Manic disorders are associated with a person's affective state and inappropriate behavior. This is not a disease, but an episode. Namely, the human condition associated with bipolar disorder.
Mental Deviations
This state of a person can last for different times. It can last for one day, or maybe a whole week. For a better understanding, it should be said that manic disorders have opposite signs of depression. With the latter, a person cannot force himself to carry out any activity, may not get out of bed, and so on. And manic disorders are characterized by activity, focus on something. The patient has outbursts of anger, aggression and even rage. There are also cases when a person has a manic-depressive disorder with obsessive thoughts. For example, some people feel that someone is following them or coming up with some kind of atrocity against them.

Therefore, the behavior of patients becomes cautious, they are looking for a catch everywhere. They can also find confirmation of their suspicions in random coincidences. people with suchobsessive thoughts cannot explain that they are mistaken. Since they are sure that they are right and can find irrefutable, from their point of view, evidence that they are being followed or persecuted.
Possession is a condition that borders on a mental disorder
The reason for this behavior may be the character of a person or his reaction to unpleasant situations. It happens that a person is ready to implement his plans at any cost, despite the fact that there are certain circumstances that prevent their implementation. The goals can be different, for example, religion, politics, rare art, or just activity related to social activities. A person has thoughts that dominate all others. This behavior seems ridiculous if the target is small. But it is worth saying that major scientific discoveries or great achievements in other fields of activity were carried out by just such a type of people.

Obsession with a goal is borderline with a mental disorder, but it is not. Thoughts and actions of a person are aimed at achieving a certain result. At the same time, they are clear and understandable. The focus on the result occupies all the thoughts of a person, and in order to achieve or implement it, he will do everything possible and impossible. When a person begins to dream of something, all his thoughts are focused on what he wants. It is in such states that people are able to achieve great results.
And manic personality disorder says that a personthere are mental disorders. The course of his thoughts is chaotic, absurd, he himself does not know what he wants. The surrounding people do not understand such a person, his behavior is aggressive.
Mental disorders. Symptoms
What symptoms indicate a manic (mental) disorder?
- The person is in an excited state. That is, he is not just in an upbeat good mood, but he is overexcited.
- Too optimistic for any situation.
- Extremely fast thinking process.
- Hyperactivity.
- Man becomes wasteful.
- Does not control his actions, deeds, words.

The main difficulty lies in the fact that a person cannot accept the fact that he is sick, and he needs professional medical help. He himself believes that everything is in order with him and refuses to show himself to a specialist. Convincing him to begin treatment is almost impossible.
Main signs of disorder
What does a person do that indicates that they have manic bipolar personality disorder?

- A person starts to spend a lot of money. He can drain all the savings.
- Signs unprofitable contracts, does not think about the consequences of transactions.
- Creates provocative situations with people around that lead to conflicts and quarrels.
- People with manic disorders get into troublewith alcohol.
- May violate the law.
- As a rule, people with this disease have a large number of sexual intercourses.
- Suspicious people appear in the social circle.
- Often a selfish attitude towards others appears, allocates a special place in society, megalomania arises.
A person has the feeling that he is omnipotent. Therefore, he spends a lot of money, does not think about the future and believes that at any moment the money will come to him in the amount that is needed. He is convinced of his higher purpose.
Manic disorder: symptoms and types
Manic states can be divided into several types. For example, persecution mania is common. It seems to a person that he is being watched and chased. Sometimes he knows his enemies and is convinced that they want to harm him or cause some kind of damage. Such persecutors can be relatives or friends, as well as strangers. Sometimes it seems to a person that they want to kill, beat or injure him in some way.
There is a mania of higher destiny, when a person believes that he was sent to earth with a specific mission and must perform some significant act. For example, create a new religion or save everyone from the end of the world and so on.

These conditions are accompanied by the fact that the patient thinks that he is the most beautiful or the richest, and so on. There are different options for the manifestation of the fact that a person suffers from such a disease, such asbipolar affective disorder. Manic-depressive psychosis is not always associated with greatness and omnipotence. There are also cases when a person, on the contrary, thinks that he is to blame for everything. Or, for example, he should serve everyone and so on.
There is a mania of jealousy. As a rule, it occurs in people who abuse alcohol. Interestingly, a manic disorder can include several manias, and sometimes a person is subject to only one idea.
There are cases when a sick person can convince relatives and close people that he is right. This is because he explains his manias very logically, finds evidence for them. Therefore, close people can fall under the influence of the patient and mislead themselves. As a rule, a break in communication with such a person allows you to quickly get out of his influence.
Sometimes people who know that they have mental disorders begin to hide them from others.
Manic disorder. Treatment
What treatment should be given to a person with manic disorders? The main sign that a person is unwell is insomnia. Moreover, this fact does not disturb the patient himself. Because he is in a state of excitement. Such a person exhausts his relatives with his behavior. Therefore, it is better if the treatment takes place in a hospital.

And the sooner medical assistance is provided, the better. Close people should not rely on the fact that the manic disorder will pass by itself.on my own.
If you notice the symptoms of the disease, you should consult a specialist. Be aware that it may take physical force to hospitalize a person with a manic disorder. Since he does not want to go to the hospital on his own. But do not worry about it, because after the cure, the person realizes that he needed medical help. It is also worth knowing that increased excitability can refer not only to a manic disorder, but also be a sign of other diseases. For example, this condition is observed in alcoholics, with dementia. Also, the use of certain drugs causes increased excitability. Schizophrenia can present with similar symptoms. In order to accurately determine what a person is sick with, it is necessary to conduct a special examination.
Talking won't help
You should know that inappropriate behavior of loved ones requires medical attention. Do not try to solve the problem on your own through conversations and persuasion. Sometimes you can harm the patient by self-treatment attempts.

As a rule, close people always hope for the best. In this regard, it is difficult for them to believe that their loved one has a mental disorder. Therefore, they do not dare to resort to forcibly hospitalizing him to the last, and try through negotiations to convince him to see a specialist. But as practice shows, conversations withpeople who are not mentally he althy do not have a positive effect. On the contrary, they can cause irritation and aggression of the patient. And this situation will only exacerbate the situation. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid, but you should resort to the help of professionals. Since in the end it will play a positive role in curing a person from this disease.
Now you know how manic disorders manifest themselves, and also understand what to do in this situation. We hope that the information was useful to you.