Burdock oil: composition, benefits and harms

Burdock oil: composition, benefits and harms
Burdock oil: composition, benefits and harms

He althy and shiny hair is a natural adornment not only for women. Currently, among the means for the care of curls, burdock oil is gaining particular popularity. Being affordable and effective, it can give damaged hair a new life.

How does oil affect curls?

The remedy has been known for a long time, because even Nefertiti used it to care for her hair. And at present, reviews of burdock oil are mostly only positive.

Thanks to the complex of useful substances that make up its composition, it is an integral component of many shampoos, balms and hair masks. It is the use of the product in its pure form that can deliver the greatest benefit to curls.

Composition of burdock oil

The starting material from which the product is made is burdock rhizomes. The oil is rich in healing properties, thanks to a set of useful substances. Contains:

  • Inulin. It not only removes harmful substances from the body (toxins, s alts of heavy metals), but also perfectly cleanses the scalp.
  • Vitamins A, C, P, E, B. Arenutrition and "building" material for curls.
  • Minerals (calcium, chromium, iron). Slow down hair thinning and normalize metabolism.
  • Fatty acids. Palmitic acid restores the hair structure due to the production of elastin and hyaluronic acid. Stearic is necessary for the normal functioning of the whole organism.
  • Protein. Essential for maintaining he althy skin, hair and nails. At the cellular level, it acts as a building material.
  • Polysaccharides. Activate the metabolic processes of the scalp and rid it of toxins. The effect is comparable to a salon peeling procedure.
  • Tannins. Slow down the aging process of hair and skin, thanks to the stabilization of water balance.
Burdock oil
Burdock oil

Useful substances that make up burdock oil can treat almost all diseases of the scalp and hair through its use. Seborrhea, dandruff, alopecia, brittleness and damaged ends of curls - this is a far from complete list of unpleasant hair conditions that recede after using the product.

What problems does oil fix?

The remedy is used to reduce the following unpleasant conditions:

  1. Hair loss.
  2. Dandruff and oily seborrhea.
  3. Damaged and dry curls.
  4. Itching and peeling of the skin.
  5. Hair breakage.
  6. Care after dyeing or perming curls.

Regular use, according to reviews, burdock oil makes hair soft andthick. It stimulates the work of the glands, prevents the reproduction of the fungus on the skin.

Burdock oil: reviews
Burdock oil: reviews

The product is indispensable for women who want to have long hair.

Where can I get oil?

The easiest way is to get it at the pharmacy. Currently, many cosmetic brands present their burdock oil on the market. Budget options are made on the basis of a mineral product that does not complain to consumers and is secondary. However, as recent studies have shown, it is not harmful to the skin, so it can also effectively affect the hair.

More expensive burdock oils contain components such as olive or sesame. The effectiveness of the product increases, as does the likelihood of allergies in people with sensitive skin.

The shelf life of the oil is quite short - only two months from the date of manufacture, although manufacturers write on the labels a year or more.

You can make a miracle cure with your own hands. For this, 5 tbsp. spoons of powdered burdock root pour 500 ml of cosmetic vegetable oil (it can be purchased at specialized stores). Leave the resulting mixture in a dark place for 3 weeks.

After the expiration of this time, the product can be used for wellness procedures.

Application features

Does burdock oil help? There are several recommendations for its correct use:

  1. Check the expiration date before buying. Expired oil loses its beneficial properties.
  2. Means must be preheated. You can do this in a water bath or by placing a container of oil in boiling water.
  3. Before the application process, dampen the hair and then dry with a towel. They should not be wet, but slightly damp.
  4. Divide the hair into strands and apply oil to them with a brush for coloring. There should be no untreated areas of curls.
  5. After full application, you need to do a light head massage. This will improve blood circulation and the effectiveness of the mask.
  6. Now all the strands must be combed with a comb, not forgetting the tips.
  7. Collect curls in a bun, wrap with foil and insulate with a towel.
  8. Stay on the hair for 1-3 hours. It is not recommended to leave overnight, especially for initial use.
  9. Shampoo should be lathered directly on oily hair with a little water. Several such procedures are carried out.
Does burdock oil help?
Does burdock oil help?

At the end, rinse your hair with water and vinegar or lemon juice. Sometimes decoctions of medicinal herbs are used. Repeated rinsing with water is not recommended. Curls need to be given time to dry naturally.

Eyelash oil

Many women use the product not only to improve hair growth. Use burdock eyelash oil effectively.

It perfectly stimulates the hair follicles, strengthens and promotes their growth. The product is carefully applied with a brush from the tips to the middle of the eyelashes, avoidingeye contact. It is not recommended to leave the oil overnight to prevent redness and swelling of the eyes.

Burdock beard oil

The product can be used as a component of medical masks, infusions or mixtures.

Compress from the product allows the active ingredients to penetrate deep into the beard hairs. The recommended time for the procedure is 1.5-2 hours. Apply several times a week for a month.

