Diseases of the genitourinary system are now very common. One of these ailments is cystitis, which is manifested by painful sensations that you want to get rid of as soon as possible. Cystitis affects both women and men, but the fair sex suffers from this trouble much more often.
Doctors strongly recommend the prevention of such a disease. In this article, we will try to figure out what cystitis is, the prevention and treatment of which will also be considered.
Causes of cystitis
This disease is an inflammation of the walls of the bladder, which is a kind of reservoir for storing urine. Most often, inflammation of this organ occurs due to an infection that enters it from the urethra. The female urethra is much shorter than the male urethra, which is why women suffer from cystitis much more often.
Contributes to the occurrence of inflammation of the bladder hypothermia. If a girl wears thin trousers or tights in winter, the perineal tissues begin to experience stress. ATIn the small pelvis, the narrowing of the blood vessels occurs, and the tissues of the urinary organs cease to receive nutrition in full. At the same time, immunity begins to decline, which allows the infection to penetrate more easily and develop an inflammatory process.

Infection can penetrate into the excretory tract due to poor personal hygiene, promiscuous sex, a rare change of underwear. In addition, promiscuity contributes to inflammation of the internal genital organs, which often leads to infertility.
Infection can enter the bladder through the ureters from the kidneys in diseases such as glomerulonephritis and urolithiasis. If the body has a focus of chronic infection, then the immune system is unable to resist the constant attacks of microbes and the infection penetrates into the bloodstream. In addition, cystitis can occur after the flu or a viral infection.
How does cystitis manifest itself?
In winter and autumn, most often there is a decrease in the body's defenses, as a result of which inflammation of the bladder begins to progress and becomes chronic. Immunity may decrease due to hormonal disorders in a woman's body during pregnancy or menopause.
Cystitis in the form of manifestation is acute and chronic. This disease is manifested by painful sensations during urination, as well as pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the perineum or lower back. Sometimes the acute form is characterized by mucus or blood in the urine.

Acute cystitis becomes chronic due to improper treatment. The chronic form has less pronounced symptoms, but its relapses occur very often, as soon as the slightest decrease in immunity occurs. It is very difficult to treat this form, as microorganisms begin to increase resistance to antibiotics.
Prevention of cystitis
In order for this disease to occur as rarely as possible, its prevention is necessary. Cystitis often occurs due to stagnation of blood in the pelvis and a violation of normal blood circulation. This happens when you sit in one place for too long. Therefore, it is necessary to get up every hour for a few minutes and warm up a little. Blood stasis can be caused by wearing too tight underwear or tight jeans.
It is recommended to monitor personal hygiene, shower should be taken twice a day. Particularly careful hygiene procedures must be carried out during menstruation, when bacterial infections can easily be picked up.
In no case should you supercool both in the cold and warm seasons. Even a wet swimsuit can cause inflammation and then cystitis.
Dressing for the season is also prevention. Cystitis is dangerous for its complications, its chronic form can cause infertility or pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys.
All carious teeth that are a source of bacteria should be treated. They cause not only cystitis, but also diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The bladder should not beovercrowded, because of this, the walls are stretched and thinned. In addition, if it is a long period, then any infection can easily enter the bladder.
Constipation also contributes to the occurrence of cystitis. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly cleanse the body and include more fresh vegetables and fruits with a high fiber content in your diet. This has a beneficial effect on the intestinal walls, normalizing the process of natural cleansing.
You should avoid fried, spicy and fatty foods that irritate the walls of the bladder. Food should be eaten often, in small portions. It is desirable that these are vegetable dishes and fruits. Freshly squeezed juices are of great benefit, best of all from sour berries. S alt is better to limit or completely eliminate.
Properly selected contraceptives are also prevention. Cystitis occurs due to their uncontrolled use.
Chronic cystitis prevention measures
The chronic form of this disease occurs when the patient does not see a doctor in time or due to improper treatment of the disease at an early stage. Prevention of chronic cystitis is to follow simple rules:
- avoid hypothermia, especially in the pelvis and legs;
- do not eat spicy food;
- drink every day 8-10 glasses of pure water, washing out the harmful microflora.
Measures to prevent cystitis in women
The fair sex is more likely than men to suffer from inflammation of the bladder. This happens due tothat women have a wide urethra, and the urethra and anus are very close to each other. In 70% of cases, cystitis is caused by Escherichia coli. A recurrence of the disease occurs in about a quarter of women six months after treatment. With age, this disease worsens more and more often.

