of developing anemia in crumbs.
- Kids of all ages - due to the threat of joint damage.
The most common adverse reactions are nausea, heartburn, loose stools, allergic rashes accompanied by itching.
How is kidney pyelonephritis treated? Antibiotics of this group are often recommended for the treatment of the disease in both children and adults. Their mechanism of action is similar to that of penicillins. The most famous representatives of the cephalosporin series are:
- Cefepim;
- Cefotaxime;
- "Cephalexin";
- Cefazolin;
- Ceftriaxone;
- Cefuroxime;
- Cefaperazone.

These antibiotics affect Listeria, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, that is, the culprits of the disease. They are allowed to be used for violation of kidney function, as well as for pregnant women. Breastfeeding during therapy is not recommended. Side effects are similar to other groups of antibacterial agents.
This group of drugs is administered intravenously or intramuscularly and is rarely used to treat pyelonephritis. This is due to the fact that aminoglycosides adversely affect the kidneys. The active substance, acting on bacteria, for example, Escherichia or Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus, leads to their death. The most famous are Gentamicin, Amikacin, Streptomycin.
Among the adverse reactions most often occurs:
- hearing loss;
- discoordination;
- ringing and tinnitus;
- head spinning;
- general weakness;
- drowsy;
- rash and itching.
What antibiotics to treat kidney pyelonephritis in adults, except for the above? There is a modern group of antibiotics - carbapenems, the medicines included in it are endowed with a powerful antibacterial effect. Influencing the pathogen, the active substance violates its outer shell and thereby leads to death. With a pronounced clinical picture of pyelonephritis, these drugs are prescribed immediately. Carbapenems actively destroy staphylococci, intestinal, Pseudomonas aeruginosa andHaemophilus influenzae, pneumococcus, streptococcus, Klebsiella, enterobacteria. The most popular of this line of antibacterial agents are recognized:
- Meronem;
- Imipenem;
- "Tienam".

It is forbidden to take these drugs for diseases of the nervous system, which are accompanied by a risk of muscle cramps, as well as during breastfeeding. Babies from three months are not contraindicated. The doctor adjusts the dose if the kidneys fail.
Adverse events - muscle cramps, dizziness, itching, rash, nausea, loose stools, increased salivation.
Quinolone derivatives
How to treat kidney pyelonephritis? The drug "Nevigramon" or "Negram" contains an active ingredient - nalidixic acid, which has a pronounced antibacterial activity. The main indication for use is the ailment under study. It acts both bactericidal and bacteriostatic - it depends on the concentration of the drug and the sensitivity of the microorganism. Acid is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and excreted through the kidneys. It is able to cross the placenta. In addition, small amounts pass into breast milk. Side effects are associated with a negative effect on:
- central nervous, digestive system;
- visual organs;
- dermis.
Recommend this remedy for continued treatment after completion of antibiotic therapy.
Oxyquinoline derivatives
How to treat pyelonephritis? Kidney disease succumbstreatment with the antimicrobial agent Nitroxoline. The drug has an effect on gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, in addition, it is active against certain types of fungi. It is excreted unchanged by the kidneys, the concentration in urine is quite high. It is not recommended to take it in case of kidney failure, which is accompanied by anuria or oligonuria, up to three years, during lactation and in the third trimester of pregnancy.
Most often, when taking the drug, as an undesirable reaction, there is nausea, loss of appetite. Allergic manifestations are rare.
Many pathogens have acquired resistance to this class of antibacterial agents. Active substances, acting on metabolic processes, reduce the reproduction of microorganisms. The main representative of sulfonamides is Co-trimoxazole. He is subject to streptococci, pneumococci, staphylococci, Haemophilus influenzae and Escherichia coli.
It is undesirable to take antibacterial agents of this group for lactating and pregnant women, as there is a high risk of jaundice in the baby. If pyelonephritis occurs against the background of renal failure, then taking these medications is prohibited.

