Many people know how stomatitis is treated. This disease is common, at least once in a lifetime it bothered almost every inhabitant of our planet. There are more effective means, if not too reliable. You can use medications, including antimicrobials, or you can use folk wisdom. However, it is believed that the most reliable option is a combination of traditional and alternative medicine approaches. What to try?
General view
Before finding out how stomatitis is treated, it is worth understanding what kind of disease it is. There are usually few dangers associated with it (if the form is not very severe), but there are much more unpleasant sensations than we would like. Pathology is expressed by the formation of ulcers, areas of irritation on the oral mucosa. The affected areas hurt, itch.
They choose how to treat stomatitis, based on the cause of the he alth problem. In an impressive percentage of cases, the primary source is a systemic chronic disease that provokes a decrease in immunity. Because of this, the mucosa becomes moresusceptible to pathological forms of life. Therefore, the most effective method of getting rid of an oral he alth problem is to completely cure the underlying disease.
There are also cases where the root cause is an insufficiently responsible approach to hygiene measures. How is stomatitis treated in this case? Enough topical application of disinfectants and anti-inflammatory agents. If the disease is mild, you can get by with folk recipes.
Lots of options
If mouth ulcers appear often enough, there is a chance of a chronic disease. As a rule, stomatitis with such a problem lasts a long time, disturbs with unpleasant sensations, and returns regularly. With such a problem, you should definitely consult a specialist. Only a doctor can tell you the best way to treat stomatitis in this case.
Sometimes inflammation is triggered by allergic reactions. A variety of substances, from food to chemical compounds, with which a person comes into contact due to lifestyle, can initiate such a response of the body. If the disease is caused by allergies, complex treatment is required: local preparations and systemic medications are used.
You should not hope that there are universal recipes and methods, especially in pictures and with photos, how to treat stomatitis. Everything will depend on the type of disease and the nature of its course, so the choice of course is the responsibility of the doctor. The doctor will tell you if you need special remedies or if folk remedies are enough, if you need to take additional measures.
By the way, quiteit often turns out that no therapy is required at all: for example, it is enough to change toothpaste. Many oral hygiene products contain sodium lauric sulfate, a highly irritating substance. By eliminating substances with him from his daily life, a person significantly reduces the risk of stomatitis.
Means and their effects
Reviewing various tips and recipes that tell how to quickly treat stomatitis in adults and children, you can see that the drugs recommended by doctors and patients fall into several main categories:
- painkillers;
- reducing fever;
- antiseptics;
- antibiotics;
- remedies for viruses and fungi;
- allergy remedies;
- activators of regenerative processes.
Not all drugs are suitable for all patient groups. It is more difficult to choose how to treat children's stomatitis - many medicines are contraindicated at a "tender" age. The choice of drugs for adult patients is limited by the individual characteristics of the body, intolerance to certain substances common in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as the specifics of the case.
No pain
Are stomatitis treated with anesthetics? In most cases, yes. Such drugs are used quite often, because they effectively stop itching, pain. This is especially true if the disease is severe, because of the discomfort it is difficult to talk, eat, and sometimes even sleep. Analgesics stop the sensitivity of the diseased area, but do not have a systemic effect on the body, which meansthe likelihood of side effects is minimal. Mostly anesthetics are based on:
- lidocaine;
- trimecaine;
- benzocaine.
Considering recipes that tell how to treat stomatitis with folk remedies, you should pay attention to aloe. The juice of this plant is an effective analgesic of natural origin. It not only relieves pain, but also stops inflammation.

By applying local analgesics to the affected areas, thereby a person provides tissues with additional protection from harmful external factors (pieces of food, etc.). The protective layer prevents pain that occurs when accidentally touched. True, if the analgesic does not contain additional components, there is not much benefit from it: the remedy only relieves unpleasant symptoms, but it does not cure ulcers.
The doctor, explaining to the patient how stomatitis can be treated, will probably recommend drugs that contain not only analgesics, but also agents for local disinfection. Common substances are carbamide or hydrogen peroxide.
Efficiency First
If the disease is severe, worried about fever, drugs containing:
- acetylsalicylic acid ("Aspirin");
- paracetamol.
Panadol has proven itself well.
Sometimes stomatitis is treated with antibiotics. You should not use such funds at your own discretion - there is a high risk of harm, encounternegative response of the organism. But with the right medicines, it will be possible to defeat the disease quickly: antimicrobial drugs inhibit the vital activity of pathogens of the inflammatory process, that is, they eliminate the main source of the problem.
The most popular products are based on the following antimicrobial compounds:
- erythromycin;
- amoxicillin;
- metronidazole.
The drug "Oftoloxacin" and its analogues have proven themselves well. To increase the effectiveness of the course, rinses with chlorhexidine bigluconate can be done. The tool is in the first-aid kit of almost any modern person, it is safe and effective, but you need to remember that sometimes it leaves marks on the teeth and fillings. The visual effects of the treatment will pass soon after recovery.
Not only "Chlorhexidine", but also other oral disinfectants are an important element of the therapeutic course. You just can't do without them. Any doctor explaining how to treat stomatitis at home quickly will tell you about this. Antiseptics allow you to remove germs, prevent reproduction. Most popular and available:
- hydrogen peroxide;
- brilliant green;
- potassium permanganate.
It should be noted the preparations "Miramistin", "Geksoral" and "Ambazon". The medicines "Sangviritrin", "Polikresulen" presented in almost any modern pharmacy have a good reputation.
What else to try?
Understanding how to treat stomatitis on the lip, the inner surface of the cheeks and in other places where ulcers are localized,It makes sense to get tested for viral infection. If this is the cause of the inflammatory process, you will have to be treated with special means to suppress viral activity. The choice of a specific medication is based on information obtained from laboratory studies: there are no universal drugs that can help with any type of infection.
Most commonly used ointments:
- oxolinic;
- tebrofen;
- bonafton.
If the disease is provoked by fungi, the doctor may advise Nystatin or Levorin. In some cases, Amphotericin B is the most effective.

