Alcohol and potency are closely related. At least that's what many people think. In particular, there is a myth that a couple of shots of vodka, a few liters of beer or a bottle of wine can make sex even more vivid and memorable. Moreover, some believe that alcohol is able to delay ejaculation, which allows a man to "hold out" for as long as possible. Is this really how alcohol affects a man's sex life, let's figure it out in this article.
Myths in our life

Alcohol and potency do interact with each other, but not at all in the way that many of us would like. This myth only serves as another confirmation of how people tend to wishful thinking.
Actually, there is very little truth here. It consists in the fact that the use of an insignificant (!)the amount of alcohol can improve sexual function. A small amount corresponds to 50 g of vodka or 150 g of wine, but no more.
In addition, in this case, a positive effect is to be expected, if only such abuse occurs occasionally, and not systematically. With an increase in the dose of alcohol, the potency worsens in proportion to the amount of alcohol consumed. From this we can conclude that the quality of sex can only be improved with the help of a small amount of alcohol.
Interestingly, experts tend to consider this more of a psychological rather than a physiological effect. A man's mood rises, he begins to feel more confident and relaxed, the women around him seem more desirable and charming. If you increase the dose of alcohol you drink, you will no longer be able to control sexual function.
Influence of alcohol

Alcohol and male potency are directly related. Male sexual function deteriorates depending on how much ethanol is ingested. Moreover, this does not depend on any particular alcoholic drink.
A small dose of alcohol (a glass of vodka or a glass of wine) increases contact and attraction. Excitation develops faster and easier than in a sober state. At the same time, the man still controls himself well, does not lose the intelligibility that is natural in such conditions. A small amount of alcohol can actually slow down ejaculation, prolonging sexual intercourse.
Medium and high dose
The average dose of alcohol is 100-150 g of vodka, twoglasses of wine. In this case, the effect on potency is more noticeable. Excitation slows down, there is a feeling of a violation of cause-and-effect relationships. The use of various methods of stimulation and foreplay does not lead to any reaction. It becomes problematic to maintain an erection at the proper level, and the onset of ejaculation in this case slows down significantly. Discharge can become prolonged and not bring any pleasure at all. The man begins to feel feverish or lethargic, which is not conducive to normal intercourse.
A large dose of alcohol is a bottle of wine, more than 200 g of vodka. In this case, an erection and subsequent ejaculation are either completely impossible or beyond the control of the person himself. Alcohol has a devastating effect on a man's potency. Ejaculation occurs completely unpredictably, can cause serious regret. The main thing is that sex in this situation does not bring any pleasure.
Long-term effect

It is worth noting that such an effect of alcohol and potency in men is manifested only if you drink alcohol occasionally, not systematically. Otherwise, alcohol begins to act even more destructively. After some time of regular alcohol consumption, ethanol begins to suppress the production of male hormones that are responsible for attraction and erection. The attractiveness of sex in his eyes, in principle, is reduced. In the interim period, you may encounter undulating sensations where the lack of desire for sex is interspersed with normalsexual activity.
The current opinion that alcohol negatively affects the reproductive function of only women is another big misconception. In fact, alcohol abuse can lead to male infertility. This happens due to the degeneration of the seminiferous tubules, as well as a decrease in the production of male hormones. In addition, according to statistics, children who drink alcohol are much more likely to give birth to sick children with genetic disorders and serious diseases. Family planners are urging parents-to-be together to abstain completely from alcohol if they want to have he althy, happy babies.
Terrible Consequences

In addition, there are even more significant, even terrible consequences for those who abuse alcohol. For example, alcohol and potency in men over 40 are particularly strongly related. With regular alcohol abuse, this can lead to early impotence.
Moreover, problems with normal sexual function may occur even earlier. In some cases, impotence occurs at the age of 35, and if the body is not strong enough or the dose of alcohol is too high, then at 30.
How it all begins…

It all starts with the development of a conditioned reflex to drinking alcohol. Drinking at least a small dose of alcohol becomes the norm. In the future, this amount is not enough, it constantly has to be increased. As a result, potency inevitably deteriorates, sincealcohol has a depressing effect on sexual function and the nervous system. Men have less and less desire to have sex, desire is suppressed, libido decreases. He begins to look for comforting explanations for himself, attributing the decrease in potency to the unattractiveness of his partner, fatigue, stress, not recognizing the truth. It lies in the fact that impotence has already become a real obstacle in the way of his male power. As a result, alcohol and potency in men over 40 can lead to the most negative consequences.
With age, the described situation can only get worse. Alcohol and potency in men after 50 can generally have a catastrophic effect. At this age, as a rule, there are problems with sexual function on a regular basis, and when taking even a small dose of alcohol, it is not necessary to count on an erection at all. It is worth recognizing that alcohol and potency after 50 years are two incompatible things, so you have to choose one thing.
Artificial ways of stimulation

