A better name than the one given to this shrub by the people is, perhaps, not easy to come up with. Its branches are indeed literally covered with orange or yellow fruits. It is known that the ancient Greeks fed horses with the leaves of the shrub and its young shoots.

Thanks to this, their coat was shiny, the animals quickly recovered. Hence the Latin name of the plant. When the benefits of sea buckthorn were scientifically proven, it turned out that it was not so easy to cultivate it. The successful distribution of the shrub became possible only after studying its biology and many years of work by breeders.
Sea buckthorn: the benefits of fruits
This is a very valuable medicinal plant. Sea buckthorn can be considered a ready-made natural multivitamin, since its fruits contain vitamins E, P, B₆, C, B₁, A and B₂. Moreover, all of them, except for tocopherol, are also contained in the leaves of the shrub. In frozen fruits, all vitamins are stored for up to six months. Fresh juice from them is not only an excellent general tonic, but also an antitussive (only in this case it should be consumed with honey). A decoction of the fruit is used externally for skin diseases.

Sea buckthorn oil benefits
This product, produced not only from seeds, but even from the pulp of fruits, is appreciated by both official and traditional medicine. They treat many skin inflammations and diseases (lichen, chronic eczema, poorly healing wounds and ulcers, etc.), skin lesions resulting from radiation therapy of oncology. In gynecology, it is used for colpitis and cervical erosion. It is no less effective for frostbite, burns. People suffering from chronic rhinitis, which is especially aggravated in autumn and winter, will immediately feel relief if a few drops of oil are put into the nose.
Sea buckthorn: benefits in cosmetology
Decoctions from fruits and branches of shrubs are used for external and internal use in case of baldness or partial hair loss. With dry and normal skin, it is recommended to regularly make masks from sea buckthorn pulp. To do this, you need to wipe the fruits and add egg yolk or sour cream to the resulting gruel.

After application, the mask should be kept on the face for about 15 minutes, and then washed off with warm water. Very good sea buckthorn oil restores aging skin. Apply it as a mask. It is necessary to grind with ½ tsp. oil the yolk of one egg and apply the resulting mixture on the neck, face and décolleté. Wash it off with warm water after 20 minutes.
Sea buckthorn: benefits in the food industry
From the fresh fruits of the shrub, very tasty kissels, jelly and jams are obtained. They are nutritious and restorative. And onin winter, you can also prepare sea buckthorn juice. To do this, you need to chop the fruits, put them in an enameled pan, pour in barely warm water, heat to 50 ° C and squeeze again. Then the juice must be filtered through cheesecloth, folded in three or four layers, and can be rolled up. It turns out quickly, tasty and very he althy.
Sea buckthorn: benefits and harms
But despite all the valuable qualities, some people do not want to use the fruits of this plant. This category includes those who suffer from gastrointestinal ailments, diseases of the pancreas and acute cholecystitis.