Choosing how to treat stomatitis quickly at home, and knowing that inflammatory processes are caused by allergic reactions, you can look at Ketotifen and Tavegil. Compounds with cromoglycienic acid and Cetirizine showed themselves to be good.
Solcoseryl can be used to activate regenerative processes. The drug is available in the form of a special paste for the oral cavity. A distinctive feature is an increased adhesive ability, so the product remains on the affected area for a long time.
Nature to help man
When choosing how to treat stomatitis at home in children, you should look only at the most reliable and safe options. First of all, these are folk recipes. However, they are also suitable for adults. But some kids simply have no choice - the limited use of medicines and allergicreactions often do not allow the use of almost all pharmaceutical drugs that are effective for stomatitis.
From natural remedies, the greatest benefit in this unpleasant disease will come from remedies that activate the regenerative abilities of tissues. Well proven:
- rosehip oil;
- sea buckthorn extract;
- propolis ointment.

Tender age
Choosing how to treat stomatitis at home in children, you can use drugs designed to alleviate the condition of babies during the period when teeth are being cut. Known for their positive effect "Kalgel" and "Kamistad".
Before you start using the medication, you need to read the instructions, examine the composition for compounds that can provoke an allergic reaction in the baby. If the remedy causes a negative response of the body, it is strictly forbidden to use it.
How to treat stomatitis in children? The photo below shows the packaging of Kamistad, one of the most effective remedies, but even it is not suitable for everyone.

Most often, the disease is provoked by fungi from the genus Candida or the herpes simplex virus. Both of these types of disease are successfully eliminated with safe natural remedies. Some of them can be cooked at home.
With candidiasis, you can wipe your mouth with a solution of soda. A glass of water - a couple of teaspoons. The product is dissolved, stirred, dipped in a cotton swab and wipedaffected areas. Boric acid (2% solution) can be used similarly. Take a couple of teaspoons in a glass of water.
With stomatitis provoked by candida, you can use the drug "Candide". The medication is treated with the mucous membranes of the oral cavity several times a day. The duration of treatment is 10 days. You can not shorten the course or break the schedule, as fungi can become immune to the active ingredient. Usually by the seventh day there are no signs of stomatitis. However, the tool continues to use the full 10 days.
Options: what else to try?
It is no less difficult than for young children to choose how to treat stomatitis during pregnancy. It also focuses on the cause that caused the disease. For example, if inflammatory processes are explained by herpetic viruses, you can use propolis ointment. The active substance is also an antiseptic, stops inflammation and activates regenerative processes.
To activate the natural processes of tissue repair, you can prepare herbal infusions, decoctions and rinse your mouth with them. Such remedies are suitable when choosing how to treat stomatitis during pregnancy and in young children. Chamomile will be of particular benefit.
St. John's wort, sage have proven themselves well. Dried herbs for infusions can be bought at any modern pharmacy, but you can prepare yourself when the season is right. If the remedy is chosen to treat the baby, but the child is too small and does not know how to rinse his mouth, use a gauze swab to wipe the affectedareas.

