Signs of prostate fibrosis on ultrasound - the presence of white spots, which indicate increased tissue density. The therapist in this case, during palpation, reveals several seals. There are additional signs of this pathology.
What is this
Fibrosis is scar tissue. It occurs at the location of the focus of the inflammatory process. For example, often diffuse changes in the prostate gland, fibrosis can occur at the site of a small pimple. The tissues here begin to thicken, this is a protective reaction of the body. And if on the face such a change can spoil the appearance, then on the prostate - the quality of life.
Foods of fibrosis in the prostate gland create several difficulties for a person. For this reason, they are removed. For example, scars can put pressure on neighboring tissues, preventing their normal functioning. If pressure is placed on the urethra, the outflow of urine becomes difficult. If it affects the ducts, the secretion of the prostate is produced much worse, as is the ejaculate. After that, a chain reaction can start. SoThus, a situation arises when the area is compressed, an inflammatory process begins in it, which negatively affects the following areas. They also become inflamed.

Sometimes, in the prostate gland with areas of fibrosis, foci of the inflammatory process are hidden. This is a large focus of bacteria, the forces of which are not enough to break through the body's defenses. The scar is a kind of fence. The body is not able to get rid of these microorganisms. As a result, immune forces are weakened, which provokes an exacerbation of the disease. Antibiotics practically do not penetrate into focal fibrosis of the prostate gland. The thing is that the fabrics here are extremely dense.
In addition, areas of prostate fibrosis can replace useful tissue. And if the area affected is small, it will not create many difficulties. For example, microinfarctions provoke a “scar” in the same way, but the heart continues to work. Whereas a large area of prostate fibrosis can ruin the activity of the entire prostate.
Reasons for appearance
Inflammatory processes are considered the main cause of fibrosis, calcification of the prostate gland. Sometimes they appear due to injuries, but this is a rarer case. As a rule, ordinary prostatitis causes pathology. The duration of the disease, which is necessary for the tissue to heal, is several months. In cases where there is no recovery for a long time, it is worth strengthening the therapy. After all, otherwise diffuse fibrosis of the prostate is calledan old form of prostatitis.
The mechanism of tissue scarring here is exactly the same as on ordinary skin. Initially, after damage to them, a delicate layer of skin appears, which thickens, turning into a scar. If the damage is deep, the scar can remain for life. In the treatment of prostate fibrosis, the main task is to make the tissue more elastic so that it does not interfere with the normal functioning of the prostate.
Often this phenomenon occurs without any symptoms at all. A person suffers from an inflammatory process, unaware that tissue scarring has already begun. This is especially true of the chronic form of the disease, when it does not manifest itself clearly. This usually happens if a man has not had sexual relations for some time, and the inflammation zone is located in a place that is not affected by anything.

But as soon as the direct functions of the prostate are required, the damaged tissue will manifest itself. Urination will be difficult, the urine stream will most likely be weakened. Sometimes, periurethral fibrosis of the prostate causes bewilderment among doctors: the inflammation has already been cured, there is no edema, and the jet is still weakened.
The same goes for the process of ejaculation. The inflammatory process has ended, and the release of ejaculate has not returned to normal. As a rule, damaged tissue does not affect erection. But if the sexual life becomes active, the prostatitis begins to aggravate instantly. It's all about fibrosisprostate.
In cases where the inflammation has passed, the scars are not detected without a medical examination. Only during palpation or during the massage they become noticeable. The patient experiences obvious discomfort when affecting these areas. The doctor may stumble upon a "pea" that is not squeezed out. When passing tests, no pathologies are detected.
How old prostate fibrosis is is determined by its density. So, if the formation is soft, as a rule, this indicates that the disease is only 1-3 years old. With due effort, such scars will be completely eliminated.
Treatment methods
In the treatment of prostate fibrosis, the most important moment is its timely start. As long as the damage has not had time to harden, the prognosis will be favorable. Here the requirements are exactly the same as for ordinary skin wounds. Once they heal completely, getting rid of them becomes much more difficult. But here, too, there are procedures that turn rough scars into thin "threads" that are hardly noticeable.
But if the same scars are inside the body, the situation becomes much more complicated. Their presence is indicated only by accompanying symptoms - weakening of the prostate. The best solution would be to prevent the appearance of scars when the first signs of an inflammatory process are detected. In this case, the forecast will be the most favorable.

If prostate fibrosis has already appeared, as a rule, resort to physiotherapyprocedures. Scars are treated in this way in many areas of medicine - in cosmetology, gynecology, surgery. Laser therapy, massage, ultrasound, phonophoresis, mud baths are also popular.
Hormonal drugs help with prostate fibrosis. The most commonly used is hydrocortisone. In this case, use it locally. It prevents the appearance of scars both in the internal organs and on the skin.
Diclofenac and Meloxicam are also popular. These are known anti-inflammatory drugs. However, male patients tend to stop taking these drugs after learning about the side effects. But keep in mind that drugs of this type reduce the likelihood that rough scars will appear. In addition, they are able to have an analgesic effect.
Resorbable preparations
There are many medicines of this type. The most common enzymes Substances that secrete some glands of animals dissolve collagen, namely, it serves as the basis for fibrous tissues.
It is known that enzymes that break down protein are capable of helping to cope with paraurethral fibrosis of the prostate. As a rule, they are used to clean purulent lesions. They help other drugs, such as antibiotics, to penetrate into the inflammation.
Wobenzym or Phlogenzym is used in tablet form. Drugs of this kind are able to have a systemic effect on the foci of the inflammatory process, even inhard-to-reach places. At the same time, the effectiveness of their impact is called into question by many experts.

