"Norditropin NordiLet": instructions, composition, analogues and reviews

"Norditropin NordiLet": instructions, composition, analogues and reviews
"Norditropin NordiLet": instructions, composition, analogues and reviews

In some cases, both adults and children are faced with such a problem as a lack of growth hormone. However, fortunately, medicine does not stand still, so there are special drugs that can solve this problem. One of them is Norditropin NordiLet.

In this article we will get acquainted with what this drug is, and also learn how to take it correctly and in what cases, composition, analogues, as well as the opinions of doctors and patients about it.

Carefully read this information in order to arm and protect yourself as much as possible. And so, let's get started.

A few words about the composition and form of release

The drug "Norditropin NordiLet" is available in the form of injections intended for subcutaneous administration. The active ingredient in this drug is human growth hormone.somatropin.

syringe pen
syringe pen

Each ampoule contains 1.5 ml of liquid. It may contain five, ten or fifteen milligrams of the active substance. In addition to the main component, Norditropin NordiLet also contains auxiliary elements such as mannitol, histidine, sodium hydroxide, phenol, and water for injection.

The drug itself is a colorless transparent liquid. The medicine is sold in glass cartridges, which are installed in special syringe pens designed for reusable injections. Each package contains one such device with a dispenser.

When children can use

The drug "Norditropin NordiLet" has a rather narrow range of applications for children. Usually the remedy is assigned to this category of the population in such cases:

  • significantly stunted growth due to insufficient production of natural growth hormone;
  • growth retardation in small women suffering from Shereshevsky-Turner symptom;
  • the remedy can also be used in children suffering from short stature, which began to occur even in the prenatal period, as well as at a later age;
  • also doctors prescribe Norditropin NordiLet to pubertal patients suffering from a serious form of chronic liver failure.

Can adults use

In some cases, doctors also prescribe this drug to adult patients. The drug "Norditropin NordiLet"the instruction recommends using it for people suffering from growth hormone deficiency or a severe lack of several hormones at once. Such a pathology can occur as a result of malfunctioning of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland, or after an injury or radio wave exposure.

Small child
Small child

Also, the remedy can be used by adult patients who suffered from insufficient production of growth hormone in childhood. In this case, it is very important to carry out tests to determine the secretory ability of this drug.

Pharmacological features

"Norditropin NordiLet" instruction describes how a drug that can accelerate the growth of the human body. Using this tool for children, you can accelerate their linear growth. But using it for adults, you can influence the growth of muscle tissue, while reducing the layer of fat. In addition, this drug is able to fill the body with energy and significantly reduce fatigue.

The drug stimulates the growth of skeletal muscles, and also increases the quantity and quality of muscle cells, taking an active part in metabolic processes in the body.

"Norditropin NordiLet": instructions for use

Of course, this medication, like any other drug, is very important to use correctly. Only in this case, you can count on positive results from the treatment.

Please note, this remedy is administered subcutaneously only. In no case should it be used intravenously or intramuscularly. One drug is injectedonce a day at night. In order to eliminate the risk of developing lipoatrophy, it is very important to inject the drug each time in different places. In addition, it will help reduce the pain from the procedure.

The dosage should be calculated individually depending on the age of the patient, as well as on the individual characteristics of his body.

If the child suffers from insufficient production of growth hormone, then the remedy is used at a dosage of 25-35 mcg per kilogram of the baby's body weight. If the problem arose against the background of liver failure or in the presence of Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, the dosage should be 50 mcg per unit mass.

Small child
Small child

If this remedy is used by adults as a method of replacement therapy, then experts recommend starting the treatment process with the lowest possible dosages. You need to increase them very gradually, once a month, bringing them to the required amount. It is very important to regularly monitor the level of hormones in the blood by taking tests for this. Keep in mind, the older the patient gets, the less growth hormone his body needs.

Once again it is worth recalling that the dosage of the drug "Norditropin NordiLet 10 mg" is selected individually. However, most often it does not exceed 1 mg per day.

Is it possible to overdose

It is very important to calculate the dose correctly. In no case do not correct it at home on your own, as you can cause great damage to your body.

If an overdose does occur,the very first symptom may be hypoglycemia, which will gradually turn into hyperglycemia. If the overdose is prolonged, then this can lead to an overabundance of growth hormone in the body. In adults, against this background, acromegaly may occur, and in children, gigantism. In some cases, hypothyroidism may also develop.

In order to deal with the consequences, it is necessary to cancel the use of the drug "Norditropin NordiLet", the dosage of which was calculated incorrectly, and also, if necessary, to carry out symptomatic treatment.

