There are various useful herbs for men that help restore men's he alth, strengthen potency. In addition, they help to get rid of inflammation of the urogenital area, as well as increase fertility.
According to traditional healers, each plant has certain healing qualities, it is only important to properly prepare the medicine and use it for its intended purpose. However, it is worth remembering that useful herbs for men should be used carefully, since the effect can be strictly opposite. Only a competent approach to treatment will help strengthen the body and restore many important functions for a man.
Principles of herbal medicine
Even official medicine confirms the effectiveness of herbal infusions and decoctions, which are used to increase erection. However, doctors believe that herbal treatment helps only after identifying the true cause of impotence, in combination with medications. Get the most out ofPhytotherapy is only possible by fulfilling conditions such as:
- buy plants only at the pharmacy;
- do not self-medicate;
- eliminate alcoholic beverages;
- do not overwork;
- eat properly and nutritiously.

Useful herbs in men increase potency and improve he alth without harming the body like medications, but their effect occurs only with regular use and a full course of therapy. You can expect an instant result only with a one-time consumption of a large dosage of the product, but this should be done only as a last resort and very carefully.
Phytotherapy for men
Normal potency gives confidence, enhances self-esteem and self-worth.
Men are often exposed to stress, bad habits, which negatively affects their erectile abilities. Uncontrolled use of medications can lead to bad consequences, so it is recommended to use alternative medicine, which are as safe as possible and give good results.
Herbs that are useful for men should be used regularly, since a single dose of the required therapeutic effect will not follow. Medicinal plants almost do not lead to side effects, and their effectiveness is comparable to pharmacy drugs.
Benefits of herbal medicine
Herbal treatment has become very popular for treating men and increasing potency. Among the mainthe advantages of their use should be highlighted such as:
- performance;
- economy;
- no side effects.
Unlike many medications, herbs have a positive medicinal effect and make it possible to forget about insufficiently good erection, decreased sexual desire, and premature ejaculation. The only condition is the rejection of bad habits, the regular use of non-traditional methods, a balanced diet.
Such therapy is available to absolutely anyone, as herbs are inexpensive. Another plus is the absence of side effects (or their minimum number).
Best herbs for potency
Answering the question of what herbs are good for men, it must be said that plants such as:
- ginseng;
- Dubrovnik;
- St. John's wort;
- galangal.
Ginseng has long been known for its ability to increase libido. As practice shows, after taking ginseng root in men, there is such a result as:
- wish appears;
- increased frequency of sexual contact;
- the feeling of orgasm gets stronger and brighter.
The result is achieved due to the vasodilating effect of this plant. There are many healing remedies with ginseng root, but the simplest and most effective is the use of tincture and tea from the plant.

St. John's wort grass has proven itself well for men. Beneficial featuresplants are due to its rich composition. Zaeroboy belongs to strong aphrodisiacs, due to which it is successfully used to increase potency.
As practice shows, the greatest effectiveness from taking healing tinctures will be if the violations are caused by chronic depressive and stressful conditions, as well as fatigue syndrome.
It is important to strictly observe the dosage of drugs prepared on the basis of St. John's wort, as their use can cause erectile dysfunction. The plant has pronounced vasodilating properties. Regular intake of decoctions or infusions stimulates the activity of the prostate gland, thereby increasing the secretion of male hormones, which has a good effect on potency. The effectiveness of St. John's wort is always the same, regardless of the dosage form.
Scientists have long proven the benefits of green tea for men. It is rich in zinc, which is considered a good building block for male hormones. However, you need to take the drink in doses, as it contains much more caffeine than coffee. Drinking tea must be hot.
The galangal plant has unique properties and great power. Decoctions from this herb increase the flow of blood to the genitals of a man, resulting in a significant improvement in erection. This plant will help those men whose potency is reduced due to psychogenic factors, since the plant has antidepressant properties. An alcoholic tincture is prepared from galangal, which must be drunk daily. After a month of such therapy, there is a noticeablepotency improvement.
How to use
It is important not only to know which herbs are good for men, but also how to take them correctly. You can prepare tinctures, infusions, decoctions based on them.
Decoction is considered the most common form of healing agents. Take 1 tbsp. l. medicinal plant, pour 1 cup boiling water, heat for 5 minutes. If the roots are brewed, then you need to boil for 15-20 minutes. When the healing agent has cooled down a little, it must be filtered, carefully squeezing out the raw materials. Drink only when the healing broth is infused and cooled.

Infusion is a fairly quick remedy. Take 1 tbsp. l. medicinal plant, pour 1 cup boiling water and let it brew for several minutes or hours. Sometimes a thermos is used for this.
For tincture, a plant and alcohol are used. Often, at least 4 tbsp is taken per 1 liter of liquid. l. herbs. All components must be mixed and left for several days. The tool must be shaken regularly. This is especially important if the medicine contains the root of the plant.
Folk recipes
Many are interested in what herbs are useful for men for potency, and how to use them correctly in order to achieve a good treatment result. Helps improve erection ginseng. However, to prevent complications, you need to properly prepare the drug. Take 1 tbsp. l. dry root, crushed to obtain a powder, pour 200 ml of alcohol with a strength of 70%. Put infuse for 7 days. Drink 20 dropsdaily.