Diet is believed to have an effect on tissue scarring. If you limit the use of certain foods, protein foods, the patient's condition improves. This happens due to the fact that the production of collagen is reduced. It is known that in the wild, animals are able to resort to this method of treatment on their own. If they get injured or burned, they stop eating for a couple of days after that, which reduces the likelihood of scarring.
If the prostatitis is chronic, the diet is unlikely to be effective. And it is resorted to only as a last resort, when other methods have not had the desired effect. In such cases, the patient begins therapeutic fasting.
But keep in mind that nutrition really plays a role in the course of the inflammatory process in the gland. And a serious diet, which the patient follows according to the recommendations of the doctor, can reduce the chances that inflammation will develop and scarring will appear in the prostate.
Folk methods
Often, patients do not seek to use traditional medicines, preferring traditional medicine methods to them. It is believed that they are harmless to humans, because they are environmentally friendly products. It is important to start therapy as early as possible.
Even the chronic form of this disease, according to experts, is treated with honey therapy. It is necessary to first exclude the presence ofpatient allergic to bee products, diabetes. Otherwise, you will need to use other recipes. It is necessary to eat at least 200 g of honey with tea per day. It is important to consider that in this case, sugar is not eaten - it is replaced with honey. This valuable natural product helps to improve urination, get rid of pain. To recover completely, it is best to resort to this method in courses, periodically repeating them as a preventive measure.
It is believed that pumpkin seeds are the oldest remedy for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. They are very affordable, they have a high content of zinc, and this element is necessary for patients suffering from prostatitis. You need to eat 30 seeds per day before eating. In this case, the body will be provided with a daily intake of zinc.
The next folk recipe that can help the body cope with prostate fibrosis is a decoction of hazel. Both bark and hazel leaves are suitable for use. Be aware that the bark will take twice as long to brew due to its toughness.

To prepare a healing potion, you will need to take one tablespoon of raw materials, and then pour a glass of boiling water. Closing the broth with a lid, it must be infused for half an hour. After straining, the remedy is taken in a quarter cup. It is recommended to take new raw materials each time, and not to brew the same one several times. Drink the remedy 3-4 times a day, before meals. As a rule, after 7 days of such proceduresthe inflammatory process in the prostate gland passes.
Treatment steps
First of all, it is necessary to reduce the area of spread of the inflammatory process. The sooner the patient gets rid of prostatitis, the better. It must be remembered that rapid healing from this ailment leads to the fact that the affected area decreases, which means that the potential scar will be smaller.
In the treatment of prostatitis, gland massage, exercise therapy, Kegel exercises are used. It is important to have a bowel movement on a regular basis. After all, this process provides a natural massage of the prostate.
At the second stage, tissue scarring slows down. This is where induction comes in handy. Procedures of this kind are combined with massage, which leads to a decrease in the level of the inflammatory process, even if the focus of distribution has already become quite large.
Laser therapy also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the prostate gland. This method is most often recommended to older people due to the fact that it is actually harmless.
Microwave therapy is carried out using special equipment. It acts both rectally and perineum.
Drugs patients suffering from a chronic form of the disease, as a rule, are used for severe inflammatory processes. It should be borne in mind that they also have an analgesic effect. This is an advantage of this method of treatment, but at the same time an important disadvantage. After all, sometimes anesthesia masks the most distant foci of the disease, and they are left without attention in the course of therapy. And if theyremain, this leads to negative consequences.
At the third stage of treatment, the effect is directly on fibrosis. Ultrasound treatment is recommended here, as well as mud procedures. Ultrasound is a powerful procedure, it affects the prostate to a depth of several centimeters.

Mud procedures contribute to the resorption of even old scars, as patients write in reviews. As a rule, they are not resorted to at the beginning of the course of therapy, they are effective closer to its end. If used at the beginning, it can lead to an aggravation of the inflammatory process.
There are several ways to use dirt in getting rid of scars. One of them is special tampons. As a rule, they are offered to patients in many Russian sanatoriums. Special "pants" made of mud are also available for sale.
Widely used by patients and mud candles. As patients note, their effect is weaker than that of tampons. It is recommended to use from 20 suppositories per course. The advantage of this method lies in the fact that, as a rule, propolis is also included in the composition of suppositories. Because of this, they can be used even at an early stage of treatment.
At the fourth stage, it is important to engage in prevention. If individual foci of the inflammatory process were not identified at the previous stages, by this time they may make themselves felt. But if you do prevention, get examined again, scarring can be prevented.
Removal of healedtissue is surgically performed in the rarest cases, if there is a chronic form of inflammation of the prostate gland. This method of treatment is resorted to in cases where the damaged areas put pressure on the urethra, making it difficult for the outflow of urine.
The disadvantage of this method is trauma. And it is important to consider that if the body has a tendency to scarring, with a high degree of probability, fibrosis will occur again in the area that has just been operated on. And if the surgical intervention is really carried out, it is necessary to pay more attention to the damaged areas, to be more active in the prevention of prostate fibrosis.

It must be taken into account that it is not recommended to leave tissue scarring without medical intervention. And even if the anti-inflammatory treatment has already been carried out very carefully and one scar has appeared that does not increase, no one can guarantee that it will not begin to grow in the future.
In this case, it can create additional problems with hypothermia of the body, periodically become inflamed. And you still have to return to his treatment. The quality of life will be markedly reduced if the body suffers from constant inflammatory processes.