Among the adverse reactions are disorders in the digestive tract and the hematopoietic system. In addition, allergic rashes, headache, depression and lethargy are possible.
Nitrofuran derivatives
How is pyelonephritis of the kidneys treated at the second stage of therapy, that is, after the elimination of the bulk of the pathogenicflora? Nitrofurans in clinical efficacy are slightly inferior to most antibiotics. The mechanism of their action is as follows, they lead to a failure of cellular respiration of microorganisms, and also inhibit the biosynthesis of nucleic acids. Depending on the concentration, they can have both bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects. Well absorbed and quickly excreted from the body. The most famous representatives of this group:
- Furazolidone;
- "Furagin";
- Furadonin;
- Furazidin.
Take medication after meals with plenty of water. During the entire course of treatment, you should strictly adhere to the recommendations of the doctor. Some drugs turn urine brownish or rusty yellow. The most common adverse events are observed in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, lungs, nervous system.
Therapy for acute and chronic inflammation. Features
How to treat acute kidney pyelonephritis? Therapy is carried out in a hospital, where constant monitoring of blood and urine parameters is carried out, and the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics is also detected. If there are no serious complications, then doctors recommend antibacterial medicines, the course of which is from two to three weeks. In addition, detoxification therapy and physiotherapy are indicated.
How to treat chronic kidney pyelonephritis? The tactics of therapy depend on the nature and severity of the disease, but in any case, the treatment is complex. Chronic inflammation of the kidneys accompanies the individual forthroughout life, alternating between remission and relapse. Antibiotics are indicated for the relief of an acute condition, their intake is long and is approximately six weeks. In addition, the doctor during this period recommends immunomodulators and vitamin complexes.
How to treat chronic kidney pyelonephritis with herbal medicine? Various drugs from medicinal plant materials, in addition to traditional medicine, are used as maintenance therapy. Their use is allowed only after agreement with the attending doctor.
Kidney treatment for adults and children
According to medical statistics, the female sex suffers from this pathology five times more often than the opposite. In addition, representatives of reproductive age and those who have an active sex life are more susceptible to this disease. How to treat kidney pyelonephritis in women? The doctor recommends loading doses of antibiotics. If the disease overtook during the waiting period for the baby, then active therapy is not carried out at this time. Most often, a woman is hospitalized, and the duration of treatment depends on the period. In the later ones, the future mother is left for preservation. In the first trimester, doctors select a treatment that excludes the use of medications that are dangerous to the fetus. Usually, therapy begins with a group of penicillins, and the choice falls on Amoxicillin. The doctor determines the dose and course intake individually. Refusal of therapy is dangerous for both the expectant mother and the fetus - the risk of developing pathologies is high.