Take 25 g of ginseng rhizome powder, mix with 700 g of honey. Put the finished product for 10 days. Then drink 1 tsp. daily. Duration of therapy - 2 months.
Parsley is considered a good remedy, as it tones the body, stimulates the adrenal glands, which is very important for improving potency. It is a natural aphrodisiac. Grind the parsley seeds to a powder. Take 1 tsp. of this remedy, pour 1 cup boiling water. Wrap and leave to brew for 12 hours. Then filter and drink daily 50 ml three times a day. Contraindication is urolithiasis and kidney pathology.
Has useful properties for men, Goryanka herb. For potency, it has been used since ancient times. Its rich composition helps stimulate the reproductive system. The main advantage of this plant is the absence of contraindications. Take 10 asparagus roots and the same amount of bitter gourd. Mix and grind to a powder state. Take a pinch between meals. Thanks to the beneficial properties of Goryanka herb, a man can quickly achieve a good result.

Origanum is widely used to treat women. But oregano grass has more beneficial properties for men, as it has a long and pronounced calming effect. It helps to increase sexual activity, as well as get rid of the negative effects of stress. For treatment, you can drink tea with oregano, but it is worth noting that its long-term use can causedecreased libido and impotence. To prepare the medicine, you need 1 tsp. plants pour 250 ml of boiling water. Let it brew and drink in small sips. Useful properties for men of matryoshka grass, or oregano, are due to its truly unique composition.
Take 1 tsp. hawthorn flowers, pour 1 cup boiling water. Simmer in a steam bath for 15 minutes. Let it brew for 1 hour. Filter and drink ¼ cup three times a day.

Answering how thyme herb is useful for men, it must be said that this plant contains useful substances that help maintain sexual function at a high level. This remedy is a good prevention of prostatitis, improves sperm motility, and also increases libido. Take 1 tsp. oregano, thyme, mint, pour into a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist overnight, and strain in the morning. Drink in small sips throughout the day. Despite all the useful properties for men, thyme herb has certain contraindications. These include an ulcer, problems with the kidneys and liver, arrhythmia.
Herbal preparations
Useful herbs for the body for men are best used in preparations, as this will help to achieve a much better result in treatment. Take 2-3 tbsp. l. clover, nettle, mint, St. John's wort. Put them in a container, pour 1 liter of boiling water and put in a cool place for 1-2 hours. Filter the cooled agent and drink it 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.
To increase potency, take 50 g of calamus root and fenugreek seeds, as well as 100 gyarrow leaves. Grind all these components until a powder is obtained. Take 3 tbsp. l. dry raw materials, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 1 hour, drink 250 ml three times a day.
Take 4 tbsp. l. thyme, 1 tbsp. l. rosemary, 2 tbsp. l. mint. Grind all these components thoroughly to get a homogeneous mixture. Then pour 200-250 ml of boiling water. Drink the tincture after it has cooled down to 3 glasses.
Plants for infertility and prostatitis
It is important to know what herbs are good for men to brew if there are signs of prostatitis or infertility. For treatment, you can use the root of Rhodiola, which successfully copes with the problems of men's he alth. Regular use of the tincture helps:
- normalize sexual function;
- improve sperm quality;
- eliminate inflammation;
- increase sperm activity;
- destroy pathogens;
- get rid of difficulty urinating and pain.
Take 1 tsp. crushed Rhodiola rhizome and pour 1 cup boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes, let it brew for half an hour, then filter, add 1 tbsp. l. honey, mint leaf and a slice of lemon. Dilute with water and drink.

To improve potency and treat infertility, take 1 glass of dill seeds and 2 tbsp. l. valerian. Add 2 cups of honey and transfer to a thermos, pour 2 liters of boiling water. Put for a day and drink 1 tbsp. l. daily.
With a decrease in libido, you can drink tea from fragrant rue in the morning and evening. For thiscrush the root of the plant to a powder state. Take 1 tsp. obtained raw materials and pour 1 cup boiling water. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes in a warm place. Add honey, lemon and mint.
Feature of the use of herbal medicine
Even the most useful herbs for men can cause side effects, which is why when using them, you need to be careful and take into account certain rules. The use of medicinal infusions and decoctions must be agreed with the attending physician. Initially, you need to undergo a full examination to make sure there are no contraindications.
This rule especially applies to middle-aged and elderly patients, as they often have a range of chronic and asymptomatic pathologies in addition to sexual dysfunction.
It is not recommended to use herbs that are aimed at increasing potency, along with homeopathic remedies. These drugs are simply incompatible with some medicinal plants.
Therapy with non-traditional means is recommended to be carried out separately from drug treatment. The components of drugs and medicinal herbs do not interact well with each other. As a result, the he alth of a man can be seriously affected.
When conducting non-traditional treatment, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. At the same time, it is advisable to review the usual diet, excluding harmful foods from your menu. When treating with herbs, you must strictly observe the dosage of the remedy and not exceed it. If discomfort or pain occurs, thenstop using this remedy.
Main recommendations
In order for herbal products to be beneficial and not have side effects, they must be used correctly, taking into account the recommendations of the doctor. Phytotherapy can be started only after an accurate determination of the cause of the decrease in potency. When choosing plants to enhance erection, you should always consult a doctor.
In some diseases, phytotherapy has a positive result only in combination with physiotherapy. Experts say that the positive result of herbal treatment can be seen only after a long time of their use.
Reviews of folk remedies for the treatment of problems with potency are quite contradictory. Some men do not recognize such therapy, as it takes a long time to obtain the desired result. Others, on the contrary, are very pleased that herbal remedies are inexpensive, and the effect continues for a long time after stopping therapy.
Many patients report good results from ginseng, while others say hawthorn tincture helped them.