Prevention of cystitis in women is reduced to the following rules:
- so that E. coli does not penetrate the urethra, it is necessary to wash in the backward direction;
- pads and underwear should be changed regularly;
- during menstruation, instead of tampons, it is best to use pads;
- it is not recommended to wear tight underwear that can rub, which causes inflammation and irritation;
- dysbacteriosis, inflammatory processes and candidiasis begin to destroy the natural microflora of the vagina, causing inflammation of the bladder.
Preventive measures should be taught to girls from an early age, because if a child has had cystitis before the age of 15, the risk of a permanent recurrence of the disease increases many times.
Prevention of cystitis in men
Inflammation of the bladder in men is much less common, treated easier and easier, but the pain when urinating is just as strong. Preventive measures are general. But it is necessary to note the main reasons leading to the occurrence of cystitis in men:
- prostate infection, prostatitis;
- inflammation of the ureters and kidneys;
- prostate enlargementor her swelling, other reasons that impede the passage of urine;
- narrowing of the urethra;
- transmission of infection through the circulatory system.

Knowing about the predisposition to this disease and getting rid of the foci of infections in the body in time, you can prevent the aggravation of inflammation.
Prevention measures for postcoital cystitis
It often happens that after sexual intercourse, a woman's bladder inflammation worsens. In this case, it is necessary to be treated, and after that, in order to avoid relapse, preventive measures should be taken.
Prevention of postcoital cystitis is to follow very important rules:
- Be sure to check for sexually transmitted diseases. If there are several partners, it is necessary to check constantly.
- Wash your hands and genitals before and after sexual intercourse.
- Poses that injure a woman's urethra should be used as little as possible.
- It is impossible to allow various irritations of the mucosa. It is forbidden to use condoms without lubrication, as vaginal dryness leads to various microtraumas and microcracks.
- Before and after sexual intercourse, it is necessary to empty the bladder. It is believed that this approach helps to reduce the risk of inflammation.
Drugs for the prevention of cystitis
Women are prescribed herbal remedies to prevent inflammation of the bladder. They can be used for a very long time and theyhave practically no contraindications. The most popular are such herbal medicines as Fitolizin, Monurel, Canephron.
The drug for the prevention of cystitis "Fitolysin" is intended for patients with urolithiasis, when inflammation occurs due to mechanical irritation of the bladder with stones or sand.
"Monurel" is a herbal supplement that is used for frequent exacerbations of the disease. "Canephron" is used for the complex treatment of cystitis and for prevention.
Prevention of cystitis with pills

The most effective remedies for treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor. With their help, the prevention of cystitis is also carried out. Tablets (antibiotics) do an excellent job with this disease. Norfloxacin is considered the most effective drug, which is used in combination with such uroseptics as Furagin or Furadonin, and the antifungal agent Nystatin.
Using herbal teas
Herbal infusions and decoctions have antimicrobial and antibacterial action, and with the help of them the prevention of cystitis is carried out. Although drugs are considered stronger drugs, herbal preparations are also effective remedies. They can have a weak diuretic effect, eliminate spasms and inflammation. Some herbs help to reduce the acidity of urine, so that it does not irritate the walls of the bladder as much, preventing inflammation.

Instead of tea, you can drink decoctions of bearberry leaves, corn stigmas, cranberries, plantain, chamomile flowers, birch buds. Sometimes dried parsley is used for these purposes. Women who periodically suffer from cystitis should drink these herbs for preventive purposes for 2-3 weeks, taking a break for a week.
Thus, prevention is carried out. Cystitis is an insidious disease that is difficult to treat. Prevention measures help prevent bladder inflammation in both men and women.