PH in men: norm, pathology, features of diagnosis and treatment

PH in men: norm, pathology, features of diagnosis and treatment
PH in men: norm, pathology, features of diagnosis and treatment

In the article, we will consider the norm of LH in men.

Such a structural unit of the brain as the pituitary gland secretes luteinizing hormone. For the representatives of the stronger sex, its role is very important, especially when it comes to the activity of the reproductive organs, in particular in adolescence. It is difficult to overestimate its impact on he alth, because the hormone controls the testes-hypothalamus-pituitary gland system, and hence sexual activity. To determine the concentration of the hormone in the bloodstream, you need to visit a doctor.

lg norm in men
lg norm in men


This luteinizing hormone (lutropin) is synthesized by the pituitary gland and is responsible for the activity of the gonads. In the body of a man, under its influence, the synthesis of testosterone is stimulated by influencing the Leydig cells in the testes. That is, lutropin directly affects the function of childbearing.

Many people wonder what is the norm of FSH and LH in a man?

The function of lutropin in the male body

The main condition for the production of testosterone in the required quantities is a sufficient levellutropin in the body of a man.

Directly the hormone affects:

  1. Sexual he alth.
  2. Building muscle mass.
  3. Sperm production.
  4. luteinizing hormone in men
    luteinizing hormone in men

The process of producing luteinizing hormone (LH) is stimulated by the brain, which focuses on the concentration of testosterone in the blood. If it is not enough, the amount of LH increases, if there is a lot, it begins to decrease. Thus, the production of LH is cyclical.

LH norm in men

Normal levels of lutropin in a man's body depend on his age:

  1. 8-18 years - 0, 1-6.
  2. 18-70 years - 1, 5-9, 3.
  3. Over 70 years - 3, 1-3, 4.

In addition, the level of the hormone may depend on external factors:

  1. Time of day. In the morning, there is a peak in the content of lutropin in the blood. In the evening, his concentration is at a minimum level.
  2. The seasons. The maximum concentration of lutropin is observed in summer, the minimum amount of the hormone is produced by the male body in November-December.

The norm of LH in men is necessary for the maturation of spermatozoa and the maintenance of normal testosterone production. The concentration of the hormone reaches its maximum values by the age of 12, it practically does not change until old age.

lg hormone normal in men
lg hormone normal in men


An important indicator in the male body is the ratio of LH and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone). Before puberty, hormones are in an equilibrium proportion - 1: 1. In adult males, the normal ratio of LH and FSH is 1:1.5. That is, FSH slightly predominates over LH.

Causes of deviations from normal indicators, consequences

Why do men have LH abnormalities?

If the concentration of the hormone in the blood changes up or down, then we can judge the presence of pathological processes in the male body. Deviations of a short-term nature may be associated with certain physiological processes.

Increased levels of lutropin combined with a decrease in testosterone levels may be due to impaired functioning of the testicles. The pituitary gland tries to compensate for the lack of testosterone by increasing the synthesis of LH. Normal LH levels double, and in some situations even triple.

The most common cause of increased levels of luteinizing hormone in men is:

  • scrotum cancer:
  • irradiation, chemotherapy;
  • viral infections (usually viral hepatitis);
  • Klinefelter's syndrome.
  • luteinizing hormone normal in men
    luteinizing hormone normal in men

With autoimmune pathologies and the use of certain drugs, borderline LH levels may occur.

Some experts tend to associate a slight increase in the concentration of lutropin with celiac disease (intolerance to gluten or gluten). In this case, the normalization of LH levels contributes to a gluten-free diet.

Decrease dangerous?

LH below normal in menmay be harmful to the reproductive system. The seminal fluid contains a small amount of viable spermatozoa. This situation often causes the development of complete infertility.

Among the reasons for the decrease in lutropin, the use of androgens (anabolic drugs, testosterone) is also distinguished. The most pronounced deficiency of lutropin in men taking steroid drugs.

The next reason for the decrease in the concentration of LH are pathologies and conditions that affect the activity of the pituitary gland:

  • Using medicines.
  • Anorexia.
  • Delayed puberty.
  • Atrophy of the gonads against the background of past infectious diseases: mumps, gonorrhea, brucellosis.
  • Autoimmune pathologies.
  • Head injuries.
  • Excessive synthesis of prolactin.
  • Stress experienced.
  • Malignant formations in the adrenal glands.
  • Neoplasms in the brain, pituitary gland.
  • Hereditary pathologies (Kalman syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome).
  • LH below normal in men
    LH below normal in men

Borderline levels can be observed if a man has a temporary hormonal imbalance, provoked by alcohol addiction and excessive physical activity.

How to detect abnormal luteinizing hormone in men?


To determine the level of LH, examine blood samples. Biological material is taken at the peak of hormone synthesis, that is, in the morning.

To make the result reliable,a man should follow certain recommendations before donating blood:

  • Quit smoking in 3 hours
  • Exclude psychological and physical activity per day.
  • Give up thyroid and steroid medications in two days.
  • Do not eat for 12 hours before testing.

If abnormalities were found during the laboratory study of blood samples, the specialist may prescribe an additional examination in the form of hardware diagnostic techniques, ultrasound. This will identify pathologies that provoked deviations.

Slight LH fluctuations can occur in diabetic men with insulin resistance, insufficient insulin production.

lg hormone
lg hormone

Deviation correction

Therapy of deviations is carried out by the use of drugs based on estrogens or progesterone, as well as androgens. To increase the level of lutropin, medications such as Goserelin, Nilutamide, Mestranol, Phenytoin can be used. In order to reduce LH, Megestrol, Danazol, Stanazol, Dopamine are used.

Hyperprolactinemia is treated with ergot preparations. As a rule, "Cabergoline" or "Bromocriptine" is used for this. In addition to hormonal drugs, men are recommended to take sedatives, vitamins, drugs that can normalize blood circulation.

It is important to eliminate the cause

It is important to understand that an artificial decrease or increasethe level of lutropin is insufficient. It is possible to normalize the processes of LH production in the body only by eliminating the cause that provoked the deviation.

Independent use of hormonal medications can lead to irreversible changes in the body, so a doctor's consultation and a full examination are required. In the absence of pathological processes, to normalize the level of LH, it will be enough to review your diet, reduce physical activity, which must necessarily alternate with rest, and also improve your sex life.

We reviewed the norm of LH in men. Have you checked the level of this hormone in yourself?