Adverse reactions

Be sure to take into account that this remedy is a very serious drug, so it must be used with extreme caution, otherwise it may be fraught with unwanted reactions. Consider what side effects the use of the Norditropin NordiLet pen syringe can lead to:

Adverse reactions may occur from the peripheral and central nervous system. Patients experienced such phenomena as "tunnel syndrome" and paresthesia. In very rare cases, the use of this drug leads to intracranial hypertension, which makes itself felt in the form of severe headaches, nausea, weakness, loss of consciousness and vomiting. Most often, adverse reactions are observed in adults. In children, the course of treatment usually passes without consequences. In rare cases, minor headaches may occur

child at the doctor
child at the doctor
  • Unwanted effects may also affect activitiesmusculoskeletal system. The patient may complain of pain in the muscles or joints.
  • The tool can also affect the metabolic processes in the body, which most often leads to fluid retention.
  • Changes can occur in the hormonal system as a whole. For example, the levels of inorganic phosphate or thyroid hormone may increase significantly in the blood.
  • It is also worth considering that the Norditropin NordiLet pen can cause symptoms of allergic reactions in your body. Usually such manifestations make themselves felt in the form of itching, hives or rash.
  • The occurrence of local reactions at the injection site is not excluded. Therefore, doctors recommend using the injection on a different area of the skin each time.

Are there any contraindications for use

Be sure to carefully read the description of "Norditropin NordiLet" before using this medication, because it has contraindications that must be taken into account without fail. So let's see what we're talking about:

In no case should you use this remedy in the presence of malignant tumors. Only in rare cases, doctors can prescribe this drug to those patients whose tumor is in an inactive state. Also, the tool can be used after medical therapy

doctor visit
doctor visit
  • Also, the tool is prohibited to use immediately after surgery. It is highly recommended to wait untilthe recovery period will not end.
  • And, of course, you can not take this medication if you suffer from hypersensitivity to any component that is part of this drug.

In some cases, under the strict supervision of specialists, the syringe pen "Norditropin NordiLet 10 mg" is prescribed to patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism or intracranial hypertension.

Can pregnant and lactating women use

At the moment, there is not enough objective data confirming the fact that the use of this hormone will be safe for a pregnant woman, as well as for her unborn baby. Therefore, experts are forbidden to take this medicine during pregnancy.

It is also not allowed to use the drug during breastfeeding, since the hormone somatropin, which is part of the drug, can penetrate into mother's milk.

Features of interaction with other drugs

The use of steroid hormones simultaneously with "Norditropin NordiLet" can inhibit cell growth, which means that the effect of the use of somatropin will be significantly reduced. Also, the effectiveness of this drug can be significantly affected by its combination with other medicines containing hormones. This is especially true for steroid hormones and the thyroid gland, as well as estrogens.

How to use the pen

We have already said that before using this tool it is very important to correctly determinedosage in milligrams. Before you inject the medicine, you need to convert its amount into clicks. To do this, you just need to set the dose and start administering it. To determine the number of clicks, you will need to use a special table, which will be indicated in the instructions for use.

Now consider how to use the syringe pen:

  1. First, remove the cap from the pen.
  2. Now remove the protective sticker from the needle, and attach the needle to the pen.
  3. Then check if the drug is being delivered. Be sure to check that there is no air in the syringe.
  4. Hold the syringe with the needle up, start turning the cartridge in the direction of the arrow that is drawn on it. Turn it until you see the first drop of medicine at the end of the needle. You can use the drug only after that.

It is very important to check that you have accurately bled the air out of the instrument. Never use a pen if you are in doubt about its serviceability.

height measurement
height measurement

Now it is very important to set the dose correctly. To do this, put a cap on the pen and set the number "0". Hold the syringe horizontally and twist the cap until you get the dose you need. On the syringe you will see numbers that will show how many clicks you have made. Note that one full turn of the knob takes five beeps.

Features of storage and use

"Norditropin NordiLet" is available in pharmacies very often. If you arein small towns where such a product is not imported, contact trusted online pharmacies.

In order for this medicinal product to retain all its medicinal properties over the prescribed period, and also not to deteriorate, it is very important to store it correctly.

Never leave the preparation in direct sunlight, and do not freeze it. If the storage temperature of the medicine was below zero degrees, the medicine should never be used.

It is best to keep the product in the refrigerator at a temperature of two to four degrees Celsius. If you have already started using the medication, then you can store it for twenty-eight days. This should take place in the refrigerator at a regular temperature, or no more than three weeks at temperatures up to twenty-five degrees Celsius.

Norditropin NordiLet syringe pen is designed for multiple injections. After the medicine in the syringe runs out, the device can be thrown into the trash. Only use the solution if it is still clear.

"Norditropin NordiLet": analogues

As you know, drugs that contain the same active ingredient or have a similar effect on the body are considered analogues.

The active ingredient of this drug is somatropin. This growth hormone can also be found in medicines such as Genotropin, Saizen, Rastan, Omnitrop. Before using each of the listed means, it is very important to read the opinionspecialist. After all, self-medication can be very dangerous for your he alth.

Opinions of doctors and patients

According to the reviews, "Norditropin NordiLet" perfectly copes with its purpose. Doctors very often prescribe this remedy to their patients, as they are confident in its effectiveness.

In children, the use of this drug significantly improves the development of the musculoskeletal system. The medicine is perfect for both the smallest children and teenagers. According to parents, Norditropin NordiLet improves the overall development of the child and accelerates growth. Most of them are satisfied with the effect of the drug.

thin man
thin man

The remedy is also prescribed for adults as a method of replacement therapy. The drug is intended for long-term use, but gives good results in a short time. The main thing is to choose the right dosage, and then the treatment will proceed smoothly, without all sorts of side effects.