Burdock oil for growth
Burdock oil for growth

The procedure for using beard oil is as follows:

  • clean the skin thoroughly;
  • saturate the fabric with the product and apply to the beard;
  • cover with foil and insulate with a towel;
  • hold for 1.5-2 hours;
  • remove the compress, rinse the beard.

After several procedures, an effective result is noticeable. Beard hair becomes thicker and looks he althier.

To apply the mask: burdock and castor oil are mixed in the same proportion. Then heated in a water bath. The product is rubbed into the skin of the face and applied to the bristles. The amount of the mixture is taken depending on the length of the beard. The longer it is, the more product you need. After 1.5 hours, rinse off the bristles with water.

The most effective remedies include burdock oil with red pepper. The first component has a positive effect on the appearance of new hairs, and the second improves blood circulation and stimulates the growth of the beard in general. The mask is done 3-4 times a week for a month.

Basic rules for using the tool:

  1. Facesteam and wipe with cleansing tonic.
  2. Red pepper is added to the main component. They take a small amount - on the tip of a knife.
  3. Burdock oil with pepper is applied to the growth areas of the bristles.
  4. Cover with a cloth and leave for an hour.
  5. After the specified time, remove the product and lubricate the skin with face cream.

If there is a strong burning sensation, then the mask is removed immediately, without waiting for the end of the procedure. After it, you need to thoroughly wash and apply a moisturizer.

Hair masks

The most common way to use the product is to rub it into the roots of the hair. Before using a mask with burdock oil, it is heated in a water bath. Apply to curls and warm. Withstand for 2 hours. Wash off with water along with shampoo.

If the mask is used to restore hair, then do it every other day. The number of sessions is 15-20. If the mask is used as a prophylaxis, then 1-2 procedures per week are necessary, and a total of 18-20 sessions.

For additional hair nutrition, yolk is used along with burdock oil. It is added to a preheated product. Leave on hair for no more than 40-50 minutes.

Burdock oil with red pepper
Burdock oil with red pepper

For oily hair in 2 tbsp. spoons of burdock oil add red chili pepper (1 teaspoon) and egg white. The mixture is stirred. Apply to scalp and hair. Withstand 1 hour. Wash off with water and shampoo. Avoid getting the mixture in the eyes, due to the content of red pepper.

After just a few treatments, there will be a noticeable improvement in the condition of the hair.

To strengthen the hair, use a mask of burdock oil and yeast. It strengthens hair, reduces hair loss and promotes growth.

2 tbsp. spoons of baker's yeast and the same amount of warm milk are thoroughly mixed. Then add 1 teaspoon of honey and leave for 20 minutes in a warm place. 1 st. a spoonful of burdock and castor oil is mixed with the previously obtained mixture and applied to the hair. Hold for 60 minutes.

Benefits of oil

The main positive properties of the product are its effective care for hair, eyelashes, skin and nails.

Oil Capable:

  • Cover each hair shaft, creating a microfilm. This helps to retain moisture and nutrients inside the hair. The inulin present in the oil, due to its absorbent properties, deeply cleanses the pores of the head.
  • Regular use of the product improves blood circulation, which speeds up metabolic processes and the delivery of nutrients to the hair follicles. Skin regeneration processes improve and resistance to various infectious diseases increases.
  • Most often used burdock oil for hair growth and awakening dormant hair follicles.
  • It also solves the problem associated with the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.
Burdock oil with red
Burdock oil with red

Due to its positive properties, the oil becomes one of the most indispensable means to prevent various diseaseshair. Regular use of the drug can improve their growth.

Oil damage

The tool has not only useful qualities, but can sometimes lead to the following negative effects:

  1. Burdock oil can cause an allergic reaction on the scalp. Before use, a little should be applied to the elbow crease.
  2. Use oil for oily hair with caution. Such masks can worsen the condition of the strands due to their frequent washing.
  3. The frequent use of oil can wash off the paint used for dyeing. Therefore, girls should not get carried away with masks with burdock oil to preserve the shade of their curls.

Sometimes, after applying the product, the curls fall out hard. This is due to the fact that the hairs that fell out were already dead, and the oil component greatly accelerated this process. However, after a few procedures, the condition of the strands will improve, they will become he althy and shiny.


Due to the fact that burdock oil is a completely natural remedy, its individual intolerance is possible. Various additives in it can lead to allergic reactions.

Be careful when using burdock oil with pepper, nettle and various vitamin complexes.

Burdock oil for eyelashes
Burdock oil for eyelashes

In any case, it is best to test before applying the oil. Apply a little on the elbow and wait for 20 minutes. If there are no skin reactionsobserved, then burdock oil can be safely used for cosmetic procedures. Their duration will depend on the composition of the masks.


Burdock oil is an effective tool that can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. After using it, the hair becomes smooth and he althy. During the period of application of the remedy, it is necessary to take into account the existing contraindications.