Drugs: where to stop?
Considering how and how to treat stomatitis in adults on the tongue, cheeks, lips and other parts of the oral cavity, you should pay attention to the quality of acyclovir. In pharmacies, there are ointments and tablets with this substance on sale. Acyclovir successfully eliminates inflammation, stops the activity of pathological agents.
In order for regenerative processes to proceed faster, you can use keratoplasty - they stimulate the restoration of mucous membranes. Rosehip and sea buckthorn oils will benefit the patient. To maintain the body's defenses as a whole, vitamin complexes, mineral food supplements are taken. You will have to revise the diet so that it is balanced and complete. Of the vitamins, the most useful are:
- retinol;
- ascorbic acid;
- tocopherol;
- B vitamins.
Antibiotics and treatment of stomatitis
In most cases, the doctor, explaining how to treat stomatitis in the tongue in adults or children, recommends the use of local antiseptics. The predominant percentage of cases is a disease that occurs in a mild form, so there is simply no need for powerful medicines. Reasons for antimicrobial therapy are:
- necrotic process;
- bacterial contamination;
- neglected form, large areas of damage;
- great depth of ulcers;
- swelling of the lymph nodes under the jaw;
- lack of effect with mild treatment methods for ten days;
- risk of sepsis;
- presence of systemic pathologies;
- secondary infection.
Treatment rules
There is no point in using antibiotics for virus infection, antiviral drugs for fungal invasion, and so on. In each case, the remedy must meet the conditions. The use of antibiotics for stomatitis caused by viruses or fungi only worsens the patient's condition, as it inhibits the vital activity of beneficial microflora and weakens the patient's immunity.
From medical practice it is known that a number of pathogens are able to disguise themselves as bacterial infection, in fact not being such. In such cases, it is difficult to immediately make an accurate diagnosis, and there is a high risk of choosing the wrong treatment.
The active ingredients in antimicrobials negatively affect both harmful and beneficial life forms, so therapy is often associated with negative consequences. Perhaps increased gas formation and impaired stool, sometimes nausea and vomiting. A prolonged antimicrobial course leads to a strong suppression of immunity, which means that there is a high risk of additional diseases and relapses of already cured pathologies.
When a doctor prescribes antibiotics, the patient is given clear instructions on how to take them. The doctor tells what the dosage and frequency of use should be, what negative effects are acceptable, what are the reasons for cancellation. The doctor will explain how many days you need to be treated - it is unacceptable to interrupt the course ahead of time. This creates conditions for the development of superinfection.
A solid approach
To choose the most effective remedy for stomatitis caused by pathological bacteria, the doctor takes samples of diseased tissues from the patient and sends them to the laboratory for a full-fledged study. Under special conditions, it is revealed to which substances the forms of life characteristic of a particular case are sensitive. Based on this, medicines are selected from an extensive pharmacy assortment. Only in this way can a decision be made in favor of an effective drug that can show a pronounced effect and cause minimal adverse reactions.
Before using a local antibiotic, the affected areas are treated with antiseptics, after which the surface is dried with a sterile gauze swab.
In order for the course to be not only effective, but also cause minimal damage to the body, pre- and probiotics should be taken to compensate for the negative impact on the intestinal microflora. Ordinary natural yogurt will benefit, and from pharmaceutical preparations - the drug "Linex".

Drugs: features and names
More often with stomatitis, antibiotics are prescribed for local use, somewhat less often - suspensions, powders. Sometimes the tablets are pre-crushed into powder before taking - so they can be mixed with the gel and applied to the ulcer. If the doctor has recommended a suspension, it should be prepared immediately before taking it, strictly following the manufacturer's instructions. The most commonly prescribed antimicrobial drugs are penicillins.
Perhaps the most popular antibiotic is Amoxiclav. It is based on amoxicillin, supplemented with clavulanic acid. Effective against staphylo-, strepto- and enterococci, Klebsiella and Proteus. On sale there are syrups, suspensions, tablets, powders. "Amoxiclav" is usually prescribed if stomatitis is severe, the infection is systemic, and various tissues and organs are affected. After stopping the activity of the infectious focus, the medication is stopped.
At the age of less than 12 years, the remedy is used in the form of drops, syrup. The doctor calculates the dosage, taking into account the age, weight of the patient, the characteristics of the course of the disease. For patients older than 12 years of age, tablets are more often recommended. The antibiotic is taken three times daily. The duration of the course is from five to seven days.
The drug "Ampicillin" has a rather pronounced effect. The main advantage is the ability to use already from the age of one month. Belongs to the class of semi-synthetic pharmaceutical products.
Another reliable semi-synthetic drug is Augmentin. It contains clavulanate, amoxicillin. The agent is effective against colonies of pathological organisms, due to the presence of clavulanate, it inhibits the activity of specific enzymes secreted by bacteria and poisoning the body, reducing the effectiveness of the antimicrobial component. "Augmentin" on sale is represented by tablets, powder and syrup. Injections are prescribed if the disease is severe and accompanied by high fever.
What else will help?
With stomatitis, "Sumamed" is sometimes prescribed. The antibiotic belongs to the class of macrolides,based on azithromycin and effective against a wide range of gram-positive, gram-negative life forms, as well as some anaerobic pathological microorganisms. "Sumamed" can be used from the age of five months. For children, it is shown in the form of a syrup; for older people, tablets and suspension are recommended.
With stomatitis, this antibiotic can be used if the disease is accompanied by systemic inflammation. The drug quickly stops such foci, removes signs of general poisoning. Ulcers on the mucosa heal faster. "Sumamed" is most effective when the disease has just begun. In the form of a suspension, the drug is taken for five days, tablets - no more than three days. Doses are chosen by the doctor, based on the characteristics of the case.

Sometimes doctors recommend stopping at Lincomycin. It is widely used in dental practice, gives a pronounced antibacterial effect. Available as a topical gel, injectable solution, and capsules.
Metrogil Denta created on metronidazole is no less reliable. It contains chlorhexidine, which provides a disinfecting effect. The active component of the gel is able to penetrate into a harmful cell and destroy it from the inside. Soon after the start of the course, the ulcers hurt and itch less, the inflammation subsides, and regeneration is activated. The optimal format of application is twice daily for a week, sometimes 1.5 weeks.