Dejerine-Klumpke palsy is mostly found as a birth injury. Birth damage is both a negative mechanical effect of external factors on the internal organs of a newborn during labor with a disorder of the corresponding functions and the reaction of the newborn's body to these effects.
Possible causes

There are a number of specific reasons why birth trauma can occur. For example:
- Disproportionate size of the newborn and birth canals.
- Problems arising from manual or surgical procedures (such as caesarean section).
- Prolonged pregnancy.
- Excessive newborn weight.
- Deviations in the development of the newborn.
- Abnormal fetal position.
- Misuse of vacuum.
- Small birth canal.
- Bone or bone-cartilaginous growth of bone of non-malignant etiology.
Dejerine-Klumpke paralysis can be initiated by various mechanicalinjuries, including lesions of the spinal cord at the C7-T1 site or the middle and lower nodes of the brachial plexus.
Among the adult population, Dejerie-Klumpke palsy is also possible, caused by a fracture of the collarbone, damage to the shoulder, cuts, stab wounds and gunshot wounds.
Main symptoms
Clinical signs of Dejerine-Klumpke palsy are not always present, but the most common symptom of pathology is paralysis of the lower section of the humerus. In this case, the hand without movement is located along the body, and the wrist hangs relaxed. It is noted that any body movements of the wrist and elbow joint are too difficult, but movement of the shoulder is possible.
Disease diagnosis

The definition of this disease is not difficult, given the possibility of using physical research methods and a neurological symptom complex. In exceptional situations, the doctor may issue a referral for an X-ray examination.
Treatment of disease
In the case of a birth injury with Dejerine-Klumpke paralysis, the newborn is given absolute rest so that natural feeding is excluded and the probe method is used. The attending physician prescribes oxygen therapy, certain vitamins, glucose, substances that affect the cardiovascular apparatus, drugs that reduce the excitability of the central nervous system and anti-hemorrhagic substances.

Note that manydrugs have contraindications, and before using them, you should consult a specialist!
Relanium (Diazepam) is a psychotropic drug. The dosage of the child is prescribed individually due to many factors: age, level of physical development, general condition and the overall impact of the treatment. Initially prescribed to take four times a day in the amount of about 2 milligrams. However, this dose may vary according to the reasons described above.
Vikasol (Vitamin K) is an antihemorrhagic drug. It is prescribed to regulate hemostasis. Intramuscular application of a 1% solution in the amount of 0.5-1 milligram is prescribed for a course of three days.
Calcium gluconate is a blood clotting agent. Oral administration is prescribed three times a day in portions of 0.5 grams for a course of three days.
"Dibazol" ("Bedazol") is a substance that supports the functioning of the central nervous system. Oral administration is prescribed twice a day for two milligrams in a course of 10 days.
"Cerebrozilin" is a drug that affects higher mental functions. Parenteral administration is prescribed, namely intravenous injections while maintaining the proportions of 0.1-0.2 milliliters per 1 kg of the patient's body weight. It is recommended to take a course of 10-20 days with daily use of the drug. During the course, the attending physician notes the daily condition of the patient, and if the condition improves, prolongs the intake of this drug, that is, prescribes a second course. Throughout therapy, the frequency of injections may decrease tofour or nine per course.
"Lidase" ("Hyaluronidase") - enzymes that can break down acid mucopolysaccharides. In case of mechanical damage to the nerve nodes and the periphery, subcutaneous application of the drug at the site of the damaged nerve is prescribed every two days with a course of 12 to 15 injections. The attending physician, if necessary, can repeat the course.
It is also worth noting that consultations with a pediatrician, neurologist and orthopedist will not be superfluous.
Conclusion of doctors

When one of the symptoms of Dejerine-Klumpke paralysis appears, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Only after passing a complete medical examination, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment. It is forbidden to engage in self-medication, as this will only aggravate the situation and harm the general state of he alth. Alternative methods of treatment in frequent cases cause a lot of side effects, since they have the same properties as antibiotics. It is not always possible for a doctor to diagnose Dejerine-Klumpke paralysis after a visual examination. X-ray photo will help to see the clinical picture of the patient.