After 40, and especially after 50, men are increasingly beginning to resort to drugs to increase potency. However, how are they compatible with alcohol? This question torments the majority.
Doctors always warn their patients that it is forbidden to drink alcohol while taking absolutely any medication. This also applies to medications designed to improve erectile function. However, in reality, in the modern pharmacological market, there are options such ascombine pills for potency and alcohol.
The need for this arises from the fact that before sex, a couple often goes to a romantic dinner or a nightclub. In this case, a few glasses of wine or cocktails are practically indispensable. Alcohol and drugs for potency are rarely combined with each other. But such means do exist.
Viagra Soft
It is believed that this is one of the most common means to increase potency. These are new generation tablets that can be combined with alcoholic beverages with little or no side effects. At least that's what the manufacturers say. Also, you can eat heavy food, which is contraindicated when taking the classic "Viagra".
This remedy should be drunk half an hour before the intended intimacy. One dragee dissolves under the tongue until completely dissolved, acts faster than the original, has a pleasant fruity taste.
Side effects appear only at high doses of alcohol. The duration of action of the tablet is up to six hours. Separate temporal fluctuations are possible only with the individual characteristics of the organism. Adverse reactions include increased blood pressure, redness of the face, dizziness, morning sickness.
Similar phenomena can also be observed when the maximum allowable dose is exceeded, or if contraindications from the instructions were not taken into account.
This is an analogue of a more expensive drug called Levitra. Histhe only difference is that there is no delay in the effect of the drug on erection when taking alcohol.
Like the original drug, Vardenafil boasts that it does not affect the functioning of the nervous system, does not affect hormones, heart function, or sperm quality. Non-addictive, approved for diabetics.
The active substance promotes active blood flow to the penis due to the maximum relaxation of the walls of the arterial vessels of the small pelvis.
One tablet is taken 30-40 minutes before sex. The duration of the first erection is guaranteed from 30 minutes to one hour. The effect of the drug persists for 12 hours. The duration and strength of the impact depend on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as on the total amount of alcohol taken. It is important that Vardenafil has a fairly affordable price, especially compared to more expensive medicines of a similar effect.
This is another inexpensive and very effective drug, a cheaper analogue of Cialis, but no less effective.
Drink one tablet a day, which lasts for 36 hours. The onset of action is about half an hour after consumption. Among the obvious advantages are the absence of contraindications for men with diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes, compatibility with fatty foods and a small amount of alcohol. This tool does not provoke a change in color perception and tachycardia, it has lessside effects than most other inhibitor drugs.
The main caveat is that you can't drink grapefruit juice with Tadacip.
Cialis Soft
This is a unique remedy that helps in the treatment of impotence, significantly improving erectile function. When taking it, you can expect that sexual intercourse will be significantly prolonged in time. This happens due to the creation of natural prerequisites for a natural erection and stimulation of the blood supply to the penis.
Pills are compatible with alcohol in not very large doses. You can take a quarter of an hour before the expected proximity. They dissolve until completely dissolved, they do not need to be washed down. The active substances of this remedy are quickly absorbed into the blood through the mucous membranes, so the result is not long in coming.
Duration of action - up to one and a half days, during this time you can count on 5-15 erections, and the duration of each is from a quarter to one hour. After intercourse, the male body quickly recovers, after 30 minutes it is ready for new exploits.
Of the minuses, it is worth noting the likelihood of an erection at the most inopportune moments.
It is believed that these are complex pills for male potency. They are compatible with fatty foods and alcohol.
They are recommended to overcome the psychological barrier and excitement, which can affect erections, nervousness and indecision before the upcoming sexual intercourse. It is also taken witherectile dysfunction, the desire to get new sensations from sex.
To achieve a positive effect, it is recommended to take one tablet a quarter of an hour before sexual intercourse. Its duration is eight hours.
Acceptable dose

Given that alcohol in principle impairs potency, you should use it carefully, even if the manufacturer claims that this or that remedy is compatible with it.
In this case, an amount equal to 200 g of wine, 350 g of beer or 70 g of whiskey, vodka or cognac is considered safe.
Also, these drugs are combined with high-calorie and fatty foods, as alcohol metabolites begin to be more successfully absorbed into the blood, binding to fats. But in this case, you should remember the measure. With a full stomach, you won't want to have sex.