Menopause in men: age, how it manifests itself

Menopause in men: age, how it manifests itself
Menopause in men: age, how it manifests itself

Manifestations of menopause in men are not always noticeable. They usually merge with signs of aging, and only a small percentage complain of menopause. In men, it occurs over the age of fifty due to a decrease in male sex hormones - androgens, namely testosterone.

menopause in women
menopause in women


Menopause in men or menopause is a natural physiological state characterized by certain clinical manifestations and complaints. If this condition occurs before the age of 45, then they talk about early menopause, and after 60 - late. With the manifestation of complaints, changes in the cardiovascular or other systems, they speak of the pathological course of menopause. Such states are always accompanied by neurotic disorders.

What is menopause

In the body of every man there is a gradual extinction of sexual function, caused by a decrease in the level of the main male hormone - testosterone. This period is called the climax. It is characterized by the completion of age-related physiological restructuring of the body.

Testosteroneregulates the functioning of the testicles, seminal vesicles, prostate and other organs of the system. It affects the formation of sperm, and also determines sexual arousal, orgasm.

Causes of menopause in men
Causes of menopause in men

When it comes

Most menopause occurs between the ages of 50 and 60, on average. This is the time when there is a feeling of inferiority due to the weakening of the erection. Focusing on this state aggravates the situation, and moral discomfort causes psychoneurotic consequences.

How common

Menopause in men is quite common - about 80 percent. It is manifested by a decrease in attraction, a weakening of potency. Decreased production of sperm. Because of this feature, men over the age of 65 lack the ability to conceive, with rare exceptions.

Reasons for the condition

The causes of menopause in men are very different. Most often, this condition occurs due to aging of the body. However, menopause can occur as a result of diseases of the reproductive system, in violation of the blood circulation of the testicles, under the influence of toxic substances, alcoholism, after surgery.

menopause symptoms in men
menopause symptoms in men

Clinical manifestations of menopause

As with women, menopause presents with a variety of symptoms. This is due to the fact that androgen deficiency affects the course of various physiological functions, including metabolism. The most significant changes occur in the sexual,cardiovascular, nervous system. Less commonly, the physiological state causes changes in the musculoskeletal system. According to statistics, by the age of 40, approximately 8% of men experience symptoms associated with changes in hormonal levels.

The first thing they always pay attention to is changes in the reproductive system. In men, erection is disturbed, spontaneous morning erections disappear, and sexual dissatisfaction occurs. During intercourse, sensitivity decreases, premature ejaculation with a decrease in fluid volume is noted. Perhaps the development of a violation of urination, which is not associated with adenoma. This is manifested by increased urges, weakening of the jet, urinary incontinence, night trips to the toilet.

The manifestation of menopausal symptoms in men is associated with emotional distress. The extinction of sexual function worsens mood, depression occurs, sleep is disturbed, irritability is observed. During menopause, physical activity decreases, fatigue, weakness increase, memory deteriorates. Men begin to analyze the information received worse. Characteristic manifestations of the disease are excessive sweating, hot flashes, constipation, redness of the face.

At any age, the onset of menopause in men is accompanied by changes in the cardiovascular system. During this period, fluctuations in blood pressure are observed, arrhythmia, palpitations occur. Androgen deficiency is accompanied by an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood, which leads to atherosclerosis of the coronary, cerebral arteries. Increasing the likelihoodmyocardial infarction, stroke.

As a result of hormonal changes, disorders of mineral, lipid, carbohydrate metabolism can be formed. This causes a decrease in muscle mass and an increase in adipose tissue. As a result, men begin to suffer from obesity, diabetes, gynecomastia. Menopause can also manifest itself in men as progressive aging: skin laxity, wrinkles appear, and the amount of hair decreases. In violation of mineral metabolism, there is a risk of osteoporosis, bone fractures.

How does menopause manifest in men?
How does menopause manifest in men?

Diagnostic Methods

Signs of menopause in men are similar to manifestations of other pathological ailments. Usually this condition is hidden under concomitant somatic manifestations. Because of this, men turn to cardiologists, endocrinologists, neurologists. But the therapy prescribed by highly specialized specialists brings temporary relief, and does not help get rid of the true problem. Therefore, every man over 40 years old should undergo a parallel examination by a urologist or andrologist.