Men are more likely to get sick at an older age. How to treat kidney pyelonephritis inmen? The tactics of conducting are selected individually. Among antibiotics, drugs with an extended spectrum of action are chosen - cephalosporins, penicillins, macrolides. In order to prevent relapses, course treatment with herbal remedies with a diuretic and uroseptic effect, antioxidants and vitamins is indicated. In exceptional cases, surgery is recommended.
How to treat kidney pyelonephritis in children? When the first signs of the disease appear, hospitalization is required for a period of seven to fourteen days, since constant monitoring of blood and urine parameters is necessary. When treated on an outpatient basis, there is a high risk of developing a chronic form of the disease. For therapy, antibacterial medications are used that are approved for a specific age category of young patients.
Below, consider what drugs to treat kidney pyelonephritis, regardless of age and gender:
- Antibiotics of different pharmacological groups.
- Sulfanilamides.
- Derivatives of nitrofurans, oxyquinoline and quinolone.
- Diuretics - only in the chronic form of the disease in order to remove excess water from the body of the individual.
- Immunomodulators - to prevent exacerbations of chronic pyelonephritis.
- Multivitamins - to boost immunity.
- NSAIDs - relieve pain and inflammation.
- Vasodilators - to improve renal blood flow.
But it is important to remember that medicines are prescribed by a doctor.
How to treat kidney pyelonephritis at home?
Alternative medicine can helpboth in the treatment of the chronic form and in the prevention of pyelonephritis. For a certain category of patients, for example, those with individual intolerance to antibiotics, children, pregnant women, taking herbal medicines is considered the most appropriate. Consider in what cases herbal medicine for this disease is possible:
- Diagnosed on the basis of laboratory and instrumental examinations.
- The use of alternative methods of treatment is agreed with the attending doctor. Schemes and doses have been selected.
- At the time of using alternative medicine methods, there is no acute stage of the disease.
- There is a chronic course of pyelonephritis. In this case, various drugs will help to avoid aggravation.
- The individual has no problems with urine outflow. This fact must be confirmed by a physician.
How to treat kidney pyelonephritis at home? Treatment with folk remedies involves the use of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, restorative agents. Their reception supports the immune system and removes signs of general intoxication. During the period of taking drugs, it is advisable to eat steamed food, refuse hot spices, minimize the consumption of protein products, and also drink at least two liters of clean water during the day. In addition, the individual must not have allergic reactions to bee products and plant pollen.
How to treat kidney pyelonephritis with folk remedies with antibacterial properties?
The following plants are used in the treatment of inflammation:
- Cowberry –It has antibacterial, anti-edematous, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Enhances the effect of antibiotics and sulfonamides, which are indicated for pyelonephritis. Cowberry juice is prepared from this plant, which is taken for a week and a half glasses every day. For cooking, take five hundred grams of berries and squeeze. The resulting cake is added to a container of water (3 liters) and boiled for five minutes. Next, cool and filter. The previously obtained juice is added to the finished broth.
- How to treat kidney pyelonephritis in women in an interesting position? Bearberry is a natural antibiotic. The effectiveness of this herb is comparable to drugs used to treat pyelonephritis.
- St. John's wort is a reliable remedy for urinary tract infections. It has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties, increases diuresis and relieves vasospasm. I use it alone or in combination. Most often take a decoction for fourteen days. It is prepared at the rate of ten grams of grass per two hundred milliliters of water.

Drugs from it reduce the inflammatory process and contribute to a better outflow of urine. Most often, tea is used, which is prepared in a cold way, but at the same time retains all the beneficial properties. Ten grams of medicinal plant material is poured into a glass of water and infused for a day - this is one serving of the remedy. It is allowed to drink no more than three glasses of tea drink per day.
Anti-inflammatory drugs
How to treat kidney pyelonephritis at homeconditions? To relieve the inflammatory processes that occur with this disease, plants with a healing, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect have proven themselves well. Among them:
- Oats - considered the first remedy for healing the kidneys. Its grains have a powerful diuretic effect, free the body from toxic substances, promote the removal of stones from the kidneys, saturate with the necessary trace elements and vitamins. In addition, oats are an excellent immunostimulant. A decoction is prepared from it, which is taken no more than seven days three times a day. For cooking, take one glass of oats and pour a liter of water.
- Cranberry is a diuretic and antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent. For the treatment of purulent pyelonephritis, they drink a mixture that includes: raw potatoes (200 g), cranberries (250 g), honey (30 g). Juice is squeezed out of the first two ingredients, mixed, honey is added.
- Honey is an anti-inflammatory agent with antibacterial properties. In addition, it stimulates the body's defenses to fight inflammation. A tablespoon of honey is dissolved in a glass of boiled water. Drink this drink before a meal or three hours after a meal. Course treatment from ten to fourteen days.

Before use, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:1. Take two to three times a day in a volume of not more than one hundred milliliters as long as the course of drug therapy lasts.
And also for the treatment of inflammation in the kidneys at home use millet, ginger, soda, flax and othersplants. But first you should consult with your doctor.
We hope, thanks to the article, you now know how kidney pyelonephritis is treated.