For the correction of male menopause, it is necessary to undergo an examination. It includes determining the total level of testosterone and other hormones in the blood. Questionnaires are used to assess symptoms: the scale of age-related androgen deficiency, erectile function, urinary tract obstruction, etc.

An important step in the diagnosis is the exclusion of pathologies of the pelvic organs. To do this, a digital examination of the prostate is performed, ultrasound, ultrasound of the vessels of the penis, PSA blood andother activities. In some cases, it may be necessary to conduct an examination of the cardiovascular system, the study of metabolism.

Differential diagnosis of hormonal deficiency with secondary hypogonadism caused by inflammatory processes and tumors of the hypothalamic-pituitary region of TBI, various types of endocrine pathologies is being carried out.

Treatment methods

To reduce the pathological manifestations of menopause, drug and non-drug therapy is carried out. Treatment of menopause in men is aimed at normalizing the amount of the hormone testosterone. For testosterone therapy, various forms of the hormone are used: tableted, transdermal, injectable. The replacement method of treatment is carried out strictly under the supervision of an endocrinologist, andrologist.

With the right hormonal therapy, physical activity increases, depression decreases, and the quality of sexual life improves. In some cases, patients are prescribed stimulating hCG therapy, which enhances the synthesis of endogenous testosterone.

To relieve the symptoms of menopause, methods of homeopathy, psychotherapy, osteopathy, exercise therapy, hirudotherapy, herbal medicine are widely used. Positive results are shown by therapeutic baths, contrast showers, mud therapy and other balneotherapy procedures, as well as physiotherapy, ozone therapy, and massage. In some cases, prescribe drugs that normalize the work of the CCC. For example, a drug such as Doppelherz for men in menopause allows you to cope with ongoing changes in the heartvascular system.

Causes of menopause in men
Causes of menopause in men

Forecast, consequences

Male menopause is a natural process that cannot be prevented. However, there is an opportunity to improve the quality of life through the use of modern medicines. The key to he alth and a successful fight against the problem is a preventive visit to a urologist or andrologist at least once a year, as well as weight control, giving up bad habits, physical and mental activity. Postponing menopause allows regular sex life. Preventive measures can delay premature aging.

In the event that the pathological condition has already manifested itself, there is a change in the structure of the prostate, a violation of its function. A serious problem of menopause in men is an enlarged prostate gland. The first signs of pathology can appear after 30 years. Over time, menopause develops into adenoma, which is detected in about 50% of men over the age of 55.

Endocrine disorders are manifested by sagging muscles, skin, female-type obesity, impaired thyroid function.

menopause in men age of onset
menopause in men age of onset

How to be

Hormonal restructuring of the body is a natural phenomenon. It usually goes smoothly. During this process, other internal mechanisms are activated that ensure the gradual adaptation of the body to changes. Because of this, in most men, restructuring occurs without a pronounced impact on performance, well-being. And consideringthat menopause is a temporary process lasting from two to five years, then serious consequences usually do not occur.

If changes in the body suddenly appear, then you should understand that this is menopause. You should not be afraid of him, because this is not the end of a full life. During this period, it is important to maintain emotional balance. This is a great way to maintain normal relations between a man and his loved ones. You should also adequately treat the ongoing changes in the body.

Despite the safety of menopause, there are times when existing pathologies worsen. Because of this, doctors advise all men to undergo preventive examinations, and with the slightest change in well-being, urgently seek help.

Causes of menopause in men
Causes of menopause in men

What the doctor will do

Specialist conducts a survey to establish the cause of poor he alth. At the same time, he prescribes a variety of diagnostic methods - instrumental and laboratory. After confirming the diagnosis, a comprehensive treatment is selected to alleviate the patient's condition. An individual diet for weight correction is necessarily selected, a mode of physical activity is determined, and medications are prescribed. If necessary, sedatives, antidepressants, biogenic adaptogens, hormone therapy are prescribed.

If all the doctor's recommendations are followed, a man easily endures menopause, almost without noticing it. Hormone replacement therapy allows you to normally endure menopause. There is information about the use of gonadotropin, which causes an increase inproduce your own testosterone.
